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  1. #1
    T-boner is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    NC USA

    Adjusting dosage

    I’ve been cycling 3 or 4 years now. Recently decided to go on TRT because my natural test just wasn’t bouncing back. I got a prescription for 125mg per week test E back in the spring.
    Immediately after I got my script I started a cycle over the summer. I did 250/wk test E, 125/wk test prop and 700/wk Tren A. Also added masteron and EQ a few weeks in when my BF got under 10%.
    My last pin was Aug 31st. After that I dropped down to my TRT dose of 125mg/wk test E.
    That dose seems too low because I feel like I’m crashing almost the same as I did before when I would PCT.
    I have an appointment on Oct 8th with the doctor to go over blood work and see if it needs adjusting. I will have my own blood work done sometime before that and take it with me to the doctor.
    My question is how long after my last pin will it take for my test to level out and get a good read for what 125/wk does to my test levels? I feel like the current dose is too low and I’d like to go ahead and pull blood work now and immediately after that raise my dose to 150 or 175 after blood work is done but before my appointment. It’s been 24 days since my last pin on cycle and much of that was prop and Tren A which should be out of my system long ago. I never did more than 250/wk of test E.
    Also is it normal to crash after a cycle when returning to TRT dosage? The main reason I decided on TRT was because I would crash hard during PCT and felt pretty bad even after PCT until I’d start another cycle several months later. After 10 months off everything my total test was at 208ng/dL and free test was at 8ng/dL. I figured it was time for TRT based on those numbers but I’m still crashing although not quite as bad as before.

  2. #2
    T-boner is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    NC USA
    Let me simplify this question. After adjusting test dosage, how long does it take for your blood levels to settle into the new dosage so you can get accurate blood work numbers for the new dosage? Is 3-4 weeks on the new dose long enough to get an accurate reading?

  3. #3
    assguy22's Avatar
    assguy22 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    In general the pituitary hormones take a long time to adjust, I would say that 6-8 weeks would be just enough to have a more realistic/accurate data.

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