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Thread: Dropping HCG

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Dropping HCG

    I have a lot of extra testosterone...probably a good 6 months worth but ran out of HCG and doc wants a grand in fees for my follow up visit and all that just to get an HCG refill. Anyone do this and found they never missed the HCG for awhile or just drop it completely? I'm done having kids so no concern there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    nova scotia
    I would look elsewhere before deciding to drop it all together.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    You can surely find it somewhere else for less than a grand! And its not really worth risking your body! Everyone is different so even if one person does not miss it when they drop it you could react completely different.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    For how long is the supply for??

    Its amazing how much this clinics are taking advantage of ppl over there.

    With a prescription you can walk in to a pharmacy everywhere in europe and buy 5000ui Pregnyl for about 6€.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It's ridiculous. The thousand dollars is for one of the actual doctor visits, full blood work and all that that he wants done yearly. This DOES NOT even include the test and hcg. I pay the pharmacy direct for that. I just need a damn vial of HCG and he won't call in a refill. Done with him and finding someone else. I thought it was fairly easy to source HCG. Shoulda kept those links.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2016
    I went through a similar situation. I started out with a very expensive MD who specializes in male HRT but does not take insurance. I am very grateful to him for getting started on a very good program, but the fees were killing me. I eventually convinced my local family doc to take over treatment. She was aware of me getting treatment from the specialist and additionally monitored my progress over several years. This allowed her to gain confidence in the treatment when she saw the beneficial effects.

    Regarding HCG, she does write me a script in addition to my normal T, which I get filled from a compound pharmacy, but it is very expensive. It has to be shipped overnight due to stability issues, and shipping is almost as much as the HCG. They will only fill 5 mL at a time too because of shelf life.

    So, my solution is to occasionally (like twice a year) order the stuff from them so that I have a valid prescription (makes me feel better). Usually I combine this with my T refills so that the two can be shipped together to save money. Then I order HCG on the internet from an overseas vendor I have come to trust. The stuff works as well as the stuff I get from the pharmacy and perhaps even better since it comes lyophilized and I mix it up myself 5,000 IU at a time. It costs a fraction of what it costs from the compound pharmacy. You just have to be willing to become an outlaw to do this.

    Yes, it sucks being a guy who needs TRT in America. They hand out hormones to women past 50 like candy, but try to get a doc to prescribe TRT and you either have to beg or become an outlaw.

    Quote Originally Posted by JimR View Post
    It's ridiculous. The thousand dollars is for one of the actual doctor visits, full blood work and all that that he wants done yearly. This DOES NOT even include the test and hcg. I pay the pharmacy direct for that. I just need a damn vial of HCG and he won't call in a refill. Done with him and finding someone else. I thought it was fairly easy to source HCG. Shoulda kept those links.

  7. #7
    No prescription necessary. www. reliable canadian

    (I do not receive anything for passing this info along)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I have ran 12 week cycles test c and test p without hcg. Not smart. Hell maybe my nuts shank, dunno... it will take longer for them to come back online either way. I definitely wouldnt run a heavy cycle without it. Thats a lie I would if I had to but shouldnt.

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