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Thread: Here's the latest labs. Do you think the endocrinologist can or will do anything?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Here's the latest labs. Do you think the endocrinologist can or will do anything?

    It appears I'm still too high of a test range for TRT.
    What about my FSH and LH, is this low enough to worry about?
    Based on my labs does it look like my endocrinologist might be able to do anything for me?

    Creatinine, random urine 161 reference 20-370
    Microalbumin 10.5
    Microalbumin/creatinine ratio, random urine 65 H reference <30

    Lipid panel
    Cholestol, total 194 reference 125-200
    HDL cholestrol 49 reference > OR = 40
    trycglycerides 644 reference <150

    comprehensive metabolic panel
    Glucose 332 reference 65-99
    urea nitrogen (BUN) 9 reference 7-25
    Creatinine 0.96 reference 0.60-1.35
    eGFR non-afr. american 103 reference > OR = 60
    eGFR african american 120 reference > OR = 60
    sodium 135 reference 135-146
    potassium 4.1 reference 3.5-5.3
    chloride 93 L reference 98-110
    carbon dioxide 30 reference 20-31
    calcium 10.1 reference 8.6-10.3
    protein, total 7.6 reference 6.1-8.1
    albumin 4.8 reference 3.6-5.1
    globulin 2.8 reference 1.9-3.7
    albumin/globulin ratio 1.7 reference 1.0-2.5
    bilirubin, total 0.6 reference 0.2-1.2
    alkaline phosphate 90 reference 40-115
    AST 17 reference 10-40
    ALT 37 reference 9-46

    Testosterone, total, LC/MS/MS 340 reference 250-1100
    Free testosterone 68.6 reference 35.0-155.0

    Insulin 5.7 reference 2.0-19.6

    sex hormone binding globulin
    SHBG 21 reference 10-50
    FSH 2.3 reference 1.6-8.0
    LH 2.8 reference 1.5-8.0
    Prolactin 8.0 reference 2.0-18.0

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Do you have diabetes or am I missing something here?

    TG and glucose are elevated. Did you eat right before the test?

    I too thought LH was a bit low with such a T concentration. But I did see your e2.
    Last edited by DocToxin8; 10-19-2016 at 10:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Yes I'm type 2 diabetic and having some issues getting it under control.
    My e2 was not checked.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I was concerned about my FSH because its only .7 into the normal range.

  5. #5
    Right now you have a data point. When you take another blood test, say in 6 weeks, look at the trend of FSH. If it's constant, you're ok. If it's dropping the doc should look at your pituitary. I am concerned about your triglyceride. Your Cholesterol is 199 but that number is invalid because your triglyceride number is so high. A high triglyceride number can artificially pull the cholesterol number up. Your HDL number is good so I'm assuming your cholesterol is also good. You should talk to your doc about your triglyceride numbers. Numbers that high is not good.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thanks for the concern about the triglycerides.
    Its actually come down from where it was.
    On 9/02/2016 the blood work showed my triglycerides at 801.

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