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  1. #1
    eric619 is offline New Member
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    New poster to forum with basic BW questions

    Hi, been browsing the forums a bit and reading since I have been frustrated with my current doctor. Recently went in to the doctor for an infection and wanted to address possibly having low testosterone . He gave me the antibiotics that I needed and sent me off to have basic bloodwork done and I requested they test my T levels also. He agreed to it and I had the test done the next day after fasting for 12 hours.

    I am 35 5'7" and 202 lbs. On getting my BW back it doesn't address freeT or E but in the letter with my results states my T is normal at 277 (249-836). Tried calling him the last 2 days and am getting no response. Everything I have read was anything under 350 should be treated with HRT but that is using ranges of 300-1200 not the labs numbers which are much lower. Since I havn't gotten a response from my regular doctor I decided to exercise my right to a second opinion through my insurance and set an appointment to a endocrinoligist which is about a month away. Any advice that you all can provide would be helpful since I am tired of feeling lethargic, having no sex drive, only having to shave once a week, etc.

    Guessing that I am actually in a range where TRT would be warranted, and figured I should utilize my medical insurance since I hadn't been to a doctor in 10 years.

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    definitely very low for a 35 year old. HRT alone is not a cure to the conditions you've posted, many factors have to accompany it to make it a successful treatment, diet and exercise are essential. i highly recommend reading this post,

  3. #3
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Stress the symptoms you think you are having. I am sure in a number of cases, your level of total test. (277) would not be treated if you were not presenting symptoms requiring treatment. The endo may want to do some other testing to exclude things that can also cause your symptoms and will probably want to get a full blood panel on you as well. This whole thing can be a long journey, so hang in there. You may not get this "fixed" overnight, but if you keep trying, you will eventually.
    Last edited by sirupate; 03-30-2011 at 05:58 AM. Reason: spelling

  4. #4
    eric619 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply's and the link to that other post. I am hoping the endo wants a full blood panel (total T, FreeT, Est, etc). The only tests ran by the first doctor was the comp MET panel, Cholesterol, blood glucose, and total testosterone (only because I requested he have it tested). My cholesterol is a bit high, but that I can easily fix with diet and exercise. I have no problem with excercise and know the proper ways to lift having had a workout partner that did competition bodybuilding. He helped me get from 145 with 23% body fat to 185 and 15% bodyfat, but that was back when andro's were still legal, and was the best I have felt in 10 years. I have had a feeling that my testosterone was low for years and have seen the physical results of what I think is untreated low testoserone in my father (good luck getting him into a doctor).

    Not looking for an overnight fix, but a way to manage it safely, effectively, and for the long term, but getting the brushoff from my family practice doctor because I am "within the normal range" is highly frustrating when I feel both mentally and physically that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Hopefully I will have more luck with the endo, and I am glad that I can self refer with my insurance. I have to be my own best advocate for my healthcare.

  5. #5
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eric619 View Post
    Thanks for the reply's and the link to that other post. I am hoping the endo wants a full blood panel (total T, FreeT, Est, etc). The only tests ran by the first doctor was the comp MET panel, Cholesterol, blood glucose, and total testosterone (only because I requested he have it tested). My cholesterol is a bit high, but that I can easily fix with diet and exercise. I have no problem with excercise and know the proper ways to lift having had a workout partner that did competition bodybuilding. He helped me get from 145 with 23% body fat to 185 and 15% bodyfat, but that was back when andro's were still legal, and was the best I have felt in 10 years. I have had a feeling that my testosterone was low for years and have seen the physical results of what I think is untreated low testoserone in my father (good luck getting him into a doctor).

    Not looking for an overnight fix, but a way to manage it safely, effectively, and for the long term, but getting the brushoff from my family practice doctor because I am "within the normal range" is highly frustrating when I feel both mentally and physically that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Hopefully I will have more luck with the endo, and I am glad that I can self refer with my insurance. I have to be my own best advocate for my healthcare.
    Yeah, family practice doctors can vary pretty wildly as to their level of expertise in TRT. For example my primary care doc. advertises himself as a sports med doctor. He suggested that once monthly injections would be a solution to my problem. Now we all know that the currently approved testosterone injections have a half-life of 8 days or less. A monthly injection would produce very sub-optimal results since half of the active ingredient would have been metabolized in just 8 days.

    Some here have had good success with urologists for TRT. You might go that direction if the endo doesn't work out. It is a matter of finding a doctor who is knowledgable and willing to treat. That can be a trial and error search.

  6. #6
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    welcome -

    So you did pro hormones for a while in the past... do you think your t has been low since then? Def need a full male panel done.

    And what are you about 20-25%bf now?

    We are all here to help


  7. #7
    eric619 is offline New Member
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    Thanks, hopefully the endo will work out. Won't know until after the 25th when I have my appointment since that was the soonest I could get in. I will keep reading the forums until then. There is lots of really good information in here and everyone seems willing to help.

    I will go jump on the scale a little later today, but guessing that I am about 25%. Unfortunatly I have tried going to the gym to work out and while I can push through and do it even light weights and mild cardio cause DOMS lasting over a week when it used to last 2-3 days, and I can't lift as much the next week.

    I actually think that I have had lowT alot longer than before I actuallly did the pro hormones. I had never been able to put on much muscle until then, and then I was able to after taking the prohormones and about 4 months after taking them. But I have been losing stregth from working out and even eating 7 small meals throughout the day to keep my metabolism in line along with a good quality multi vitamin and I am still putting on body fat and they have noticed at work. The only time the fat has really dropped off of me was when I took the pro hormones and I was able to gain size and strength.
    Last edited by eric619; 03-30-2011 at 07:33 AM. Reason: answer without reposting

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