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Thread: Dermacrine as add on?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"

    Dermacrine as add on?

    I've recently started using dermacrine as an add on to my SERM based HRT. I've seen conflicting statements on whether or not it is suppressive and should be cycled. It's basically a DHEA and Pregnenolone cream with a couple of other ingredients that I THINK are non suppressive, thus I'm like why in the heck would you pct or cycle it?

    I have noticed in the two weeks or so that I have been using it that I feel more like "getting stuff done" but that could also be the switch from clomid to enclomiphene.

    Ingredient list attached. Note that it is possible a previous formula had a prohormone or something in it, this one does not appear to.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	181641

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    I've done my own research on this. The answer to whether or not this should be cycled or PCT'ed is still unclear. I have found at least one person that says that it actually contains 1-Dhea, and thus would need to be PCT'ed if you weren't on HRT or cycling. But the manufacturer so far seems to just recommend using it in 2 month cycles without commenting on whether or not it is suppressive.

    I can for sure say that it has increased libido and mental clarity. And the first handful of days that I used it, I woke up in the middle of the night with wood like I was 18 again. Like, hey, there you are! Good to see you again, buddy! Man, you look like you want to hurt someone! lol

    That is the best I can offer right now. I'm not going to pull bloods on it as I want things back to baseline when the doc pulls them next month. But, I bet I pull bloods at some point with it in the mix, and will post up when I do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I've done my own research on this. The answer to whether or not this should be cycled or PCT'ed is still unclear. I have found at least one person that says that it actually contains 1-Dhea, and thus would need to be PCT'ed if you weren't on HRT or cycling. But the manufacturer so far seems to just recommend using it in 2 month cycles without commenting on whether or not it is suppressive.

    I can for sure say that it has increased libido and mental clarity. And the first handful of days that I used it, I woke up in the middle of the night with wood like I was 18 again. Like, hey, there you are! Good to see you again, buddy! Man, you look like you want to hurt someone! lol

    That is the best I can offer right now. I'm not going to pull bloods on it as I want things back to baseline when the doc pulls them next month. But, I bet I pull bloods at some point with it in the mix, and will post up when I do.
    How are you finding your results with this now since posting back in February?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Quote Originally Posted by jjsevens View Post
    How are you finding your results with this now since posting back in February?
    It's OK, still, but I'm now using Test cream and HCG instead of SERM based HRT, so it is hard to say right now. I think it still brings benefit, but it likely isn't as notable (or I just need to cycle off of it) now that I have moved on to stronger compounds. I'll keep it updated here if anything of interest comes up. It may be a fairly long while before I pull bloods on it, as I have my regular doc ordered blood work July 1, and if all looks good there, I will likely be working something else in before I get back around to checking on how this does when it is the only thing in the mix.

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