Last edited by SexySweetheart; 05-18-2013 at 08:15 PM.
some to start :
Where's the progesterone? Time to find the right doc?
oh lordy I wish it were that easy lol,
...alot of suggested tests were not done, but alas this is what I have got (for now) still waiting to hear back from her about her consult with the GYN ... if I hear some news disheartening I will than consider seeking a lab package and pay for it out of pocket, providing it to her and see what happens.
Im truely trying to first have the situation corrected with spending as little money as possible lol
A few questions and comments on your labs ...
In relation to your monthly cycle, do you know what phase you were in during testing (Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal)? On the estradiol (E2), I know my wife's HRT doctor likes to see her >100 regardless of where she's at in the month, and usually >200 during the ovulation phase.
To get a better picture, you really need the following labs: Free & Bio testosterone, DHEA, and as Seoinage mentioned, your progesterone. The DHEA and progesterone could be huge variables with your libido issues. Many women, including my wife, start showing premenopausal signs in their later 30's. Your doctor shouldn't be so quick to dismiss any of it! And depending on where your free T levels come out, you could be needing a little extra help with that hormone too. An SHBG panel would also be sufficient if you don't or can't get free T.
I would also start paying close attention to your iron levels. It's not uncommon at all to see iron deficiencies when this stuff starts setting in. In addition to my wife's BHRT regiment, she also takes a prenatal daily vitamin (great for ladies on HRT), along with plenty of B12.
Anyways, I know some of this stuff is both personally and financially inconvenient, but I can't stress to you how imperative the other labs are for you. I understand you have an emotional connection with your doctor, but understand that she is presenting you with some obstacles for achieving optimal well being. I also have a good relation with my GP, but for hormone therapy, I had to make a crucial decision several years ago to seek a specialist who really understood how to treat and administer this type of therapy.
Let me know what you think ... We have a very qualified female member, "PPC", who knows her stuff inside and out!! She checks in here time to time, and I'll see if we can't get her involved with your thread as well. I will also have my wife review this tonight and see if she can chime in with some other ideas and comments.
Last edited by Vettester; 07-02-2012 at 12:33 PM.
Best of luck S4! Great thread n great timing as my gf and I are currently exploring this very issue as well. I'm subscribed.
sadly I dont recall and i had cut/pasted what you see here, from my online page on the Dartmoth Hospital website -so thats all the info they have listed.
this is extreamly interresting to me~ cuz I allready have percribed iron pills due to my defianctcies and often test low in my B12 / folic...so I was certainly keep in mind and mention it to the Dr that monitoring my blood tests must be ongoing and screwtinised
yes we sure do lol... I had PM'ed here a few days ago seeking assistance for me and Hiscarebear
thank you VERY much... I really appreciate it
yes its true and sadly she was the only Dr in my military insurance plan that would bother with meso all other Drs are out and we will have to go it alone if she cant help-BUT i and Tiger are willing to tackle this on our own if the Dr's cant/wont help...so if I understand you correctly i still need at least the : Free & Bio testosterone, DHEA, SHBG panel and as Seoinage mentioned, your progesterone and in the future I will make a note as to what phase my cycle is in.
ok so I will post when sge updates me of her consult with the gyno... and will take it from there![]()
My wife was having libido problems a while back. She went to my TRT doc who ran tests and found out she has massive estrogen, but very low progesterone and testosterone. After 30 days on a cream she thought about (and wanted) sex quite a bit. I would say she is in the "normal" libido range now which is much better than the non-existant sex drive she did have.
Sexy, yes, knowing the phase of your cycle will factor in with all of this. Men are pretty easy in this aspect, but females go through some significant variations in hormone fluctuations each and every month. My wife's doctor takes the objective to keep her hormones steadily balanced throughout the phases; keeping the peaks and troughs out of the picture. He has her on a 2x per day compounded cream, which increases and decreases to mimic what her body would be producing throughout the month if endogenous hormone production was optimal.
Definitely keep an eye on the iron as you go along. Your MCV is decent (size of red blood cells) along with the RDW labs. It would be good to ask your doctor for a ferritin lab, and even the vitamin B12 lab. I personally have a genetic disorder with the ferritin, where my body produces too much of it. Donating blood solves that problem for me
IMO, free & bio T, DHEA, SHBG & progesterone labs are a must. However, if you can at least get the SHBG and your albumin panel, we can calculate the free & bio. Or vice versa ... Free & bio T lab with the albumin (metabolic panel) and your SHBG can be figured out. It's not uncommon to see females having really low free testosterone due to having increased SHBG, as was the case of my wife. Testosterone factors heavily into the female libido picture. Your total serum lab only paints a small picture here. What your body actually uses is the unbound testosterone, which might only be 1% to 3% of that number. So, if yours is 1% of your serum 36 ng/dl x .01% = .036 ng/dl -versus- .02% = .72 ng/dl. The second scenario obviously means twice as much actual testosterone is available for use.
I did not see vit D levels unless I missed it. Just as important in woman as in men for a variety of reasons:
Just a thought...
"He has her on a 2x per day compounded cream" do you mind my asking: is this covered by yall's insurance or do you have to pay out of pocket? and if so, was it challanging to have insurance cover it?
yes, I have these done every 3months with my Primary Dr.due to my history of defiantcy and hospitalization from it... honestly though i never hear back about my labs unless I am told tole increase Vite supp for something. *I will have to be more involved in the future
. Very thankful you are taking the time to go threw this holding my hand / spelling it out / advising me ! cuz this is the science talk that my brain just refuses to absorb or figure out
Last edited by SexySweetheart; 07-03-2012 at 08:07 AM.
Last edited by SexySweetheart; 05-18-2013 at 08:13 PM.
No problem, we are here to help. I try my best to explain things so that it can be comprehended relatively easily. Sometimes people get too caught up with C&P'ing as many 13 letter words as possible. Sometimes the clinical lingo is necessary and relevant, other times it's just best to keep it fairly simple.
As for my wife ... No insurance on this type program. Our PCP (Kaiser) would never have the capability to diagnose and treat at this level. However, it's not as bad as one might think. Her daily compounded creams come in at close to a hundred per month. Her Test Cyp is minimal (4mg to 5mg/wk), and DHEA/B12 is reasonable. There's a couple hundred in labs every six months, and a few hundred with the doctor visits a few times a year. A couple grand a year basically into her regiment, which is WELL worth the alternatives.
Hi Sexy,
Sorry I am so late to notice your thread. I'd love to offer any help that I can. Others here are giving great advice. Vette really knows his stuff--now he's clued up on female issues too--amazing. My answers may be lengthy so I will post here after the holiday tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking about all this.
oooooo Thank you soooooooooooo much!
I was so excited when I read your PM... take your time enjoy your holiday![]()
I just got a notice in my email account ...not sure if this is at all helpful...
These test results come from your electronic medical record.
Results from some tests performed by outside labs are sent to your provider’s office on paper, so those results will not be available here. (so i guess the Dr may actualy have more results blood results that I have not yet seen)
Component Your Value Standard Range Units
DHEAS 188 45 - 270 mcg/dL
Follow Up Visit with ---------------MD
When:Thursday July 12, 2012 11:30 AM
Where:General Internal Medicine
i looked up what it is :Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate
Your recent DHEAs levels do not look too bad. Many AA docs like to see women with levels around 200 but you are not too far shy of that.
As Vette mentioned it will be extremely important to know at what time of the cycle some of your tests were taken. Your estradiol level at 73 could be okay if that was during the time of your period when estrogen bottoms out but if not, it is too low. Estradiol should not be overlooked as an important player for libido in females. It should be the first layer upon which the other hormones are built. It helps us feel in tune with our bodies, increases feelings of flirtiness and romance and combats depression which deters a healthy sex drive. While each woman has a different sweet spot, I doubt 73 is optimum for you. Most women feel best at or sometimes well above 100.
While your total testosterone levels look to be okay, we don't know how much of that is being bound up by SHBG. A free or bio available T number would give a better indication. But I know you are trying your best to do all you can and get the tests you need. I know $$$$ are a factor.
While hormones play a significant role in libido you did ask for all suggestions so I'll offer a little more advice. First though, I applaud you for doing all you can to try to work on your lowered sex drive and I'm sure your guy appreciates that you take this important area of your relationship seriously.
Hard things happen to us in life. You mentioned your medically necessary abortion, you also mentioned surgeries and issues with gut absorption. Those are tough things to endure. Not all of us are dealt a such a tough hand but we all endure trials which can rob us of sexual energy. It's almost inevitable as years go by. Also, after a couple of years into a long term relationship certain neurotransmitters (like the ones that contribute to feelings of "love" or "bliss") lower. Yes, at these time we should address hormones if they are tanked but equally as important is attitude. I do sense you have a great and open attitude towards cultivating strong sexual intimacy in your relationship but waiting for those former feelings, those more youthful strong sexual compulsions etc may actually hinder a wonderful sexual future for your marriage.
If circumstances, or a loss of hormones aren't going to do it, sometimes mere age can change our sexual selves. But instead of seeking to reclaim what we once had, I think a better, even more mature sexuality can occur, despite health and hormonal problems. A conscious decision to practice sexuality with your partner even if you don't feel turned on at the start or even if you don't have feelings of pure lust like you may have in the past may prove to be even better path. I gather you have tried hypnosis and other therapies. I think conscious decision, put to practice is a better approach. We can change the course of our lives with small decisions.
If we wait to feel in the mood, for the euphoric highs that early times in relationships bring, we will sometimes wait so long that opportunities for beautiful and healthy memories to be made are lost. The bond of sexuality in a marriage is so precious and it has to be cultivated, it will wither if it's not tended to, watered, fed...you get my point. A part of maturing is doing things whether you feel like doing them or not. Having sex is not exempt from that. Your well designed body will catch on once you start and it's doubtful you'll regret starting something up. I'm sure you have seen the studies where they show that even fake smiling can cause elevated dopamine and serotonin in the brain. I'm not saying you should fake desire or orgasm, but practicing frequent sexuality armed with the knowledge that it's important and healthy for you as a couple is a way to help ensure a cemented marriage and getting turned on after you start is not a bad thing.
I would not suggest this proactive sex approach if there is pain from low estrogen leading to a dry vagina. But this can alleviated with safe estriol (E3) or what is commonly known as the weak estrogen. While it's not a heavy hitter like estradiol in cream form, it can restore the moisture and ecology of the vagina.
Just some thoughts I wanted to share. Let me know if I can be of other help.
Last edited by PPC; 07-05-2012 at 06:29 PM.
PPC - Once again, you show just how invaluable you are to this board! Priceless!! Interesting stuff on the E3, again illustrating that the management of optimizing the female endocrine system tends to be a bit more complex than what us guys go through.
GTF - Yes, my wife's hormone program is administered through a wellness/hormone specialty clinic.
thank you i will be sure to point this out!
noted... thats on the list I now have compiled to bring with me to the visit
again thank you and i will be sure to ask her if she has on record at what point my period was when blood was taken and will point this out
are you sure your not a therapist PPC lol cuz the advice you gave was VERY simular to the Therapist I had seen... tells me that you deffinatly know and understand about the libido, so thank you for the insight, it gave me even further belief that Im in god hands
so this is the list of topics for next visit : test (if she does not have the results in her office allready) free & bio T, SHBG & albumin panel,
mention concern that DHEAs may be better if at 200/ Estradiol should be over 100 and ask for at what point in my cycle blood was drawn./total testosterone levels look to be okay, we don't know how much of that is being bound up by SHBG. A free or bio available T number would give a better indication.
do i have this correct?
Sexy, on the labs, YES on the free & bio testosterone. If you can get the SHBG lab, great! If not, just have them run a metabolic panel and pull the albumin score out, we can figure your SHBG with that. Also, put progesterone at the top of the list. I'm suspecting yours might be a little off kilter.
BTW, love your Avi!! LOL, it brings back memories of PPC giving me a hard time for a few of my previous Avi's. Ah, the good ole days!
Your going to need more in depth blood work done to make sure everything is within range but from the figures you have posted so far you seem fine. I'm going to think out side of the box with this one because I know someone who USE to have the same issues and her BW was normal or I should say in the higher than normal ranges but her drive was zero and I mean completely shut down, it made her depressed her self esteem was shot.
Once you start feeling something is wrong it can snowball and the mental block can become a serious problem. Emotional stress can bring relationship problems which in turn creates even further stress's and strains on your mood. All this will have a huge impact on your sex drive. Of course you should seek further in depth BW done just to make sure but I would also go down the natural route for a cure. Without doubt I can tell this is getting you down and your serotonin levels will be dropping which isn't going to help the issue so I would suggest to do what my friend did, which I must say cured and sent her drive through the roof!!!!
Get some St Johns Wort or 5HTP and after about a week start taking on top some Damiana 400mgs, Korean Ginseng 600mgs and Ginkgo biloba 120mg 50/1 leaf equivalent 6000mgs - try this dose for a few days and then double the dose. You also need to get a CD or download some Hypnosis, I have a site where you can download hypnosis to increase a womans sex drive, its aimed at women who have this problem and believe me it works if you open yourself up to how Hypnosis works. Now don't disregard the power of Hypnosis because you may have built up some mental block what needs releasing by relaxing which in turn will get your passion back on track again. Everything starts in your head and unconscious mind so make sure this is firing on all cylinders and take the natural herbs to kick start your drive.
It transformed someone I know and she has never had any further issues.
just received a new email from Dr
"Hi ----,
I spoke with a couple of Gynecology providers, and they have a couple of suggestions. Wingates pharmacy has a compounding pharmacy, and if you are willing to sit with the pharmacist and explain what you are going through, they can prepare creams that contain testosterone and other medications, which have been helpful in some cases.
I think we should wait until I see you on 7-12, and we will discuss these in detail.
Take care,
I will keep y'all up to date...
thanks for the feedback...I’m going the science route for now... and if that doesn’t pan out ~ than, I may go back to the herbal supps and hypnosis stuff (doughtful though, cuz it didn’t help any previously) but then again it wasn’t doing the exact amounts and blends your suggesting and it may work for other gals, so thank you very much for the ideas
Last edited by SexySweetheart; 07-06-2012 at 11:44 AM.
I'm not a therapist, just someone passionate about health, hormonal and relational issues. My husband and I have walked out some similar issues as you have described and made it through even better on the other side.
The Topic list to discuss with your practitioner is good but like Vette mentioned, a progesterone result will also be important. Maybe you'll be receiving that soon with other results.
If your Doc is willing to script you a T cream from a compounder in your area that may be a great trial to see how you react. Cream doses are more easily adjusted and that can be important for us females who can experience some unwanted side effects with too much T. If you're in tune with your body you may be able to figure out a "just right" for you, along with blood testing of course.
what a great thread! Sexy, love your spirit, I know there are many folowing your journey. PPC and vetteman are truly a blessing, thanks guys..
well cr@p news im afraid.
Just found out that TRICARE( military insurance) doesn’t cover anything we (or the average person )are used to being covered ~except for prescriptions, and even that has a bigger co-pay, oh and deductible, oh and cost share of 1,000.00.
Thanks TRICARE for explaining to me that “it is not medical insurance, it is medical benefit” which basically means they only cover med emergency diagnostic codes or mental health IF you are already diagnosed with something before you are 18. (they wont cover the evealuation session, cuz that would be just silly)
How lovely that my internal med Dr tested my hormones and the benefit I get from TRICARE is ($o.oo) nothing, yes please take our money/cover nothing/and send us the bills. Thank you Mr. President for taking suck great care of our members in service and their families.
...the Dr visit was 250.00 not including the testing bills I am sure to get soon ~ I guess military member spouse general health and wellbeing is no emergancy in eyes of our government.
Tigershark will not be please to hear this once he wakes up,m esp when I tell him they dont even cover glasses.
I cancled the next visit, and will have to call the med billing dept Thursday and Dr to see how we can bill the next visit to be covered or get Dr conversation via email on future steps...*sigh* why must it be so d@mn difficult.
Hopefully we can have it submitted under an approved diagnostic code (doubtful) or maybe switch back to Cigna insurance...so we can move forward here...
i will keep the thread posted
Sorry to hear about that S4.. best of luck getting it covered.Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart
Politely explain to them that because of your lack of libido, Tigers sexual needs are not met properly. Sexual frustration can cause rage, lack of good judgement, and extreme hostility towards others.. Do they really want a raging liability where he is stationed just to save a few $$?
ok so talked to billing and Dr...
im stuck with bills, no way roundit..BUT she set me up with a free consultation with the compounding pharm for next Thur... i need to bring current blood work and may have to have more done. I will tell them bout my list (that i made from yall's suggestions) at my consult, they also told me the avaerage cost PER script Per month is about 40.00 WITHOUT ANY insurance help BUT they will still attempt to bill insurance, at times some insurance pays for a % of the bill.
this place is a 5min walk form my house and make meds from scratch for men women children animals (lol yes , vets go here ) after cruising the site they have I was insane impressedfeeling very good about this...
ppc is this 40.00 average per scrip about the average price that you know of? just woundering if it would be worth it for me to look out of state for pricing once this pharm sets me up with scrips..?
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