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Thread: Estrogen help

  1. #1

    Estrogen help

    Hey guys,

    New to trt just looking for some advice.

    34 years old.

    1st labs on trt 130mg test e 1 time a week.
    Hcg ex 400mg each 1200 a week total.

    Testosterone 26 scale 8-28
    Estrogen 92 scale under 156

    Testosterone 19. Yes it dropped
    Estrogen 241

    So clearly I'm converting alot to estrogen.

    Question I wanna try taking armidex.

    How much should I take?

    I wanna try this first and see where I'm at and if not I may be better off around 135mg

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    I'm not sure if it's the sensitive test. As far as I know it's just regular estradiol test. I do have estrogen symptoms, sensitive nipples, shitty errections and low sex drive.

    From what I read is hcg doesn't cause issues with estrogen and is really important in trt protocol.

    I never thought of breaking the doses up. Ill definitely take that into consideration. Thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    San Diego
    Cylon w sound advice as usual. Def read the intro stickies in the HRT forum to learn about which tests to ask for to ensure you are getting all the info you need on bloodwork. It is generally advised to break doses up into 2-3x a week to avoid the sharp peaks in hormone blood concentrations from one large injection. I too suffer from estrogen conversion/test sensitivity and I found 3x a week causing issue still and switched to daily injections which work best for me.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies

    Maybe ill drop my hcg down to 800mg to see if that helps, just two shots a week.

    Is armidex worth taking? Or is it bad to take long term?

    All also look at more frequent injections.
    Last edited by sharpguy; 03-21-2021 at 12:25 PM.

  5. #5
    I will ask my trt doctor for the sensitive test. I guarantee it's high though, my nipples kill, sex drive dropped, and my boners are shit.

    I actually think I made an error on the hcg

    It's actually 750 a week.

    10ml bac water in 10000 hcg. 40 units 3 times a week
    Last edited by sharpguy; 03-21-2021 at 04:10 PM.

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