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Thread: EQ addition

  1. #1
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    EQ addition

    Figured I'll run my plan by the masses and get some feedback.
    185lbs @ 12% BF
    Training for over 30 years.
    Did ~ 8 cycles in my 30's (Deca , Tren , Winstrol , PCT, etc). So I've been off for over 10 years.
    Started TRT (150mg/wk Test twice weekly ~ 3 months ago (Ideally I'd wish for more time here to establish a better baseline, but I have to go with the flow). Also use hCG @ 500mg week.
    Diet is ~3K/day, I'm not currently counting every calorie. Protein is what guides me. I try to take in 200 grams of protein per day. I'm going to up this to 300G/day during the blast and bring daily calories to 3.5k/day.

    Plan is to increase Test to 300/wk with 400 of EQ for 12 weeks.
    Week 1 - 12:
    Test 300mg/week split over 2 doses.
    EQ 400mg/week split over 2 doses.
    hCG 500 iu/week. I'm not sure whether to increase this or not, waiting on my last labs and I'll adjust accordingly.
    Anastrozole 0.5mg per shot day (currently use 0.25mg per shot day and Estrogen seems in check, but I do have a tendency to see this go up even on TRT). This may become an EoD dosing.
    Multi vit
    Vit D
    Omega fats
    DHEA 50mg/day

    I'll run this for 12 weeks and drop back to my TRT dose of 150mg/week. I'll go back to the PCP ~ 2 to 3 months after the 12 week blast. I'm not sure when to draw labs during and after the blast, possibly once during and then ~ 4 weeks after stopping but before seeing my Dr (he will of course run labs to check my Test level) to see where I'm at.

    I just want a solid gain plan. Don't need crazy, just consistent. I can have trouble with my appetite and don't feel like eating so EQ just seemed to make sense here. Depending on results, I'll run the next blast after my Dr visit.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amuuzen View Post
    Figured I'll run my plan by the masses and get some feedback.
    185lbs @ 12% BF
    Training for over 30 years.
    Did ~ 8 cycles in my 30's (Deca , Tren , Winstrol , PCT, etc). So I've been off for over 10 years.
    Started TRT (150mg/wk Test twice weekly ~ 3 months ago (Ideally I'd wish for more time here to establish a better baseline, but I have to go with the flow). Also use hCG @ 500mg week.
    Diet is ~3K/day, I'm not currently counting every calorie. Protein is what guides me. I try to take in 200 grams of protein per day. I'm going to up this to 300G/day during the blast and bring daily calories to 3.5k/day.

    Plan is to increase Test to 300/wk with 400 of EQ for 12 weeks.
    Week 1 - 12:
    Test 300mg/week split over 2 doses.
    EQ 400mg/week split over 2 doses.
    hCG 500 iu/week. I'm not sure whether to increase this or not, waiting on my last labs and I'll adjust accordingly.
    Anastrozole 0.5mg per shot day (currently use 0.25mg per shot day and Estrogen seems in check, but I do have a tendency to see this go up even on TRT). This may become an EoD dosing.
    Multi vit
    Vit D
    Omega fats
    DHEA 50mg/day

    I'll run this for 12 weeks and drop back to my TRT dose of 150mg/week. I'll go back to the PCP ~ 2 to 3 months after the 12 week blast. I'm not sure when to draw labs during and after the blast, possibly once during and then ~ 4 weeks after stopping but before seeing my Dr (he will of course run labs to check my Test level) to see where I'm at.

    I just want a solid gain plan. Don't need crazy, just consistent. I can have trouble with my appetite and don't feel like eating so EQ just seemed to make sense here. Depending on results, I'll run the next blast after my Dr visit.

    Any thoughts?
    Appetite is a mental roadblock. Sometimes you have to eat even when you aren't hungry. One way to help with the mental component is to do exercises that focus on mental discipline (meditation, yoga, polar bear swimming, etc). Injectable B12 @ 500-1000mcg per day might help with appetite but it's just a bandaid solution.

    0.5mg of Arimidex EOD would crash your estrogen with that low dose of Test - blood work is the best indication of how to adjust your AI and I wouldn't make adjustments until you need to.

    Would be beneficial to spend another 3-6 months on TRT - it will be very beneficial long term and more than likely will give you better cycle results.

    It's highly debated whether or not it's even worth space in the syringe (I personally think it's worthless except for equestrian use). However, EQ is definitely not a good choice when you've just started TRT because it known to raise your blood values. Additionally, 400mg won't really accomplish anything and 12 weeks is too short.

    Carbs should be the macro that adjusted during cycles not so much protein. Especially at your size 300g of protein is excessive.

    I would take focus on diet and training then in 3-6 months run a 19nor alongside of your TRT dose. One of the luxuries of TRT is because you skip PCT you don't have the same Yo-Yo effect as traditional cycling so you are more likely to keep gains provided everything else in check. I personally would also rather manage prolactin via Dostinex / Pramiplexol then have the headache of dealing with estrogen. Something like TRT + 350mg Tren or 400mg of Nandrolone
    Last edited by Windex; 09-08-2018 at 01:26 PM.

  3. #3
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    If you're looking to make bulk gains, Deca would give better results over EQ. If you do want to run EQ you need to run more than 400mg/wk for "solid" gains. You need to run 600mg/wk to 800mg/wk.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Appetite is a mental roadblock. Sometimes you have to eat even when you aren't hungry. One way to help with the mental component is to do exercises that focus on mental discipline (meditation, yoga, polar bear swimming, etc). Injectable B12 @ 500-1000mcg per day might help with appetite but it's just a bandaid solution.

    0.5mg of Arimidex EOD would crash your estrogen with that low dose of Test - blood work is the best indication of how to adjust your AI and I wouldn't make adjustments until you need to.

    Would be beneficial to spend another 3-6 months on TRT - it will be very beneficial long term and more than likely will give you better cycle results.

    It's highly debated whether or not it's even worth space in the syringe (I personally think it's worthless except for equestrian use). However, EQ is definitely not a good choice when you've just started TRT because it known to raise your blood values. Additionally, 400mg won't really accomplish anything and 12 weeks is too short.

    Carbs should be the macro that adjusted during cycles not so much protein. Especially at your size 300g of protein is excessive.

    I would take focus on diet and training then in 3-6 months run a 19nor alongside of your TRT dose. One of the luxuries of TRT is because you skip PCT you don't have the same Yo-Yo effect as traditional cycling so you are more likely to keep gains provided everything else in check. I personally would also rather manage prolactin via Dostinex / Pramiplexol then have the headache of dealing with estrogen. Something like TRT + 350mg Tren or 400mg of Nandrolone
    Great thoughts. I did consider the 19nor route, but thought that starting with EQ would be a better path with my appetite. I have had experience with Tren and Deca , and both are great (With Tren I hit ~220, the most I've ever weighed). Given the onset of Fall and Winter and my planned Dr visits, I have the opportunity to run a cycle and I need to take advantage of it. I'm still working on finding good supplies, so that can be a bit of a hinderance. I can run the EQ at 600/wk. If I can move my Dr appt back a bit, I'll try to get the length to 14 or 15 weeks, but I'd like at least 6 weeks to get back to the TRT baseline (yes I know more time to establish this would be ideal) before my Dr visit.

    All of this is still a plan and nothing has started other than the preliminary gathering. I will consider the 19nor. Perhaps I should just run the EQ @ 600 and keep TRT at 150/wk and shoot for 14 to 16 weeks. Furthermore, I don't need all the androgenic effects other than to keep me healthy and gaining muscle. I have enough kids, and no desire to screw everything that moves.
    I'll hold the Anastrazole @ 0.25mg per shot day.

    Last edited by Amuuzen; 09-09-2018 at 11:19 AM.

  5. #5
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amuuzen View Post
    Great thoughts. I did consider the 19nor route, but thought that starting with EQ would be a better path with my appetite. I have had experience with Tren and Deca , and both are great (With Tren I hit ~220, the most I've ever weighed). Given the onset of Fall and Winter and my planned Dr visits, I have the opportunity to run a cycle and I need to take advantage of it. I'm still working on finding good supplies, so that can be a bit of a hinderance. I can run the EQ at 600/wk. If I can move my Dr appt back a bit, I'll try to get the length to 14 or 15 weeks, but I'd like at least 6 weeks to get back to the TRT baseline (yes I know more time to establish this would be ideal) before my Dr visit.

    All of this is still a plan and nothing has started other than the preliminary gathering. I will consider the 19nor. Perhaps I should just run the EQ @ 600 and keep TRT at 150/wk and shoot for 14 to 16 weeks. Furthermore, I don't need all the androgenic effects other than to keep me healthy and gaining muscle. I have enough kids, and no desire to screw everything that moves.
    I'll hold the Anastrazole @ 0.25mg per shot day.

    To give you an idea, Equipoise has an Anabolic /Androgenic ratio of 100:50, meaning 120mg of Tren is equivalent to 600mg of EQ from an anabolic rating perspective. That's how weak of a steroid it is and has the same anabolic rating as testosterone . As well, the appetite increase is a side effect of EQ, meaning that not everyone experiences an appetite increase. It's just like not everyone gets insomnia on Tren, dry joints on winny, or gets muscle pumps on Anavar . EQ would have to be run for 16, not 14 weeks. Imagine your frustration when you get to week 8, or 10, or 12 and have zero increase in appetite because of how it interacts with your body. On the flip side, 1000mcg of injectable B12 per day may have the same potential appetite increase and cost you $20-30 to run for 30 days (4 weeks), costing you a fraction of the price of even a single vial of EQ.

    I'm assuming you are going to have a complete blood level check given you are on TRT whereas prolactin and cholesterol are not always checked. Assuming no prolactin or cholesterol check, you shouldn't get any flagged on your blood test. However, if you don't give yourself a lot of clearance time (EQ is a very slow steroid in and out) then your blood levels are going to be off and be flagged. If you can handle the Tren side effects you could easily run Tren for 16 weeks and finish somewhere around 203-210 lbs provided diet/training is on point. It's obvious to monitor prolactin from 19nors, but you need to keep an eye on cholesterol with Tren (privately), it can creep up and skyrocket.

    At the end of the day, it's your own decision how long you want to wait before cycling from starting TRT and what compounds to choose. Unfortunately, hindsight is always 20/20. If your main concern is appetite I would strongly consider B12 as it can save you tons of money and time and keep the health in check. The only real "mistake" (for lack of a better word) is adding 100g of Protein to your meal plan rather than adjusting carbs.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    To give you an idea, Equipoise has an Anabolic /Androgenic ratio of 100:50, meaning 120mg of Tren is equivalent to 600mg of EQ from an anabolic rating perspective. That's how weak of a steroid it is and has the same anabolic rating as testosterone . As well, the appetite increase is a side effect of EQ, meaning that not everyone experiences an appetite increase. It's just like not everyone gets insomnia on Tren, dry joints on winny, or gets muscle pumps on Anavar . EQ would have to be run for 16, not 14 weeks. Imagine your frustration when you get to week 8, or 10, or 12 and have zero increase in appetite because of how it interacts with your body. On the flip side, 1000mcg of injectable B12 per day may have the same potential appetite increase and cost you $20-30 to run for 30 days (4 weeks), costing you a fraction of the price of even a single vial of EQ.

    I'm assuming you are going to have a complete blood level check given you are on TRT whereas prolactin and cholesterol are not always checked. Assuming no prolactin or cholesterol check, you shouldn't get any flagged on your blood test. However, if you don't give yourself a lot of clearance time (EQ is a very slow steroid in and out) then your blood levels are going to be off and be flagged. If you can handle the Tren side effects you could easily run Tren for 16 weeks and finish somewhere around 203-210 lbs provided diet/training is on point. It's obvious to monitor prolactin from 19nors, but you need to keep an eye on cholesterol with Tren (privately), it can creep up and skyrocket.

    At the end of the day, it's your own decision how long you want to wait before cycling from starting TRT and what compounds to choose. Unfortunately, hindsight is always 20/20. If your main concern is appetite I would strongly consider B12 as it can save you tons of money and time and keep the health in check. The only real "mistake" (for lack of a better word) is adding 100g of Protein to your meal plan rather than adjusting carbs.
    The increase in protein is basically, I just can't choke down enough (clean) carbs, so the easier thing for me to do is increase protein (and a lot of water). I'll look at moving in some more clean carbs and potential B12. The 19nor choice makes sense too. I'm geared to EQ, I'll see if I can change it. You make sense, dammit.

  7. #7
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amuuzen View Post
    The increase in protein is basically, I just can't choke down enough (clean) carbs, so the easier thing for me to do is increase protein (and a lot of water). I'll look at moving in some more clean carbs and potential B12. The 19nor choice makes sense too. I'm geared to EQ, I'll see if I can change it. You make sense, dammit.
    You should post your meal program in our diet and nutrition section. Everyone has room for improvement. It sounds like you haven't looked outside the box for other food choices to make eating easier.

    Protein is important but the body can only handle so much. Of course everyone is different and there is no magic number but 300g is 162% of your current body weight. To give you some comparison, I'm 30 lbs heavier than you and I only eat 220g of Protein a day.

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    So after a couple of days reflection and making sure I have what I need, I'm going to pull the trigger on the EQ cycle and start after I see my PCP (tomorrow). Barring anything unforeseen, I'll start tomorrow with the EQ @ 600/wk (for 14 weeks) and I'm not sure on whether to run Test C @ 300/wk or just stay at my TRT dose of 150/wk? I'm leaning toward just running the TRT dose. I know this is a little light (I like to use only what is needed to gain), it's been a while since I've ran anything and I've never ran EQ before, so this will be a learning experience no matter what. Thus, if nothing else, I'll learn! Next cycle will be Tren , but I'll start pre-planning now to be ready when the time comes.

    So, that's decided and I'm ready to go except for deciding what dose to run the Test C at?

    I'll be posting my diet in the diet section in a couple of days. This is where I think I need the most help. I do need to get some B12 injections to help with my appetite, but that's not imperative.

  9. #9
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    You should privately monitor hematocrit, RBC, and hemoglobin because those are the levels that are going to be affected with EQ. Not the healthiest compound to use fresh on TRT but it's your body and decision.

    I honestly think you are going to be very disappointed because you've used Deca and Tren before. It's going to be like trading in a Ferrari for a Skateboard.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    You should privately monitor hematocrit, RBC, and hemoglobin because those are the levels that are going to be affected with EQ. Not the healthiest compound to use fresh on TRT but it's your body and decision.

    I honestly think you are going to be very disappointed because you've used Deca and Tren before. It's going to be like trading in a Ferrari for a Skateboard.
    I will pull labs. Wondering the intervals? About 6 wks in? PCP will pull the initial panel, he may only check for Test, but I'm not sure of all the options from the office perspective (i.e., what they can check for without going over on what insurance will pay).

    I agree that the results won't be overwhelming.

  11. #11
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amuuzen View Post
    I will pull labs. Wondering the intervals? About 6 wks in? PCP will pull the initial panel, he may only check for Test, but I'm not sure of all the options from the office perspective (i.e., what they can check for without going over on what insurance will pay).

    I agree that the results won't be overwhelming.
    If you are running it for 16 weeks then it could be done every 5 weeks if money is a non-issue. I don't know what bloodwork costs in the US. What I meant by privately is to use a third party so your doctor and insurance don't have access to the lab results, while on cycle, that's just asking for a lot of trouble.

    Unless the doctor got his certification from a McDonalds Happy Meal he should be checking a lot more than just Testosterone .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    If you are running it for 16 weeks then it could be done every 5 weeks if money is a non-issue. I don't know what bloodwork costs in the US. What I meant by privately is to use a third party so your doctor and insurance don't have access to the lab results, while on cycle, that's just asking for a lot of trouble.

    Unless the doctor got his certification from a McDonalds Happy Meal he should be checking a lot more than just Testosterone.
    Correct, it will be private labs. I'll shoot for every 5 or 6 weeks. No, I doubt I'll let the Dr. in on any AAS usage (but I don't think he would be overly judgemental if I told him). I should be able to afford testing at that rate and my budget. He is in the know for hCG , Anastrazole, and Test. I also will bring up Terazosin, and Tedalafil as possible healthy additions but will defer to his judgement there. He may not continue the hCG and Anastrazole, but I'll continue them regardless. So, the thought will be to d/c the EQ 6 weeks before my next appointment which should allow enough time to remove the markers (hematocrit, RBC, and hemoglobin)? I have seen the screen in the past and they do not screen for AAS, but this could throw off the other blood markers, so I'll be doing what I can to bring things to within a normal range before I have the next appointment.

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    Update: Started 10 days ago. Weight 180 @ ~ 11 to 12% BF.
    Volumes were startling going from 0.3 ML to almost 3 ML (frontloaded first 3 doses to 900 EQ). PIP sucks, forgot about that.
    Cleared for TRT for 6 months, and hCG Pregnyl added (was sublingual, which I believe to be useless). So I'll run the EQ @ 600 (considering 800)/week and 300 Test/wk. for 16 weeks. Nothing noticeable yet (as expected). Appetite seems a bit better at night at least and I just go with it for now, trying to add clean carbs and keep protein ~ 200 G/day.

    I'll post diet when I have time.

    Can you add Tren A later in the cycle? for like 6 weeks perhaps? Just a thought.

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    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Realistically you shouldn't even be cycling because you haven't dialed in TRT. Regardless, adding more gear on top of what you already planned is just well, foolish, to be honest. Test is going to raise estrogen, EQ will raise all the blood values, and Tren would raise prolactin and cholesterol. Don't forget you will need an AI, HCG , and then Caber/Prami for Tren. Combine all of those steroids +drugs with being fresh into TRT it's just playing Russian Roulette with your body.

    Steroids can't be a cop out for mediocre diet and training, especially when putting health at unnecessary risk.
    Last edited by Windex; 09-22-2018 at 02:09 PM.

  15. #15
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Steroids can't be a cop out for mediocre diet and training, especially when putting health at unnecessary risk.
    I normally just ignore the anabolic steroid posts an d focus my (limited) attention on medically necessary TRT posts, but I have to at least comment and say, how much I agree with this statement.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you're looking to make bulk gains, Deca would give better results over EQ. If you do want to run EQ you need to run more than 400mg/wk for "solid" gains. You need to run 600mg/wk to 800mg/wk.
    Scotch is dead on and I promise yiu can count on him for unbiased advice. He speaks from experince and not indoctrination.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    I normally just ignore the anabolic steroid posts an d focus my (limited) attention on medically necessary TRT posts, but I have to at least comment and say, how much I agree with this statement.
    Everyone knows this it is plain as day.
    It is clear from thr op's thorough post that he understands this.

    I recommend no more parroting. Advice needs to freshen a little.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Realistically you shouldn't even be cycling because you haven't dialed in TRT. Regardless, adding more gear on top of what you already planned is just well, foolish, to be honest. Test is going to raise estrogen, EQ will raise all the blood values, and Tren would raise prolactin and cholesterol. Don't forget you will need an AI, HCG , and then Caber/Prami for Tren. Combine all of those steroids +drugs with being fresh into TRT it's just playing Russian Roulette with your body.

    Steroids can't be a cop out for mediocre diet and training, especially when putting health at unnecessary risk.
    Fair enough. Doesn't answer the question. I wouldn't add it without BW being done. I run Anastrazole already (I already stated that I'm on hCG and Anastrazole (AI)). and would add (gather Cabergoline or Pramipexole (probably some Tamoxifen on hand too) in case) if I were to run Tren. It was more of an afterthought, not really something I've decided, but curious about.

    My training is intense right now. I don't think mediocre describes anything I do. But, thanks for the response. I'll post in general QA if I have any gear questions, but TRT is my mainly my focus. I'm also at an age where I want to take full advantage of not being too old, TRT is now a life decision (meaning no PCT or return to "natural") so no yo yo, to enhance my physique. Like most of you, that is my underlying passion.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ora View Post
    Everyone knows this it is plain as day.
    It is clear from thr op's thorough post that he understands this.

    I recommend no more parroting. Advice needs to freshen a little.
    Thanks Ora, yes, I am well informed and am aware. At least someone read the whole thread. But, I respect the TRT focus of threads in this area, so I'll ask any further gear questions in the QA arena and anything here strictly (as much as possible) to TRT.

  20. #20
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Adding in Tren is going to eclipse EQ and not give you an accurate perception of how it interacts with your body.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Adding in Tren is going to eclipse EQ and not give you an accurate perception of how it interacts with your body.
    Thanks. Yeah, I kinda figured. Maybe my next planned cycle however. Either that or Nandrolone .

  22. #22
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    Quick update. It's been 5 weeks into the EQ. I had a hiccup with the product (the TC and EQ were either junk or way under-dosed), I managed to get some more lined up and after 2 weeks of being on the correct dosage 300T/600EQ wk, the effects are noticeable already (libido shot up in a few days, now the vascularity is showing up), so I'll run it for another 12 weeks from here. Weight is just now starting to climb up too. I'll post more results when they become relevant and get BW done in a week or two.

    Also, I'm adding B12 to help with my appetite when it arrives, however my appetite has been improving over the past 2 weeks anyway (another good sign) so I'm hopeful I'll get close to 200 when all is said and done.
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    Quick update. Holding EQ @ 600/wk and Test @ 300/wk. Added the B12, but only doing it every 3rd day or so. Appetite has been decent. I'm now at 192 and still have 6/7 weeks in current cycle. Maybe I'll hit 200. One thing I will say about EQ, it takes a long fucking time to kick in and product quality is difficult to come by. Also have some tendinitis in my elbows.

    Already set for next cycle: Deca !! prefer it much more will also probably add an oral. Need to get Caber however, but I won't start that until ~ March maybe late Feb, so plenty of time yet.

    Question about HCG , I have a pharmacy Rx for it but the pharmacy can only get some off branded generics that cost ~350 per vial and the Pregnyl is ~$80. It's supposedly a temporary stocking issues, but it's been a couple of months now. Anyone else having issues buying HCG legit?

  24. #24
    PrimoCyp25 is offline New Member
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    350 bucks? Wtf

  25. #25
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Your EQ has kicked in given your time on cycle. By adding B12 you've now created an additional variable for appetite. If it continues to go up your flipping a coin as to whether that's from the EQ or B12 as you've never used either before. I would just drop the B12 and have a document or notation of your appetite. You can make an arbitrary 1-10 scale if you want where 1 is puke if eat and 10 is starvation.

    Then compare that to B12 used seperately for same duration of time. Generics shouldn't be more expensive, that's the reason they are generic, doesn't matter whether it's HCG . No name food at the grocery store isn't more expensive (excluding sales obviously).

    Never heard of $350 for 1 bottle of HCG - you either need a new prescription or new pharmacy. I pay $130ish CAD per bottle of HCG and that's still overpaying by $30-50 if I wasn't buying from my pharmacy.

    I don't know specifics about supply issues but I imagine it's a more involved manufacturing process than pumping out narcotics or benzo or whatever else is being pill pushed. Plus it's a very unique item for a small scope of patients. Whereas say Lorezapam is handed out to anyone who takes longer than 60 seconds to fall asleep.
    Last edited by Windex; 11-12-2018 at 04:56 PM.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

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    The hCG is considered a branded-generic (comes with it's own name). I am mail ordering hCG for much cheaper atm. The mail order is ~ $30 for the regular (10000 IU's?--the usual size) size. It's all due to being on back-order/supply issues. Basically legal bullshit to make you buy product you don't want. But, this is a generic, just has it's own name and tries to be a trade name. Anyway, problem solved by looking else where. I'm guessing other pharmacies have it cheaper, but the mail order was cheap enough, that was the way I am going.

    Backed off of the B12 for now as I didn't see much of any result. Appetite is good, so I'm just going with it.

    Did get some tendonitis in my elbow. So, I've had to adjust my chest training, but other than that, now almost 200 lbs, so things are going well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amuuzen View Post
    The hCG is considered a branded-generic (comes with it's own name). I am mail ordering hCG for much cheaper atm. The mail order is ~ $30 for the regular (10000 IU's?--the usual size) size. It's all due to being on back-order/supply issues. Basically legal bullshit to make you buy product you don't want. But, this is a generic, just has it's own name and tries to be a trade name. Anyway, problem solved by looking else where. I'm guessing other pharmacies have it cheaper, but the mail order was cheap enough, that was the way I am going.

    Backed off of the B12 for now as I didn't see much of any result. Appetite is good, so I'm just going with it.

    Did get some tendonitis in my elbow. So, I've had to adjust my chest training, but other than that, now almost 200 lbs, so things are going well.
    That's good to hear! Do you have any androgenic side effects from EQ?

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    None really. Slight increase in acne, but nothing major. BP in check. Some increase in night sweats. I need bloods drawn and hopefully will soon. But, the cycle has been very well tolerated. Took longer for affects to be seen than I wanted (but I was warned) and needs to be run for at least 16 weeks imho (and that's what I'm doing).

    Make sure your product is good.

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    Just to tie off the thread.

    EQ went well, I actually like the compound, but it does take a long time to kick in. I wound up running it for a total of 16 weeks. Strength went up quite a bit, had some joint issues (sore elbows mainly) but that could just be age. I hit 197 lbs (I'm 5'6") @ ~12 - 13% bf at the end, and weight would have gone higher but had some family (an X) issues that made eating difficult for the last month. Cruising at 120mg/week for 2 months then will try Decca in another month. Weight holding steady @ 190lbs (been off for 6 weeks).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Appetite is a mental roadblock. Sometimes you have to eat even when you aren't hungry. One way to help with the mental component is to do exercises that focus on mental discipline (meditation, yoga, polar bear swimming, etc). Injectable B12 @ 500-1000mcg per day might help with appetite but it's just a bandaid solution.

    0.5mg of Arimidex EOD would crash your estrogen with that low dose of Test - blood work is the best indication of how to adjust your AI and I wouldn't make adjustments until you need to.

    Would be beneficial to spend another 3-6 months on TRT - it will be very beneficial long term and more than likely will give you better cycle results.

    It's highly debated whether or not it's even worth space in the syringe (I personally think it's worthless except for equestrian use). However, EQ is definitely not a good choice when you've just started TRT because it known to raise your blood values. Additionally, 400mg won't really accomplish anything and 12 weeks is too short.

    Carbs should be the macro that adjusted during cycles not so much protein. Especially at your size 300g of protein is excessive.

    I would take focus on diet and training then in 3-6 months run a 19nor alongside of your TRT dose. One of the luxuries of TRT is because you skip PCT you don't have the same Yo-Yo effect as traditional cycling so you are more likely to keep gains provided everything else in check. I personally would also rather manage prolactin via Dostinex / Pramiplexol then have the headache of dealing with estrogen. Something like TRT + 350mg Tren or 400mg of Nandrolone
    Does this guy ever say anything remotely positive?? It’s always wrong wrong wrong! Lol just giving you a hard time but seriously

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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    To give you an idea, Equipoise has an Anabolic /Androgenic ratio of 100:50, meaning 120mg of Tren is equivalent to 600mg of EQ from an anabolic rating perspective. That's how weak of a steroid it is and has the same anabolic rating as testosterone . As well, the appetite increase is a side effect of EQ, meaning that not everyone experiences an appetite increase. It's just like not everyone gets insomnia on Tren, dry joints on winny, or gets muscle pumps on Anavar . EQ would have to be run for 16, not 14 weeks. Imagine your frustration when you get to week 8, or 10, or 12 and have zero increase in appetite because of how it interacts with your body. On the flip side, 1000mcg of injectable B12 per day may have the same potential appetite increase and cost you $20-30 to run for 30 days (4 weeks), costing you a fraction of the price of even a single vial of EQ.

    I'm assuming you are going to have a complete blood level check given you are on TRT whereas prolactin and cholesterol are not always checked. Assuming no prolactin or cholesterol check, you shouldn't get any flagged on your blood test. However, if you don't give yourself a lot of clearance time (EQ is a very slow steroid in and out) then your blood levels are going to be off and be flagged. If you can handle the Tren side effects you could easily run Tren for 16 weeks and finish somewhere around 203-210 lbs provided diet/training is on point. It's obvious to monitor prolactin from 19nors, but you need to keep an eye on cholesterol with Tren (privately), it can creep up and skyrocket.

    At the end of the day, it's your own decision how long you want to wait before cycling from starting TRT and what compounds to choose. Unfortunately, hindsight is always 20/20. If your main concern is appetite I would strongly consider B12 as it can save you tons of money and time and keep the health in check. The only real "mistake" (for lack of a better word) is adding 100g of Protein to your meal plan rather than adjusting carbs.
    Im no expert on the topic but there’s some pretty smart guys on here who have made this make a lot of sense and don’t agree with the traditional idea that because EQ is a long eater it needs to be run for a long time. It’s about the amount of gear you run in any given time to a certain extent right? Ex. 10 weeks at 500mg is the same as 5 weeks at 1000mg. Like I said I’m no expert that’s just my understanding and it makes a lot of sense. FWIW

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amuuzen View Post
    Just to tie off the thread.

    EQ went well, I actually like the compound, but it does take a long time to kick in. I wound up running it for a total of 16 weeks. Strength went up quite a bit, had some joint issues (sore elbows mainly) but that could just be age. I hit 197 lbs (I'm 5'6") @ ~12 - 13% bf at the end, and weight would have gone higher but had some family (an X) issues that made eating difficult for the last month. Cruising at 120mg/week for 2 months then will try Decca in another month. Weight holding steady @ 190lbs (been off for 6 weeks).
    Were you happy that you ran the EQ then or would you rather have run something else?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Amuuzen View Post
    Just to tie off the thread.

    EQ went well, I actually like the compound, but it does take a long time to kick in. I wound up running it for a total of 16 weeks. Strength went up quite a bit, had some joint issues (sore elbows mainly) but that could just be age. I hit 197 lbs (I'm 5'6") @ ~12 - 13% bf at the end, and weight would have gone higher but had some family (an X) issues that made eating difficult for the last month. Cruising at 120mg/week for 2 months then will try Decca in another month. Weight holding steady @ 190lbs (been off for 6 weeks).
    You may benefit from adding Nandrolone permanently to your TRT protocol. I plan to add it myself this year.

    If it's a case of tennis elbow or similar, there have been some logs here showing positive results for BPC 157 and TB500
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    You may benefit from adding Nandrolone permanently to your TRT protocol. I plan to add it myself this year.

    If it's a case of tennis elbow or similar, there have been some logs here showing positive results for BPC 157 and TB500
    That may be a possibility. It was golfers elbow (both sides) I believe from heavy inclines presses...If I stay in the smith machine and keep elbows out it doesn't bother me, so I've backed off BB inclines and use smith instead. Running Nandrolone next no matter what. Need some caber (although I've never needed it in the past), but not sure if it's really needed just want to be safe. Was thinking 400/wk of Nandrolone with ~ 200 to 250 Test. I don't like the Test side effects so I may just run it at my TRT dose. Will be another month before I start.

    Were you happy that you ran the EQ then or would you rather have run something else?

    Yes, just for the experience and see how my body reacted. If I do it again, I'll combine it with something else (besides test).

    TBH, I'm glad to just be on my TRT dose for awhile and let things level out. Weight (strength too) still holding steady, actually up to 192 today, just have to be sure to eat right and PLENTY.

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    I always listened to people who said eq was worthless but after talking with GH I will be adding it this go round.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I always listened to people who said eq was worthless but after talking with GH I will be adding it this go round.
    That'll be interesting. I was told the same thing but on my first big test/EQ run my aggression got so high wifee made me drop it. Was tren -like for me
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    That'll be interesting. I was told the same thing but on my first big test/EQ run my aggression got so high wifee made me drop it. Was tren-like for me
    Now I am very interested

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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Now I am very interested
    You know how these compounds affect each of us can and does vary! Bell curve baby
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    Odd thing, I've been "off" now for over 2 months and still gaining. Strength has stayed the same, but I'm now 200lbs which is great, but wtf? I'm running TRT @ 120mg/wk + hCG , but nothing else except regular supplements (last bw showed Test ~ 800 4 weeks after I stopped, so I'm sure it's lower now). I thought my weight would drop off, but it hasn't. Also, EQ was very well tolerated, but I did break out (acne) a lot on my back. Didn't set in until the last few weeks of being on and is still present today. I'm going to hit Deca /dbol in about 3 weeks after my next Dr visit. I'm not sure what he'll think about my weight, hopefully nothing, I'm certainly not lean, still ~12 - 13% (can see my abs, but they are a little blurry).

    PS I've never had any major aggression issues, ever, except when doing Tren . I think that was more due to the lack of sleep then anything. On EQ I felt great.
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    Found some of my old notes (from 12 years ago). Noticed when I ran the cycles for over 14 weeks I broke out. I'm presuming it was the length of the elevated test + EQ over the 16 weeks that did it. Daily (even twice daily) skin soap + Benzoyl peroxide on the affected areas until clear. Otherwise I'll look at Accutane. I just don't want to get more fucking tests and due to the possibility of sides from it, the Doc will want too much follow up. Maybe I'll have to go mail order.

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