Hey Friends,

Former old school steroid user (Deca, Anavar, Test Cyp, Winstrol) now on TRT.

Testosterone gels such as Androgel and its generic equivalents get a really bad rap. I am 53 years old and have been on Androgel generics for over 8 years with zero side effects (ZERO). If you want to cry about dry skin then maybe testosterone isn't for you in the first place!

As far as what gel does for you let me start out by reminding that these gels are bio-equivalent testosterone. In other words, there is no difference between your natural T and the T gel (As far as I know, this T cannot be tested for on a drug test, other than overall level which would be a giveaway). Which leads me to the next point - you can get high T levels with gels! I have found that absorption is excellent if the gels are applied correctly (post-shower when pores are open, ONLY on the shoulders, etc). I have Total T levels in the 1100 range on 4 pumps a day and could go much higher with more pumps/adding in a second daily application. I have never needed an aromatase inhibitor. Could I go higher? Sure. Could I add in other drugs? Sure. But at my age this really does the trick - high sex drive, lean body, still building muscle, look 10-15 years younger than my peers. And I get my blood drawn twice per year (by Urologist) and all my numbers are normal.

I agree for 20-30 somethings there are more potent ways to get huge. However, if you're an older gentlemen that wants benefits without all the risk, the gels work. Seems to me there also would be a place for daily T from a gel to level out some weekly cycle injections for you younger bucks.

The kicker - my insurance covers it so I get the T of a 20 year old for $10 per month. You can too!