Ive never had progesterone tested before so i don't know what i am usually but i assume it's the npp doing this correct? Ive got caber on hand but how much how often? And i never had any problem when npp was 120 mg a week just when i upped it to 200. BTW I do inject 3 times a week because of the short half life of npp. Maybe just dose caber once or twice and go back to 120 mg a week? I'm only using the npp for joints and assumed npp could go higher than test since it wasn't nandralone decca. I'm starting to get dreaded decca dick from progesterone is why i even tested

Progesterone .4 refernce range 0.0-.1 nb/nl

Then it says below that
**Effective Feb 6 2017 the reference interval for progesterone males will be changing to 0.0-0.5