At 43 years old, I wont get into the how I got here as it's probably the same path as most others. Two weeks ago my doctor put me on .5 of 200 Cyp once a week. It was against his judgment as he wanted to do 2.0 of 200 Cyp once a month (I know, bad Idea). He wanted me to re-test at two weeks and follow up. I started at the following numbers:
TT - 203 (250 - 1100 Range)
FT - 34.6 (35.0 - 155 Range)
E2 - 18.5 (0.0 - 39.8 Range)
Two weeks in:
TT - 1046
FT - 214
E2 - 32.4
I've been doing the labs independently to keep this as much in my control as possible. I'm worried about the FT number, mostly because I don't want him to freek out and force the once a month plan at me. My question is, was 2 weeks to soon to get a fair base number and will these numbers settle down. Honestly, the first two weeks I felt ALOT more um "manly" than I do now. Any constructive input is appreciated.