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Thread: my own TRT protocol, when check E2?

  1. #1
    assguy22's Avatar
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    my own TRT protocol, when check E2?


    I've started two weeks ago my own TRT, bought 200mg of Test Enantathe and dose 100mg Monday + 100mg Thursday. Just want to know when should I test my E2 levels. Should I wait 2 weeks more? (I will make bloodwork on Thursday prior to injection. I have a-dex in hand so I will start with minimal dose if E2 is too high. Maybe 1/3 on Monday and 1/3 on Thursday would be a good start. What do you think?

    I will add 100mg Monday + 100 Thursday of Masteron Eth. mixed with the Test injection on July. Does It decrease E2 levels? Heard about the SERM effect of Masteron.

    Thank you.

    PS. My current T level is in the 300'sh
    Last edited by assguy22; 04-22-2018 at 06:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    200mg is very high dosage for TRT and masteron is not really a part of any TRT protocol.

    If you want to run a cycle fine, but please dont call it TRT. TRT is treatment for hypogonadism, is not something someone healthy should be thinking of.

  3. #3
    assguy22's Avatar
    assguy22 is offline Junior Member
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    Some people uses 80x2/week and is in the high end.

    I just want to try, will down dosage if it is >900.

    And masteron .. yes, is a blast for this summer. There are many ppl out there using it with trt protocol.

  4. #4
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    200mg is very high dosage for TRT and masteron is not really a part of any TRT protocol.

    If you want to run a cycle fine, but please dont call it TRT. TRT is treatment for hypogonadism, is not something someone healthy should be thinking of.
    How interesting to read this post. I just got on my soap box and preached the exact same thing in another post a minute or so ago. I agree with both of your points:

    - 200mg per week is way too high of a starting dose for TRT
    - Adding in synthetic anabolic steroids has no place in TRT protocols
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  5. #5
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    In answer to the original question, for TRT protocols, I usually recommend starting at 100mg per week split into at least 2 doses (I prefer E3D dosing). Then wait 6 weeks for your hormones to adjust to their new equilibrium (Yes, it takes that long), and then retest. However, in this case with such a high starting dose, your E will certainly be out of range in a short period of time and will probably continue to raise for up to 6 weeks as the T levels also build up. An early test may be warranted, but I have no advice to give on addressing the E issue, as I also have no experience with such high doses of T.

    BTW, E is not the only side-effect you should be worried about. Your hemoglobin will quickly go out of range too, putting you at high risk of a heart attack and/or stroke. Your lipids will also be severely compromised and cause long-term hardening and constricting of heart and other cardiovascular vessels in your body. You need to think about dealing with these side-effects too.
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  6. #6
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    How interesting to read this post. I just got on my soap box and preached the exact same thing in another post a minute or so ago. I agree with both of your points:

    - 200mg per week is way too high of a starting dose for TRT
    - Adding in synthetic anabolic steroids has no place in TRT protocols
    masterone, proviron , tren all the same. lol just toss them on in

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Cut your dose in half and evaluate blood work in 6 weeks and adjust. Don't over-complicate it. Realize TRT is about your long term health.
    Cycle all you like once dialed in.
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  8. #8
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    How interesting to read this post. I just got on my soap box and preached the exact same thing in another post a minute or so ago. I agree with both of your points:

    - 200mg per week is way too high of a starting dose for TRT
    - Adding in synthetic anabolic steroids has no place in TRT protocols
    I might of been one of those guys, I do value your thoughts , I guess I was probably thinking the same thing ( looking a little better for summer ) but I completely understand using syth is not the way to go

  9. #9
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    I might of been one of those guys, I do value your thoughts , I guess I was probably thinking the same thing ( looking a little better for summer ) but I completely understand using syth is not the way to go
    I actually understand guys wanting to look good on the beach, and using testosterone with or without synthetic anabolics is no doubt effective in that regard. No judgement from me either, we all want to look good. I just get perturbed when guys don't want to admit they are using anabolic hormones for purposes other then medically necessary testosterone replacement by hiding behind the term "TRT" or "HRT". It really muddies the water and makes it more difficult for guys like me to obtain it, even when we have a legitimate medical need.

    For one thing, many doctors are afraid of prescribing testosterone for fear of being accused by their peers of being a pusher. They are aware that many guys fake symptoms to get a prescription and they don't want to be a party to it, but screening out those patients is difficult and time consuming.

    Also, they see guys on "TRT" with all sorts of side-effects from very high doses of T and/or synthetic hormones, but the patients claim to be only on TRT. It gives legitimate TRT an underserving black eye. When TRT is properly administered, your hormones should always be within physiological range, so side-effects should be minimal.

    OK, I'm done with my rant.

  10. #10
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
    Chrisp83TRT is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    I actually understand guys wanting to look good on the beach, and using testosterone with or without synthetic anabolics is no doubt effective in that regard. No judgement from me either, we all want to look good. I just get perturbed when guys don't want to admit they are using anabolic hormones for purposes other then medically necessary testosterone replacement by hiding behind the term "TRT" or "HRT". It really muddies the water and makes it more difficult for guys like me to obtain it, even when we have a legitimate medical need.

    When it you put it that way, you are 100%. Point valid man. I hope you don’t think that is my intentions. My testosterone level was at 144 when I decided to take it into my own hands and consult with a lower doctor, because my primary doctor , my urologist and Endo. Were all scared To prescribe me.
    For one thing, many doctors are afraid of prescribing testosterone for fear of being accused by their peers of being a pusher. They are aware that many guys fake symptoms to get a prescription and they don't want to be a party to it, but screening out those patients is difficult and time consuming. I couldn’t even describe how bad I was feeling, especially after just even exercising. I felt also depressed and my anixety was through the roof everyone my and my gf would argue ( no joke ) it’s nigjt and day since I’ve been on it. So yeah I don’t want to come off like I’m here to abuse this stuff. I definitely agree and respect Your points .

    Also, they see guys on "TRT" with all sorts of side-effects from very high doses of T and/or synthetic hormones, but the patients claim to be only on TRT. It gives legitimate TRT an underserving black eye. When TRT is properly administered, your hormones should always be within physiological range, so side-effects should be minimal.

    OK, I'm done with my rant.
    I 100% agree with you man. I hope you don’t think I’m using to look a certain way. Of coarse it’s a benefit, but by no means is it my main thing. I had “normal low” for a long time but doctors would basically brush me off like it’s okay, I’m still all good ... but I wasn’t . I was depressed , moody , very anxious and sexually never in the mood and my gf is hot haha. I went back to get my blood work done and it was 144 which is dangerously low. I knew if my main doctors weren’t going to do something ... I had too. I can tell you it’s been night and day for me and I’m glad I reached out to a low t doctor. The only issues for me is the money I have to lay out on a month to month basis to this comp. but I’m on the same page with you man. It’s the same with opioids. My mother has a rare bone condition and requires pain medicine and if has been a nightmare for her to obtain even a low dosage because of idiots on the streets either selling it or people abusing it because “their back hurts” it’s a tough time to need something.

  11. #11
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    I 100% agree with you man. I hope you don’t think I’m using to look a certain way. Of coarse it’s a benefit, but by no means is it my main thing. I had “normal low” for a long time but doctors would basically brush me off like it’s okay, I’m still all good ... but I wasn’t . I was depressed , moody , very anxious and sexually never in the mood and my gf is hot haha. I went back to get my blood work done and it was 144 which is dangerously low. I knew if my main doctors weren’t going to do something ... I had too. I can tell you it’s been night and day for me and I’m glad I reached out to a low t doctor. The only issues for me is the money I have to lay out on a month to month basis to this comp. but I’m on the same page with you man. It’s the same with opioids. My mother has a rare bone condition and requires pain medicine and if has been a nightmare for her to obtain even a low dosage because of idiots on the streets either selling it or people abusing it because “their back hurts” it’s a tough time to need something.
    No problem. My rant wasn't directed at you, just a general rant on top of my soap box. I struggled for years to get the treatment I needed and I still feel bitter that male hormones are regulated as schedule 2 drugs, when women can get their hormones handed out like candy. A big part of this problem is the well known abuse of the male hormones in athletic competition. Not much I can do about that. This is why I hang around this and other forums too. I feel fortunate that I found my way out of the woods with the help of a TRT expert doc, and I'm here to help other guys do the same.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    I feel fortunate that I found my way out of the woods with the help of a TRT expert doc, and I'm here to help other guys do the same.

    And you do it quite well. It is appreciated.
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  13. #13
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    No problem. My rant wasn't directed at you, just a general rant on top of my soap box. I struggled for years to get the treatment I needed and I still feel bitter that male hormones are regulated as schedule 2 drugs, when women can get their hormones handed out like candy. A big part of this problem is the well known abuse of the male hormones in athletic competition. Not much I can do about that. This is why I hang around this and other forums too. I feel fortunate that I found my way out of the woods with the help of a TRT expert doc, and I'm here to help other guys do the same.
    I never agreed with the class 2, 3 drugs and some of the laws that are past. I my eyes , they are just things past to control us and some how profiting. My theory is allow people to use what it is that they want to use with the consequences of their decisions

  14. #14
    RoxRunner's Avatar
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    I'd listen to Youthful on this one. It took me around 5 years to get my TRT dialed in and we still tweak it every 6 months. And that was doing it the right way by starting low and going higher until we found what worked. Along the way, I had to add AI and start to donate blood due to some of the sides.

  15. #15
    zypumabi is offline New Member
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    I wish you good luck on your journey. I've got low Test too

  16. #16
    DarthFlex is offline Junior Member
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    All great info being shared. I wonder if the OP had started his thread about doing a "cruise " with 200Test week plus 200 Mast E and not used the term TRT if many of you would have taken a different approach to his query.

    There are atlest 2 other threads in the main questions section of this forum, not here in the trt section exactly about a summer cruise with Mast and Test at low doeses.


  17. #17
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthFlex View Post
    All great info being shared. I wonder if the OP had started his thread about doing a "cruise " with 200Test week plus 200 Mast E and not used the term TRT if many of you would have taken a different approach to his query.

    There are atlest 2 other threads in the main questions section of this forum, not here in the trt section exactly about a summer cruise with Mast and Test at low doeses.

    Yes, I would not have replied. I do not give advice for non-medically necessary use of anabolic steroids . Mostly because I have no experience and accepting advice from me on this topic could be dangerous. Secondly, I get irked when guys call things TRT to make them feel better about doing illegal anabolic steroid cycles. Again, I'm not passing judgement, but it really muddies the water and makes it more difficult for those of us trying to get this medically necessary medication.
    Chrisp83TRT and Motardpdx like this.

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