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Thread: No TRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    No TRT

    Well, trying to get on TRT has shown me that I am healthy. I have had so many different tests that I can actual?y say that I am healthy (except for test level). Even had chest x-rays to try and figure out the fatigue factor even though test is low.
    Endo said total doesn't matter, my free is low but within range so I am fine. Risks outweigh the benefits. Went back to my Dr. And he said there is no way that he will overide a specialist and saying that there are numerous things that cause fatigue and we can continue testing.
    I asked to see an andrologist, and he did not know what that was.
    My efforts are over trying to get on TRT too much money spent testing and it seems that testosterone is a bad word here. I wasn't sure if I still had any blood in my system from all of the testing.
    Time to focus on competition.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    Clomid therapy ,self administerd.

    Are you taking medication,how are your vitaminD levels.Post up your results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Well, trying to get on TRT has shown me that I am healthy. I have had so many different tests that I can actual?y say that I am healthy (except for test level). Even had chest x-rays to try and figure out the fatigue factor even though test is low.
    Endo said total doesn't matter, my free is low but within range so I am fine. Risks outweigh the benefits. Went back to my Dr. And he said there is no way that he will overide a specialist and saying that there are numerous things that cause fatigue and we can continue testing.
    I asked to see an andrologist, and he did not know what that was.
    My efforts are over trying to get on TRT too much money spent testing and it seems that testosterone is a bad word here. I wasn't sure if I still had any blood in my system from all of the testing.
    Time to focus on competition.
    Don't worry, you will soon get prescribed your friendly SSRI for the fatigue.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    Don't worry, you will soon get prescribed your friendly SSRI for the fatigue.
    Funny, SSRIs will make all the low T symptoms worse in most cases especially lethargy and low libido.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowhand View Post
    Funny, SSRIs will make all the low T symptoms worse in most cases especially lethargy and low libido.
    Of course it will, yet docs consider them safer than TRT, even when levels are obviously in the sink.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972
    Clomid therapy ,self administerd. Are you taking medication,how are your vitaminD levels.Post up your results.
    I will need to get them and input them. There are so many. Everything checked out fine. No anemia, chest is fine, blood cells fine, kidneys fine, etc.

  7. #7
    Before I went on TRT, I got all the tests and saw an endo with the results. He said he could put me on TRT but I opted not to do it with the endo. Why? I didn't want it to show up in my medical records. I might be paranoid but I don't want the insurance company to point to the TRT as a source of some odd ailment. Regardless, I'm on 150mg/wk of Test Cyp and my numbers are all "normal". My GP thinks I'm a genetic marvel. LOL

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Before I went on TRT, I got all the tests and saw an endo with the results. He said he could put me on TRT but I opted not to do it with the endo. Why? I didn't want it to show up in my medical records. I might be paranoid but I don't want the insurance company to point to the TRT as a source of some odd ailment. Regardless, I'm on 150mg/wk of Test Cyp and my numbers are all "normal". My GP thinks I'm a genetic marvel. LOL
    Does he know you're on TRT or does your GP just never check LH/FSH?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02
    Before I went on TRT, I got all the tests and saw an endo with the results. He said he could put me on TRT but I opted not to do it with the endo. Why? I didn't want it to show up in my medical records. I might be paranoid but I don't want the insurance company to point to the TRT as a source of some odd ailment. Regardless, I'm on 150mg/wk of Test Cyp and my numbers are all "normal". My GP thinks I'm a genetic marvel. LOL
    The GP records also go to your insurance don't they?

  10. #10
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro
    Don't worry, you will soon get prescribed your friendly SSRI for the fatigue.
    Please excuse the ignorance... What is SSRI?
    The funny thing to all of this is I was prescribed androgel... I refused because it can be transmitted. I was prescribed test and then endo wanted to check the free test before executing.
    I think that this tells me how effective androgel is.

  11. #11
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    SSRI is an anti-depressant medication. When docs cannot find or refuse to see the obvious cause for psychosomatic symptoms such as fatigue you usually get proposed a prescription, yet no specialist intervention nor risk/benefit ratio like in the case of TRT will apply, they just get handed to you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972
    Clomid therapy ,self administerd. Are you taking medication,how are your vitaminD levels.Post up your results.
    which ones in particular are you looking for? I could not find vitamin D levels in all of the testing.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Please excuse the ignorance... What is SSRI?
    The funny thing to all of this is I was prescribed androgel... I refused because it can be transmitted. I was prescribed test and then endo wanted to check the free test before executing.
    I think that this tells me how effective androgel is.
    SSRIs the world call them zoloft and prozac, to name the most prescribed

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