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Thread: Trt mix.

  1. #1
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Trt mix.

    I've been doing 50mg test e EOD , which gives me 175mg per week.

    I wanted to add some mast and prop to this

    I was thinking mast e 12.5mg + primo e 12.5mg with my 50mg EOD test e.

    Or would 12.5 of each of the mast and primo be wastefully and better off just adding 25 mg of either mast or primo?

    If the latter, which compound is better suited to compliment the 50mg test, primo or mast? And why.

    Cough... Youthfullguy55, GH, I'm curious to either one of your guys take on THIS?

  2. #2
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I've been doing 50mg test e EOD , which gives me 175mg per week.

    I wanted to add some mast and prop to this

    I was thinking mast e 12.5mg + primo e 12.5mg with my 50mg EOD test e.

    Or would 12.5 of each of the mast and primo be wastefully and better off just adding 25 mg of either mast or primo?

    If the latter, which compound is better suited to compliment the 50mg test, primo or mast? And why.

    Cough... Youthfullguy55, GH, I'm curious to either one of your guys take on THIS?
    No judgement from me as long as you call it what it is and not try to mask it as TRT. I just don't have any experience to offer. My focus here is to provide advice on achieving stable male hormone replacement for guys (like me) that have been neglected by the ignorant mainstream medical community. Wish you luck with your new goals!

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I've said on this forum before, if I could afford it I would be on Primo year round as my cruise/trt. but I'd be on at least 25mg per day.
    I feel great on primo. its got very little sides and tons of benefits.
    Masteron would be another choice, but not my first. its not going to provide the anabolic effects that primo would, and it will add some androgenic effects (thats good or bad depending on your personal preferences and needs). but it provides some good 'ancillary' like effects. it will blunt prolactin and estrogen receptors (no need for an AI more then likely with Mast in there, unless your super E sensitive). you'll also displace test that is bound to SHBG, and free it up into circulation. so you'll get more out of your TRT dose of test.

    - so for muscle growth as your primary goal while cruising.. Primo is the answer.
    - for more ancillary like effects and to optimize your TRT dosage of test, masteron is the answer.

    what would I do ?
    run both

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've said on this forum before, if I could afford it I would be on Primo year round as my cruise/trt. but I'd be on at least 25mg per day.
    I feel great on primo. its got very little sides and tons of benefits.
    Masteron would be another choice, but not my first. its not going to provide the anabolic effects that primo would, and it will add some androgenic effects (thats good or bad depending on your personal preferences and needs). but it provides some good 'ancillary' like effects. it will blunt prolactin and estrogen receptors (no need for an AI more then likely with Mast in there, unless your super E sensitive). you'll also displace test that is bound to SHBG, and free it up into circulation. so you'll get more out of your TRT dose of test.

    - so for muscle growth as your primary goal while cruising.. Primo is the answer.
    - for more ancillary like effects and to optimize your TRT dosage of test, masteron is the answer.

    what would I do ?
    run both
    Is 12.5mg of each EOD a ok amount. That would be 87.5mg of primo and 87.5mg mast per week.

  5. #5
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Is 12.5mg of each EOD a ok amount. That would be 87.5mg of primo and 87.5mg mast per week.
    personally what I would do. running short esters of each. would be a standard 50mg/ml. I would load up slin pins with 1/2ml of primo and 1/2ml of mast. that way when you do the EOD injection you get 25mg of each.

    if I'm not mistaken, thats how you would get to your math of 87.5mg of each per week . correct ?
    (I don't excel at math)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    personally what I would do. running short esters of each. would be a standard 50mg/ml. I would load up slin pins with 1/2ml of primo and 1/2ml of mast. that way when you do the EOD injection you get 25mg of each.

    if I'm not mistaken, thats how you would get to your math of 87.5mg of each per week . correct ?
    (I don't excel at math)

    Ok here is my blend

    1ml of test e 500 mixed with .625 ml of mast e 200 and .625ml of primo e 200.

    So I'll have 2.25 ml that contains total;
    500mg test
    125mg primo
    125mg mast.

    So if I pin .25ml of this EOD, I'll get ;
    50mg test
    12.5mg primo
    12.5mg mast

    For a weekly total if combning 2 weeks (cuz EOD gives one week 4 shot and the other week 3 shots.) So I'm using 14 day math.

    175mg test
    43.75mg primo
    43.75mg mast.

    Or on a straight week to week,

    1st week;
    200 mg test
    50mg mast
    50mg primo

    2nd week;
    150 test
    37.5 mast
    37.5 primo.

    My math on previous post was in error regarding 87.5 8 forgot to divide it by 2 fir 2 weeks, 87.5 was 14 day total on each compound.

    So is 43.75mg a week of mast and 43.75 mg a week primo along side 175mg test worth doing?

  7. #7
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    just an fyi - when I want to figure out weekly totals for EOD dosing ,, I simply take the EOD dose and multiply it by 3.5 to get the weekly dosage. example 50mg EOD times 3.5 = 175.

    the reason I'm thinking 25mg (rather then 12.5) is because off the top of my head I think that was the medically prescribed mg dosing for Primobolan back in the day (think the oral came in 25mg tabs) . so I wouldn't want to go much lower then what was considered a 'medical dose'.
    of course, by combining mast and primo you can get more out of less.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-03-2018 at 01:46 PM.

  8. #8
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Mast cause primo is most likely fake.
    If it was legit, both, because of the synergyeffect.

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    Mast cause primo is most likely fake.
    If it was legit, both, because of the synergyeffect.

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    Oh sil, such a negative Nancy.

    I'm willing to bet my eye teeth, the primo is good. It says primo on the bottle and everything.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Oh sil, such a negative Nancy.

    I'm willing to bet my eye teeth, the primo is good. It says primo on the bottle and everything.
    Yeah?? says primo on the bottle?? be the real shit then.

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  11. #11
    charger69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    Yeah?? says primo on the bottle?? be the real shit then.

    Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
    Hey Dr., you need another Halloween party because you seem a little uptight. LOL

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  12. #12
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    Yeah?? says primo on the bottle?? be the real shit then.

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    It says Bayer. And CVS gave it to me.
    Last edited by Couchlockd; 11-04-2018 at 10:51 PM.
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  13. #13
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    It says Bayer. And CVS gave it to me.
    Have u a trusted source who can say the same bottles are proven legit from other knowledgeable guys?
    Its the only way these days for primo.

    But..the Bayerbrand makes your case a bit stronger. But far from waterprooved.

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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-04-2018 at 10:58 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Hey Dr., you need another Halloween party because you seem a little uptight. LOL

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    It sucked. Im too old for this drinking shit.
    Not worth it. Sunday and monday destroyed.
    But i did like fixing the house.
    But the rest.. sitting in the sofa drinking with loosers (Noone from the gym showed up) thanks..not me lads..not me anymore.

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  15. #15
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    Yeah couch,
    I gotta agree with sil on this one. I been hearing shit reviews on CVS all over. They are a shithouse reseller of bunk ass shit.
    They are damn near as bad as WG's.
    Their ephed is legit though
    Last edited by Obs; 11-05-2018 at 01:11 AM.

  16. #16
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Oh sil, such a negative Nancy.

    I'm willing to bet my eye teeth, the primo is good. It says primo on the bottle and everything.
    This ^^^^^
    The logic is flawless per usual Couch. Keep up the good work!

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's Dr.Silabolin View Post
    Have u a trusted source who can say the same bottles are proven legit from other knowledgeable guys?
    Its the only way these days for primo.

    But..the Bayerbrand makes your case a bit stronger. But far from waterprooved.

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    Read it and weap

    DO NOT PM ME FOR SOURCE.sorry guys this shit's too rare, I'm keeping this one private.

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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Read it and weap

    DO NOT PM ME FOR SOURCE.sorry guys this shit's too rare, I'm keeping this one private.

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    Looks good to me. I am on the fence.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've said on this forum before, if I could afford it I would be on Primo year round as my cruise/trt. but I'd be on at least 25mg per day.
    I feel great on primo. its got very little sides and tons of benefits.
    Masteron would be another choice, but not my first. its not going to provide the anabolic effects that primo would, and it will add some androgenic effects (thats good or bad depending on your personal preferences and needs). but it provides some good 'ancillary' like effects. it will blunt prolactin and estrogen receptors (no need for an AI more then likely with Mast in there, unless your super E sensitive). you'll also displace test that is bound to SHBG, and free it up into circulation. so you'll get more out of your TRT dose of test.

    - so for muscle growth as your primary goal while cruising.. Primo is the answer.
    - for more ancillary like effects and to optimize your TRT dosage of test, masteron is the answer.

    what would I do ?
    run both
    you have any tips on running primo year round or six months out of the year?
    I'm looking for some other compounds to add in without just adding in tren but am not familiar with primo
    Just checked with my source and they have primo but its super expensive, wtf

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Read it and weap

    DO NOT PM ME FOR SOURCE.sorry guys this shit's too rare, I'm keeping this one private.

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    How much for primo? My source looks to be at $95 for 10ml 100mg

  21. #21
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goalinmind View Post
    How much for primo? My source looks to be at $95 for 10ml 100mg
    My source is $73 for primo 100, $130 for primo 200
    Last edited by Couchlockd; 11-05-2018 at 02:53 PM.

  22. #22
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Ok mix complete

    2 ml of test e 500, 1.25ml of primo e 200, 1.25 mast e 200

    Pinning .225ml EOD gives 50mg test, 12.5mg mast and 12.5mg primo

    So per week I'm getting 175mg test, 43.75 mg mast and 43.75mg primo.

    Imo , that's a perfect safe synergistic bad ass trt/cruise blend
    Last edited by Couchlockd; 11-06-2018 at 11:23 AM.
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  23. #23
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    I read in a different Forum that HGH can be tested for authenticity by the boiling test. Add 1ml of BAC to the powder. Put it in a pot of boiling water for 2 minutes. Take it out. If it's cloudy it's real if not it isn't.

    Not sure if that's a legitimate way to test?

    If it is can the same test be done on Masteron and Primobolan ?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwh7699 View Post
    I read in a different Forum that HGH can be tested for authenticity by the boiling test. Add 1ml of BAC to the powder. Put it in a pot of boiling water for 2 minutes. Take it out. If it's cloudy it's real if not it isn't.

    Not sure if that's a legitimate way to test?

    If it is can the same test be done on Masteron and Primobolan?
    If raws were had, you can do a melt test but that's as crude as using a sundial to tell time.

    By the way, GH what do you think of my blend

  25. #25
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    Works out to.

    222.22 mg test E, 55.5mg primo e, and 55.5mg mast e per ml

  26. #26
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Works out to.

    222.22 mg test E, 55.5mg primo e, and 55.5mg mast e per ml
    how are you going to run this

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    how are you going to run this
    .25ml EOD (.225 actually ) for 50mg test, 12.5mg primo, and 12.5mg mast per shot

    It's just a crusie trt thing. I know the primo n mast are low, 25% of test, but it's just me playing a bit, see if I can feel better or worse from my 50mg EOD test.

    I'm also running .125mg adex e3.5d
    Last edited by Couchlockd; 11-15-2018 at 10:59 AM.

  28. #28
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I like the idea. I'm betting you'll feel like your running a lot more test (in a good way) then you are , and you'll stay fuller then just standard trt

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I like the idea. I'm betting you'll feel like your running a lot more test (in a good way) then you are , and you'll stay fuller then just standard trt
    Also I've been running HCG with my trt, thinking of not using it for a while.

    Opinions on HCG 250iux2 weekly long term?

    Lots say it increases estrogen, but I thought bit was intratesticular estrogen which doesn't play much a role in anything.?

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