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Thread: TRT / IncreaseMyT / My Experience

  1. #1

    TRT / IncreaseMyT / My Experience

    Hey guys,

    I just wanted to share my experience with being diagnosed with low T, how I started TRT with, and how it's greatly
    improved my life. I'm hoping that this post can help out some people who are new to TRT and are looking for a reputable place to receive TRT treatment.

    So first a little background on how I got here. I'm 33 years old and I first started showing signs that something was off mid 2015. I was borderline depressed. I had little to no libido. I was anxious all the time. Life just overall kind of sucked in general. I've been into working out and eating clean for the past 4-5 years. I've made some pretty good strength and size gains over that time period but something was amiss in 2015. No matter what I tried it seemed like I was just stuck in a crazy plateau. I couldn't lose fat, my strength had severely stalled out and I just didn't have as much energy as I used to.

    So after doing some research online and talking to some friends who were on TRT at the time I decided to goto my PCP and ask him for a scrip to get some blood work done to test my T levels. I told him my symptoms and he just wanted to write me off and said I should goto a shrink to get medication for depression. I'm like uhm no I'm not taking that shit. I told him I wanted to get blood work done to check my test levels. He was hesitant and pretty much tried to talk me out of getting that done. I'm like look man I just want to get this done for my own piece of mind. So he wrote me the scrip.

    About 3-4 days later I get the results in. Of course he wants me to come in to review the results just so they can get an extra office fee. Bastards lol. Sure enough he reads the results and my total testosterone was 278 ng/dl. Now if you're not familiar with these numbers the average male should be around 679 ng/dl. So yeah I'm on the very low end of the spectrum. He then goes to say yeah your levels are low but I don't think we should treat it. I'm like uhm why is that. He then says, "side effects." That was pretty much the end of our conversation.

    After that I took it upon myself to do some more research about TRT and how I could get started. There were a couple of anti aging clinics in the area but all of them required you to come in weekly for your shots. This was not going to be practical because the closest one was 40 mins away and was only open Mon - Fri. There was no way I could swing that working full time.

    I then came across a link in one of the forums for I read up on their services and really thought to myself that this was too good to be true. Surely this is a scam I thought. But i filled out my information anyways and the next day I was on the phone with one of their reps. I told him my situation and he said I'd be a perfect candidate for TRT. All I had to do was send over my blood work, fill out a couple of forms, and then within a week I had prescriptions for Test Cyp, HCG, and anastrozole delivered right to my doorstep. Their new platform requires you to FaceTime/Skype with one of their physicians for like 10 mins just to go over some stuff but the guy is really cool and makes you feel really comfortable. He can also answer any questions you may have about TRT. It was actually a really beneficial conversation for me.

    So I've been on TRT for about 8 months now and I won't look back. After a couple of weeks my libido came back into full swing. My gym sessions have never been better. My mood has drastically elevated and instead of hating to roll out of bed I look forward to getting the next day started. It has all around been a great experience for me. I really don't understand why Testosterone gets such a bad rep. Sure there are people who abuse it but that can be said about any drug. When used correctly it can greatly increase your quality of life.

    So if you're where I was a year ago, feeling down, lack of energy, lack of libido I would highly recommend you get your blood work done to see what your test levels are. If you have a hormone imbalance it could cause all of these symptoms. Within a month or two you could be completely back on track. I would also highly recommend looking into and their services. It's really convenient to get your scrips delieverd right to your doorstep.

    I really hope this post can help someone out.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Great story really glad your doing so well!!

    Thanks for the review we appreciate it.

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