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  1. #1
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Trt and cycle dosage

    let me start off by saying im not planning on cycling until prob after the summer(september 2012 which will put me on trt about 9 months and then only if im dialed in fairly well) and i already posted this question in the steroid q and a forum with horrible results.. it seems like a simple question to me..

    lets say i want to run a cycle of test at 500mg/week for 12 weeks... and lets also say that at that time my trt dose is 200mg/week... would i then add 500mg on top of the 200mg which equals 700mg/week for it to be considered a 500mg cycle equivalent since if i wasnt shooting 200mg test every week my test levels would be well below any "normal guy" running a 500mg cycle???


  2. #2
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Listen, Im a newbie, but let me do my best........ If u r shooting 200 per wk (i AM ALSO) you are at the top of the scale 24-48 hrs after injection... An additional 500 on top of that would put you in, well, who knows????????? Most people that cycle are not at the top end when they cycle. point being, you are gonna do what you are, but 500mgs on top of the 200 seems very heavy to me?? Might make sense to add another compound rather than go so heavy on the Tes??? Coming from an inexperienced member, just my initial thoughts.

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    no way dude! 700 mgs per week for 12 weeks will probably cause more damage than good. bodybuilders do high dose cycles but under a microscopic supervision from their doctor, and you won't be! no reason to go that high unless you are competing and under a doctor's supervision. 500 mgs would be tops for people like us IMO.

  4. #4
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    How old are you?

    bass' assesment is dead on correct: More damage than good!

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    My unprofessional opinion:

    If your cycle will be a long ester, just bump up your dose to the cycle dose (500mg/wk). If your cycle will be a short ester, add the correct amount on top of your existing TRT dose. In other words, if you want to cycle at 500mg/wk, add 300mg/wk Prop to your 200mg/wk of Cyp (assuming you take Cyp for TRT). Easy peasy.

    Don't experiment with other compounds on your first blast. Just up your test and see how it goes.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i agree with adding a different compound will be a better cycle/blast whatever you want to call it...dont know what damage will be caused from running high test for a few months....

    personally never went higher than 400test but idk..

    but in direct answer to your question if you wanted to cycle at 500 you dont add that on top of your 200 if you did, like the others said, it would be considered doing 700mg ew..

    looking forward to september now

  7. #7
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    ^^^LOL jpk man.. Id like to add this will be my first ever cycle.. Its funny 2 yrs ago i considered cycling and did all the research and figd everyth out but when it came down to it i chikened out cuz like i said then "i dont wanna mess with my hormones" how ironic is it now that all that research put me ahead of the game when i figd out i had low test

    Thx for the replies fellas .. Thats what i wanted to know.. I know large doses of test r not someth to play with but i never lookd into cycling while on TRT.. 500/week i think ill be fine with...

    Do any of yall have Ny personal experience u may wanna add?? Gains? How well?? How easy were they to keep?? Etc...

    Also did u just run the same ester test as ur trt or like JV said and mix in some prop?? I personallly enjoy my pinning days now but maybe that will change down the road..

    I have more questions but i think ill not put them all up at once

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Maybe bump up your test a little bit or add in some deca at 200mg. a week. Every 4-5 days even better actually. Your also going to have to watch how your body handles the extra T to E conversion and make adjustments there also. Just a thought....especially since it's your first cycle. No need to go to large with it. Let's see how your body handles something a little milder then maybe next time up it. More isn't always better. Very much agree with JV's opinion also...
    Last edited by kelkel; 01-03-2012 at 08:36 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Maybe bump up your test another 200 and add in some deca at 200mg. a week. Every 4-5 days even better actually. Your also going to have to watch how your body handles the extra T to E conversion and make adjustments there also. Just a thought....especially since it's your first cycle. No need to go to large with it. Let's see how your body handles something a little milder then maybe next time up it. More isn't always better.
    This is the unkown to me kel and if not managed to a "T" like bass stated bad things can happen...

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Your right GD. Especially if you don't know your body? And, damn, that can be a struggle. Somewhere between out posts I amended mine and agreed with JV's opinion. Probably safer...much.

  11. #11
    bass's Avatar
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    if you guys remember it happened to me in the beginning of my TRT, right of the bat my clinic had me on 200 mgs test ew, 100 mgs deca ew, 50 mgs anavar ed, 1 mg AI ed and finally 200 mgs B12 shots. it was way too much and too many things my body simply couldn't take it, thats when i noticed PVC's, high BP, Kidneys over worked, thick blood to a point where i couldn't donate and so on! if i took Flats advice at the time i would have saved myself the agony from negative sides! one thing at a time and a little at a time is the way to go... to be honest i never felt better than now on 120 mgs test ew split!

  12. #12
    Brickhouse is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry 405 to hijack your thread here!

    Bass.....What test are you on and do you have to take anything like clom', Tams etc to combat estrogen?

  13. #13
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Maybe bump up your test a little bit or add in some deca at 200mg. a week. Every 4-5 days even better actually. Your also going to have to watch how your body handles the extra T to E conversion and make adjustments there also. Just a thought....especially since it's your first cycle. No need to go to large with it. Let's see how your body handles something a little milder then maybe next time up it. More isn't always better. Very much agree with JV's opinion also...
    kel thx for the input man i am slightly confused however cuz u said u agree with JVs opinion and he said dont add a difft compound but u suggested deca... maybe u were referring to the part where he said bumping up my dose? also from what ive read i understand it to be best not to mix compounds and do test only for a first cycle?? i havent researched deca too much at this point so i dont know where it falls as well as the risks when taking it.. i figd since im already on test that itd be not a big deal if i just upped the dose since its the same animal im dealn with in my TRT... maybe to say 400mg/week instead of 500mg..??? and do that for 10 weeks??? instead of 12?

  14. #14
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    This is the unkown to me kel and if not managed to a "T" like bass stated bad things can happen...
    yeh GD i was also wondering about aromatization.. as of now i dont know how my body handles the exogenous test cuz im still waiting for my first labs.. my baseline E2 was 24.1 so at least i didnt start out with high E2.. once i get dialed in on the 200mg im currently taking do u think itd be fair to say if i double that dose for a cycle id also double my AI?

  15. #15
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    if you guys remember it happened to me in the beginning of my TRT, right of the bat my clinic had me on 200 mgs test ew, 100 mgs deca ew, 50 mgs anavar ed, 1 mg AI ed and finally 200 mgs B12 shots. it was way too much and too many things my body simply couldn't take it, thats when i noticed PVC's, high BP, Kidneys over worked, thick blood to a point where i couldn't donate and so on! if i took Flats advice at the time i would have saved myself the agony from negative sides! one thing at a time and a little at a time is the way to go... to be honest i never felt better than now on 120 mgs test ew split!
    yeh bass this is what im trying to avoid which is why i figd 400-500mg test only for 10-12 weeks would be a good first cycle..

    also if any of u guys wouldnt mind sharing ur results from ur cycles if any of u did cycle i would really appreciate it.. im just trying to figure out if its worth it to me to even do it?? im curious as to wheter u have been able to hang onto ur gains and also what kinds of gains were made.. it seems pointless to me to run a cycle if 6 months to a year later ill be where i was before i ran it thx

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Just different schools of thought. Nothing wrong with either. If you have joint issues, Deca is a great compound which is why I like it, others may not. There is good and bad to all these compounds. Main thing to take away from all the above is, just keep it simple. You will see results with small increments. Maybe just up the T a little this first time and access your progress. Keep in mind when you build new muscle, you then have to support it with proper nutrition and training, otherwise it can/will go away fast.

  17. #17
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Just to add I also don't believe those on trt have the same "first cycle" situation(for the lack of a better word)...wut u think

  18. #18
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  19. #19
    Cruzmeyers is offline New Member
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    I agree with kel, deca is a great coumpound especially for first time use. My first cycle was just sust250 for 10 weeks, I gained 10 lbs lean muscle. My next cycle was deca and sust250, I took 200mg of deca a week and three shots of sust250 a week, I gained 25 lbs in 12 weeks. Deca will bloat you like creatine but that is about the only side effect you get which is why deca is so great for first time use. You get the most mass for the least amount of side effects. After the cycle I cut about 7 lbs. 18 lbs of lean muscle gain is a pretty good result in just three months. I find that I can keep better gains when deca is involved but you absolutely need test with it if you want to keep your lady happy. Don't increase your test dosage. 500 is enough, adding another compound will be a better choice for you health wise and gains wise.

  20. #20
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    Just to add I also don't believe those on trt have the same "first cycle" situation(for the lack of a better word)...wut u think
    Agreed. Most of us are already taking more than the average person would produce on their own, we have already learned about AI and HCG and we don't need to learn about or suffer through PCT.

  21. #21
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Just different schools of thought. Nothing wrong with either. If you have joint issues, Deca is a great compound which is why I like it, others may not. There is good and bad to all these compounds. Main thing to take away from all the above is, just keep it simple. You will see results with small increments. Maybe just up the T a little this first time and access your progress. Keep in mind when you build new muscle, you then have to support it with proper nutrition and training, otherwise it can/will go away fast.

    yeh kel before coming to this forum i spent and continue to spend alot of time in the nutritional resource forum.. the current diet im on i actually have a thread in there.. so far its been working very well.. i understand once i gain muscle ill have to increase total daily calories to maintain it..

    as far as upping the test im trying to get an idea of what yall think the most conservative dose for a first cycle would be where ill def see gains but also not be getting too much.. 400mg/week? 10 weeks? and also do u think id do better to go with the same ester (cyp in my case) and just shoot 200mg every 3.5 days? which would basically be doubling my dose...

    just looking for experienced opinions here guys thx

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    from my experience and what i've seen/read is when on trt just bumping up your test dosage you may not get great gains...since you're only going to be on 9months when u do maybe you will gain a bit but not as much as if you were to run 300 test 300 deca or even 200/ bet is to bump it to 400 when u have your trt dialed in and see for yourself

    my .02 again

  23. #23
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    from my experience and what i've seen/read is when on trt just bumping up your test dosage you may not get great gains...since you're only going to be on 9months when u do maybe you will gain a bit but not as much as if you were to run 300 test 300 deca or even 200/ bet is to bump it to 400 when u have your trt dialed in and see for yourself

    my .02 again
    ok so maybe im hard of reading i didnt realize u were saying that cuz im already on test simply increasing it will not produce as good of gains as it would for someone who isnt on test.. thats why ur suggesting the deca?? now i get it... LOL sorry.. well at least i have plenty of time to look into deca .. thx!

    ill give that some thought and do some reading and prob be back again with some other potentially dumb question

  24. #24
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brickhouse View Post
    Sorry 405 to hijack your thread here!

    Bass.....What test are you on and do you have to take anything like clom', Tams etc to combat estrogen?
    i am on TRT protocol from a clinic,
    60 mgs test cyp twice a week
    0.5 mg Adex twice a week
    320 iu hCG three times a week

  25. #25
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    not a dumb question at all bro

    but you understood correctly now, i think

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