Hi Forum Veterans
I was hoping to get some direction/advice/support from you. I see how very helpful and knowledgeable this forums veterans are in regards to TRT. I've been on TRT for about 5 yrs and up until 5mths ago everything was ok (not great but workable). I went through some major issues (see my one and only post about it) which have subsided quite a bit. I'm attributing my problems to major stressors in my life (large business owner, recent death of a parent, etc.) and a nice but not very knowledgeable doc in terms on over all TRT understanding.
I see that the most requested information yourself and everyone asks for is a full BW. I live in Canada and our BW protocols are limited (ie, no Sensitve E2 just Estradiol) and are also based on what the doc requests but they are free which is a bonus. I feel if I challenge my doc to ask for more tests on my BW (ie, DHEA-S, DHT, Cortisol, Free T3 & T4) he will justify why I don't need it which I feel is only due to lack of education in this field being a GP (I like him a lot just just feel he is limited in his knowledge). I see him next week and will try to have a sincere heart to heart about doing more tests but I feel it may rock the boat and there are not main docs in my area willing to provide prescription for TRT. Discount Labs seems pricey to get a full BW ($400+) but if that's the price and yourself and others on this forum can provide better direction/guidance with my TRT protocol then my doc it obviously worth it.
At the end of the day I just want to feel normal (or better than I thought I would) on TRT. It's been so up and down that my recent issues really woke me up to the fact that I'm more than likely not on a proper TRT protocol and it's messing up my hormones on top on my life stressors which I'm improving BTW.
Thank you in advance. I appreciate any help.
Current Protocol
E3D 50ml of Test Cyp (was on gel/cream for past 3 yrs and absorption rate was inconsistent)
E3D HCG (purchased on my own as my Doc feels its not great but did prescribe early on in my TRT regime)