hi guys.
TRT isn't my area of expertis so would appreciate some help. My bro is on TRT, 1000mg test undecanoate(nebido) every 10weeks, so very long lasting.
test levels on 290 prior to TRT. Doc trying to get long term levels at approx 600 with trt. LH, FSH normal.
5-6prior cycles. current stats, 38years, 190lbs, 10% bf.
Want to blast with a 12week cycle:
500mg test enanthate w1-12, inj 2times week
400mg primobolan w1-12, inj 2times week
maybe some hcg w10- to get the jewels working so they don't shrink too much.. kidz is not an issue , done that👍
goals to gain lean muscle and burn som fat. diet wil be strict.