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Thread: best of two sex drive increasers?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    movin' to the country

    best of two sex drive increasers?

    I'm going to try both, but the quantity of one will be significantly greater than the other depending their strengths.
    who has experience with both and which ones bring the most powerful erections + orgasms?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    Cialis, 100%

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    I agree Cialis is more effective but neither one increase sex drive need to be "aroused" for them to work...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Ghettoboyd I agree but also disagree. Speaking from personal experience I feel I have a higher desire for sex while I'm taking a low dose of cialis on a daily basis. I know it does not directly affect sex drive but I believe it indirectly effects it in a big way.
    When I'm not on cialis the only way I can get an errection is through actual stimulation.... and even then the erection isn't that good. When I'm taking cialis I can get hard at just the sight of a naked chick. Or even just my jeans rubbing on it lol. I don't know if it's the increase of blood flow (even when not errect) but my penis has a constant good feeling and I can actually feel it's there, as weird as that sounds. But when I'm off it I feel nothing down there.... and only after some direct stimulation can I get a "spongy" erection.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2013
    Scientifically, neither has a direct effect on sex drive. However, anecdotally, men have claimed to feel more aroused or "horney" when taking one of these meds. I personally feel it makes for a feeling of anticipation which can seem to make a person feel more in the mood. It's well known that the mind has a profound effect on the body.

    There are many reasons for an increase in libido. The right person and the right frame of mind tops my list. The right balance of hormones in the body is the major influence - also common knowledge. DHT is the substance that makes for libido. It also makes for hair loss.

  6. #6
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    May 2016
    I've tried both and it's side-effects that drove my decision. I got the dreaded "blue eye" side effect with Viagra. My eyes became very light sensitive and everything took on a weird blue hue. Scared the $#!^ out of me both times I tired it. Got continually worse for the first hour and then slowly got better during the second hour. Flushed the rest of the pills down the toilet.

    Cialis works very well for me with minimal side-effect at 2.5 to 5 mg daily, though I don't take it daily most of the time. more like 5 mg Friday, 10 mg Saturday, and 5 mg Sunday. Usually gets me through the period of most probably 'activity". I'm sure I could do without it too, it's more of a recreational drug for me. Only side effects that I have at that dosage is occasional nasal congestion and very ridged nocturnal erections that sometimes wake me from sleep and make it difficult to urinate without spraying the bathroom. Laugh, but it's real.

    Regarding libido, it doesn't directly affect libido, but I think one of the former posters hit on why some men report that it enhances it. I find that my penis is more responsive to minor erotic images and thoughts throughout the day. This causes semi-wood which then rubs against my pants during normal activities. This then stimulates more arousal and then it's a self-perpetuating cycle. Kind of like being 18 again. At least that's mu experience.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Tits and ass

  8. #8
    Op don't let price dictate your decision. Both can be bought very cheaply online. I believe I've paid $.38 for a 30mg Cialis and $.50 for a 100mg Viagra. Both actual prescription medication from a pharmaceutical company(lol although it is a foreign company, they still worked very well) I take both from Time to time. Personally I do like Cialis more.
    * I wanted to add these were sale prices. Normal prices are $.76 for the C and $1 for the V
    Last edited by michael30; 11-26-2016 at 05:05 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Actual sex drive? PT-141

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Surrounded by wolves
    I cannot see how enhancing blood flow will affect drive... going a bit OT, what does causes the erection to be weak at the base? I developed this after low T but haven't seen any improvement with TRT, though lately I've been able to achieve partial erections, still, I'm not sure what the issue with the base is. Probably it will just take time I guess.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by KOArtist View Post
    Actual sex drive? PT-141
    now this dose increase sex drive and give incredible erections its a beautiful compound...

  12. #12
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    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    now this dose increase sex drive and give incredible erections its a beautiful compound...
    I actually bought some of this to try but ended up throwing it out because of all the horror stories of it making people nauseous.

  13. #13
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I actually bought some of this to try but ended up throwing it out because of all the horror stories of it making people nauseous.
    it only makes me slightly nauseous at first for a short time when I use it...but if you want a skin splitting erection that will rock your girls world then give it a go....

  14. #14
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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by KOArtist View Post
    Actual sex drive? PT-141
    I went through a PT-141 phase and yes it does work for erections, but I found no affect on actual libido. Dosing for me was a bit tricky. I read of guys stating that 1 mg was optimal, but it made me nauseous and nocturnal erections were extremely painful. 0.5 mg was better but still painful nocturnal erections. Dropping down to 0.25 mg seemed to be Ok, about the same effect as 5 mg Cialis.

    It works by a different mechanism than PDE5 inhibitors like Cialis, so be careful combining them. My experience is that PT-141 increases the erection signal coming from the brain (i.e., it's easier to get an erection) and Cialis (and other PDE5 drugs) amplifies the affect once the signal reaches the penis (i.e., it's easier to sustain an erection). Combining the two lead to some pretty long lasting and somewhat painful nocturnal erections that were very slow to subside. I never felt like I needed to seek medical help, but I could see where that could happen if you try to increase the dose too rapidly.

    Best advise is to start small and work your way up.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    it only makes me slightly nauseous at first for a short time when I use it...but if you want a skin splitting erection that will rock your girls world then give it a go....
    skin splitting huh. that's a good description. those are the best kind without a doubt. i think we can all relate to one another in this department gents.

    i got like 30 Viagra because someone told me the erections are more powerful. no biggy. i'll probably end up giving some away. i'll try Cialis at some point too.
    i may try some of that PT 141 though. it looks to be a bit on the pricey side. 30 bucks for 10mg. how long does it last once reconstituted?

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