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Thanks for replying.
The blood was taking the morning of my injection day.
Workout wise, im in the gym 4 days a week. I do roughly 45 mins of weight training, followed by 10 mins of kettlebell swings.
Diet wise I can aim to cut out full fat red meat, and also no longer use butter when cooking.
I eat a lot of peanut butter and 10% fat greek yogurt, as I want to kewp my calories up. Can also have 3 eggs a day, instead of 4.
I have no idea regarding anything to do with cortisol. Any advice?
I take prescription medication to deal with bipolar disorder. citalopram and lamotrigine,, maybe this could be raising some levels
**just found out that depression and bipolar increase cortisol.. And it is also higher following a manic episode - i just came off a mild one **
Thanks again