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  1. #1
    Signmaker is offline Junior Member
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    Sodium Chloride .0.9%

    I have recently read many conflicting reports about the use of Sodium Chloride vs. BAC Water when it's mixed with HCG .
    Some say that you should only use the water so it keeps longer and won't get bacteria in it, while others including Dr. Simeon's say it's fine to use the sodium chloride and it is actually the preferred mixing solution. I have heard both arguments but i'd like to know if any of these opinions are backed up and proven. I have also heard that the alcohol in the water is more harmful than the sodium.??..Can someone please help clarify why one method is better and why? facts only please...


  2. #2
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    My HCG from CVS comes with a vial of BAC water, always has. I see no point in using another diluent...

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    My HCG from CVS comes with a vial of BAC water, always has. I see no point in using another diluent...
    same here!

  4. #4
    Signmaker is offline Junior Member
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    Everything I've ever ordered from overseas comes with sodium chloride .9% and the more research I do it seems to be a good mixer. I'm still curious as to why one is any better than the other. The reason I ask is bc I've had a hard time getting the bac water and I got held up a little when my order never came and I was needing to continue the HCG . I ended up using (2) 1ml vials of sodium chloride with 5000ius of HCG.....I had to adjust my dose a little but it seems to be working just the same.

  5. #5
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    Sodium chloride is just sterile water mixed with common salt (saline). It will not prevent the growth of future bacteria, it's only sterile until you open it.

    Bac water is usually .9% benzyl alcohol which will prevent the growth of future bacteria for around 30 days.
    Last edited by Sgt. Hartman; 02-08-2012 at 02:39 PM.

  6. #6
    sirupate is offline Member
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    I got my bacteriostatic water from an Amazon vendor...easy and pretty inexpensive. It shouldn't be difficult for you to get. I think they commonly supply 1ml sodium chloride water with hCG because the intended use is normally by females and the dose is usually much higher than what we other words, they don't worry about the solution lasting a month or more as we do.

  7. #7
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Isotonic sterile water was never intended (IMO) for multi-use vials. It's great for IV's or anything you mix up and use immediately (as in that day).

    Going into a vial 20-30 times over a month or two is already a bad idea unless you observe near 'clean room' conditions. Even with bac-water it could be dicey unless you are very cautious. Cleaning the septa with alcohol certainly helps but air, of unknown quality, usually gets sucked in each time. Although it's what we all do, you'll find very little support for this from anyone in the medical community.

    That's why many multi-use meds come in positive-displa***ent "preloaded pins."

    Just as an aside, last month I mixed up a vial with sterile water/NaCl and had quite a stinging sensation while using it. Never had that problem with bac-water, but it just could be the vendor also mixed in BA at the wrong level and didn't indicate it a such on the water.

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