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Thread: cycling while on trt

  1. #1
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    cycling while on trt

    i apologize if this belongs in a different forum its trt based...

    So i have been on trt for I think 5 years now. 1 1/2 years of Axiron followed by injections. I am at a clinic now over a endo and am happier. 140mg a week along with hcg and it works. However, i have wanted to "do more" for awhile now. I kept wanting to ask my doc for more but i dont want to put him in an ethical situation. idk maybe I am thinking into it too much. I have experience with cycles having done around 10 pre-trt.

    But my question is should i consider myself someone new? Obviously, I have prior experience and im on trt but in the beginning i would run a test only cycle and be great. It has been at least 5 years since i have done anything besides a trt dose of test.
    When new people want to start cycling, you always tell them to keep it simple in the beginning, pick one compound and add over time. Will I be happy with bumping up my test another 500mg a week or should I throw another compound in. I might be thinking into this too much as well. When i say i want to be happy, I want results. 10-15lbs in 3 months after i go back down. (nothing crazy) Lets just assume that my workouts are on point, my diet is dialed in, and i get plenty of rest. Which is pretty accurate.

    thank you for your time
    Last edited by robkesl; 12-24-2020 at 05:51 AM.

  2. #2
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I’d suggest a blast and cruise approach, which is what many trt patients use in lieu a traditional cycle. It’s a rather flexible protocol as well; however, I would tend to agree with your approach...start slow and build up. Being on trt doses for the time you have, I would bump that dose to 500mg/week and maintain for 6-8 weeks then just return to your prescribed trt dose after that timeframe. No need for pct. Search the trt forum, you’ll find lots of great and varied info regarding blast/cruise.
    Krb367, lovbyts and wellshii like this.

  3. #3
    Krb367's Avatar
    Krb367 is offline Associate Member
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    What is the window between your dr ordered blood work?

    My first cycle/blast since being on TRT I added in deca . Kept my testosterone dose at my prescribed TRT (200mg weekly) alongside 400mg weekly of deca for idr exactly, roughly 15-16 weeks. Fucking loved it.

    Looking back I feel like I wasted so much time, money, effort and muscle cycling and running PCT. I kept most of all the mass I gained doing the blast I mentioned
    Hughinn likes this.

  4. #4
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    I appreciate the advice. I have never heard of blasting and cruising but I have been reading on here the last few weeks and learned a lot. Its funny, now that I have learned about it. I feel like it should have been obvious.

    I get my blood work done 5-6 times a year. My clinic "urges me" to get bloodwork every 90 days but then I also usually get labs done with my primary physician 1-2 per year just to be safe and confirm. So I will definitely have to plan accordingly but there is flexibility with my windows. I think I want to try bumping my test up to 500ish a week, which would be almost 3 times my normal amount. and then either adding something like deca or tren e at like 200-300 per week. I always here great things about deca but I also have read that tren e is generally lower on the sides. That damn cough and insomnia were the worst. I might just flip a coin
    I don't want to do orals...

    thanks again, both of you for the advice

  5. #5
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by robkesl View Post
    I appreciate the advice. I have never heard of blasting and cruising but I have been reading on here the last few weeks and learned a lot. Its funny, now that I have learned about it. I feel like it should have been obvious.

    I get my blood work done 5-6 times a year. My clinic "urges me" to get bloodwork every 90 days but then I also usually get labs done with my primary physician 1-2 per year just to be safe and confirm. So I will definitely have to plan accordingly but there is flexibility with my windows. I think I want to try bumping my test up to 500ish a week, which would be almost 3 times my normal amount. and then either adding something like deca or tren e at like 200-300 per week. I always here great things about deca but I also have read that tren e is generally lower on the sides. That damn cough and insomnia were the worst. I might just flip a coin
    I don't want to do orals...

    thanks again, both of you for the advice
    Man, I don't much care for tren. But I'm over 40 and the stuff just had too many sides.

    I'd stay with deca or npp unless you have tren before and know that it does to you.

  6. #6
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robkesl View Post
    I appreciate the advice. I have never heard of blasting and cruising but I have been reading on here the last few weeks and learned a lot. Its funny, now that I have learned about it. I feel like it should have been obvious.

    I get my blood work done 5-6 times a year. My clinic "urges me" to get bloodwork every 90 days but then I also usually get labs done with my primary physician 1-2 per year just to be safe and confirm. So I will definitely have to plan accordingly but there is flexibility with my windows. I think I want to try bumping my test up to 500ish a week, which would be almost 3 times my normal amount. and then either adding something like deca or tren e at like 200-300 per week. I always here great things about deca but I also have read that tren e is generally lower on the sides. That damn cough and insomnia were the worst. I might just flip a coin
    I don't want to do orals...

    thanks again, both of you for the advice
    Ever heard the term KISS? Keep It Simple Stupid. Its your first cycle/blast. Forget about the tren until blast #4+ Just up your test to about 300mg - 400mg a week.

  7. #7
    Islandjack is offline New Member
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    I’m considering this approach too after my next dr ordered lab work. Keep us posted

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by robkesl View Post
    I get my blood work done 5-6 times a year. My clinic "urges me" to get bloodwork every 90 days but then I also usually get labs done with my primary physician 1-2 per year just to be safe and confirm.
    5-6 times per year through a clinic is overkill. They're just sucking money out of you, insurance or both. Absolutely not needed.
    almostgone likes this.
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