So I have been around here a few months, I originally started trt last summer thru my primary.
After about 6 months I found a trt clinic and have been mostly pleased with their services.
I don’t consider myself a cheapskate, I much prefer to pay extra for quality products than waste money on crap, in respect to most everything.
However they are charging me $650 for 6 months supply of test- round about 24ml 200mg.
Bw is extra and I recently paid $250 for 10,000 iu of pregnyl which I would prefer a5000 iu kit which would be 5 weeks worth and obviously it would not lose potency etc..
I’m being long winded here but anyway to complicate things further I’m going to be moving soon which will put this trt clinic a bit far. 4hrs
So I have been trying to find the products I’m using on the bm and kinda getting discouraged, I use t, hcg, deca, proviron.
So to finally get to the point does anyone use a clinic that serves nation wide,(us) that would also provide the above products, obviously that is dependent I know.
So basically looking for a clinic that is going to be more lenient, in other words willing to work with you. I feel like I have to explore options my first ugl order didn’t turn out well. ✌🏻