Back in Sept to October my Primary Doctor had me stop TRT because my Hematocrit was too High it was 51 at the time.

At the end of the Two months they tested it again and it was 42.

They didn't want to put me back on TRT so I put myself back on it anyways.

I read on-line that one way to keep your HCT down was with daily injections.

So I proceeded to inject 28mcg of Test Cyp (10/25) for 21 days until I had the blood work run, which is 196mcg per week.

I also injected 250mg of HCG and .25mcg of Arimidex 2 x a week.

During this time I also started on Trenbolone (11/7) 50mcg, Mon., Wed., Fri.

On blood draw day I had my blood drawn in the morning prior to my Daily Test injections.

I had my HCT run after 21 days and it was 43.1.

My Total Test: 589 348 -1197

Free Test:25.9 6.8 -21.5

Estradiol - Sensitive 50.7 8.0 - 35.0

So Daily injections did bring my HCT down. But when I was doing 2 x weekly of Test Cyp (160mcg), My total Test would be in the High 800's , Free Test about the same, and my E2 would be about 30 (with 2 x weekly of Arimidex)

Any thoughts on Keeping my HCT in check with Every Day Injections and some how increasing my Total Test and Lowering my E2.

I'm thinking I probably will have to go back to 2 x a Week Injections and try to keep my HCT lowered with blood donations.

When I stopped TRT I immediately got brain fog and lowered libido.

When I started back on TRT the brain fog went away and the libido came back for about the first 2 weeks.

I was on my 4TH dose of Tren A when I had the blood work done. Not sure if Tren has any effect on Total T or E2 levels?
