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  1. #1
    Stormyyy is offline New Member
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    Sep 2016

    Starting TRT again with Questions

    Hi there,

    I am 28 years old and found out last year that I had low T. I have been suffering with anxiety and depression and just feeling out of it for the last several years... probably since I was about 14. I figured it would just from the anxiety and depression, but it got to the point that I was so miserable so the doctor did a full panel and noticed my T was on the low end of normal (207 on a 200 scale total T).

    Anyways, long story short, I went to the Low T Center last year and started TRT and was consistently taking 140 to 160 mgs once a week with 250iu of HCG x2 a week. I was also taking .25mg of the AI as well (I think it was called Andrasole).

    I never felt better on TRT so I stopped and did clomid EOD at 50mg for awhile and saw if my T level would come back up naturally.. it seemed to help but as soon as I stopped taking it, I was back at square one. I went and had my testicles checked by ultrasound for variciles and there was a small one, but the blood flow was the same on both nuts so nothing there.

    So I am stuck with having Low T and my family doctor won't help because I am still a few points higher than the "normal low range." I have now started again with TRT and I'm doing it at home now and it is prescribed by a clinic.

    So I'm trying to get dialed in here.. I have had problems in the past with Hematocrit being too high and I would rather try to keep that as low as possible so the lower the T dose, the better in my eyes.

    I have started out 4 weeks ago with 80mg of Test Cyp x2 a week Tuesday and Friday.
    HCG x2 a week at 500iu on Monday and Thursday.
    No AI

    I started off feeling a little better, but now I am back to being very tired, confused (out of it), a lot of anxiety, etc.. but I'm able to get erections just fine, etc.

    Did I start too high on this protocol? My clinic said that this was a "low" dose compared to a lot of patients, but I feel like the HCG is too high and also the T is too high. I really want to get dialed in this time and will listen to any advice that you can give me.

    Also, I feel really bloated, but don't seem to have any nipple sensitivity or anything like that so I'm not sure if I need an AI or not. Last time I needed an AI according to the clinic, but this new clinic says that with this low of dose, I don't want to crush E2 so they said not to do an AI until I get bloodwork in a few weeks.

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Couldnt you get your family doctor to refer you to a urologist/andrologist? If you mention some form of ED Im sure he has

    Yes HCG is high, but of course only bloodwork could say for sure if e2 is high.

    Stick around, keep using this thread as a sort of log, it can help you keep track of stuff and at same time help others in the "same shoes".

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Blood work tells all. Remember it takes time for some people to dial in and subsequently feel better. It can be multiple months.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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