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Thread: Preparing for blood test

  1. #1

    Preparing for blood test

    Hi all, new here.
    35yr old man.
    Just have a question about low T. Had two tests done. One was 314 and the other 378 based on a scale of of 350-1150 as “normal” I have to do another test soon and in order to get something prescribed I have to get another low. I have loads of symptons, usual low libido, erection problems, fatigue. Anyway I want to make sure I get another low as I’m sick of feeling this way and want some treatment. My endocrinologist said that it has to be very low to get treatment. My low test was in the afternoon and higher test was at 9am. Have to do the next one at 8am. Any suggestions? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Big Trouble, Little China
    Party like a rock star! Stay up late (like only get a few hours of sleep), drink, smoke, eat like shit and everything else you can think of like that. Then get as stressed out as you can before your bloodwork.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    If you really want to lower your testosterone in bloodworks, use cyp for several weeks and then get tested 18-20 days after the last shot.

    Quick method... don't sleep. Just take meth or amphetamines.

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