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Thread: Coming off TRT

  1. #1
    440Charger's Avatar
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    Coming off TRT

    Was wondering about this the other day and figured why not ask. I know its a noob question but figured wtf.

    Assuming one was on TRT for an extended time, given you're doing this as a generally quality of life booster. If you're levels were on the low end of normal prior, and your dose was enough to bring it up to the upper end of the normal range. If you were tired of sticking yourself after several years or something, would it complete crash your ability to natural produce test given you weren't taking high dose?

    I'm assuming the standard PCT would still apply?

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Lots of guesses here. "Extended time" "quality of life booster" , are subjective. It may be best to give more accuracy. Extended time for me is 30 years.

    You could always come off and see how you feel. But rest assured, your levels will not go back to where they were when you started. They'll be lower. If your TRT is through a doc, I would have them help you and advise you as they have your medical history.

    Hopefully others will chime in and give you some responses.
    Cylon357 likes this.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    teedoff is offline Member
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    Other than tired of being a stick pin, any other reason for coming off?

    An option might be switching to the gel or cream. There's also an extended release pellet they inject under your skin once every few months, but that's nit for me. The cream would be my next choice.
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  4. #4
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by teedoff View Post
    Other than tired of being a stick pin, any other reason for coming off?

    An option might be switching to the gel or cream. There's also an extended release pellet they inject under your skin once every few months, but that's nit for me. The cream would be my next choice.
    20% compounded cream is totally legit. I have blood work in the HRT sub (actually, this sub) from when I was on it. It did the job for me, but brought the DHT. Evidently, the 5alpha reductase activity in the skin is 2 to 2.5x as strong as it is otherwise.

    I mean, my DHT on a HRT dose of cream was over 200. My total t was right at 900, IIRC.

    So 3x over for DHT, near the top 80% or so for Total T.

    That might not be a problem for some men, but dang, at 55+, I simply don't want to goad my prostate into doing something dumb.
    Last edited by Cylon357; 12-28-2023 at 08:23 PM.
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  5. #5
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Lots of guesses here. "Extended time" "quality of life booster" , are subjective. It may be best to give more accuracy. Extended time for me is 30 years.

    You could always come off and see how you feel. But rest assured, your levels will not go back to where they were when you started. They'll be lower. If your TRT is through a doc, I would have them help you and advise you as they have your medical history.

    Hopefully others will chime in and give you some responses.
    1000x this.

    OP, way too much "what if" and "how about" for any one to give YOU useful feedback. Here are some questions, in addition to the ones above, I would like the answers to:

    What was your dose? Which ester? Were you using HCG ? How did you numbers look? Why are you asking this question? Why do you want to live like a mouse after living like a lion?

    That last one is subjective, but those first few, especially the HCG one IMO, are important.

    I do not think the standard cycle pct is appropriate here, but the answers to all the questions we have here will enable better responses.
    956Vette likes this.

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