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Thread: Dosage question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Dosage question

    Hey guys I am taking 100mg twice a week anastrozol half at the same time. My question is my last injection was Friday at 7 pm and I think I feel better today than I usually do within the last 4 days. I am going to pin again tonight. I know I am at a high dose should I cut it in half tonight. I haven't had BW in a while because I had a couple months where I wasn't on because of money problems but I been back on for a couple months now. Thanks

  2. #2
    What was your protocol before you had to stop TRT?
    Did you have labs before starting TRT and then 8 weeks in?
    In other words have you ever been dialed in and if so, I would really just go back to what was working for now and get labs at your 8th week.
    No sense in reinventing the wheel.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    200mg a week is too much .
    cut it down to 150mg, 75mg x2 a week and assess it as you go.

    i wouldn't adjust dosages up and down throughout the week, doesnt make sense and wont keep you stable.

    money problems isnt an excuse to stop trt either, find a cheaper dr. And/or find savings by quitting any vices you may have.

    health first buddy!

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