Looks like things are headed in the right direction! I wouldn't sweat the flag on the Hct and Hgb at all; like you said....donate. I find that I feel better/less winded @ > 50% instead of 55%+ although sometimes it takes a little homework to get it there (MCV, MCH, and RDW usually go to hell, temporarily). I know my Dr. is happier when I'm at a lower level.
The iron thing seems to be age related in some way. I know of at least one "seasoned" member here that went from rolling along fine to getting an occasional infusion.
Good drop on the DHT. Hopefully the PSA will continue to follow that.
If you're going to supplement with iron, get something containing Vitamin C. I like Vitron-C....pretty sure I snagged it on Amazon so I didn't have drive to town.
If your Hgb continues to be a pain, you could always snag an iron panel for a closer look, be prepared for in depth research time, lol. Also, those meters they use to check Hgb can be finicky. Your blood work proves this, lol.
I've had almost the same experience. Get a low reading at the med facility at work, get lab work contrary to the blood bank reading, then a few days later I stopped by the bloodmobile when they came by work. The bloodmobile techs were excited. They said they wish they could get me into a chair for a few sessions. I think they get aggravated by their guidelines as much as their guidelines aggravate us! When they ask me how I'm feeling, I always tell them I feel like my bilirubin is erect. That nonsense line always gets a few smiles from the phlebotomists.
I wouldn't sweat that AST at all, just continue to monitor.
Edit: Good job on the eGFR as well. You'll probably live to be so old that it ends up pissing you off.