I am currently on TRT (200 mg. of Test Cyp every two weeks--revising to 100 mg per week). Have just completed a full BW panel which indicated Total Testosterone @ 215 ng/dl (below range) and Free Testosterone @ 5.59 ng/dl (within range but low). I am planning to begin running two cycles per year using 500 mg. of Test/Wk for 10 weeks each--I will run Proviron during the cycles. I am thinking about continuing TRT between cycles without introducing PCT. I recognize that I will likely be shut down as a result of continuous use of Test but, I'm planning on staying on TRT on a permanent basis.
I am wondering what others who run Blast and Cruise are doing. Are others running Nolva/Clomid intermittently. If so, what protocol are you using? Any other thoughts are welcome.