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  1. #1
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    What did yall figure out about subq injects?

    1. i re-read the thread a bit about the subq injects and am considering implementing them into my TRT repertoire but am not sure mainly about the whole inject no more than 40mg at one time thing. did yall ever come to a conclusion on this? since im a 160mg per week guy thatd have me injecting 4x per week.

    2. also since im doing 375iU hcg before each shot would i just do it still twice per week or attempt 187.5iU 4x per week?

    3. and with adex would since im on 2mg (1 pill day after each inject) would i then switch it to .5mg day after each inject or just stay at twice per week?

    4. do i need to aspirate ?

    5. is the stomach/hcg site the only one o can use for subq injects? anyone have any other sites they use?

    every time i inject into my quad lately it seems i go strait into a nerve. usually when i do leg injects i end up having to withdraw and re stab at least once sometimes twice. im kinda getting where i cringe every time i have to inject myself in the leg just cuz the nerve has trained me that way and it sucks! pain i can take but not this nerve feeling crap!

    thx guys!

  2. #2
    keep fightin is offline Associate Member
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    hey 405! all good questions. my experience only

    1. I'm currently running 50mg test 3xew with a 30 1/2, a couple of mins, not a big deal to me. you can pull an extra 5mg per inject, there's room,I do that now and then.

    2. I'm doing 150 mg hcg 3xew with a 31 5/16, piece of cake. tougher to guage but vettes nut o meter has the boys lookin goood , feelin good.

    3. this one will need bw to be sure if your on the right track. I'm doing 1/4 mg 12 hrs or so after each pin and feel great.. i have bw results on 21 to see how it's goin

    4. I don't

    5. I include the area right above the top of my hip bone, the Iliac crest, in a four way rotation, r hip- r side of navel-L side of navel-L hip

  3. #3
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Why the limit on 40 mgs/injection/subq? Always something new to learn!

  4. #4
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
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    I do half a ml which is 100mg twice a week with no problems at all.

  5. #5
    grilla is offline Junior Member
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    What gauge/length are you using?


  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
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    some do 200 with no problem, but most seem to get lumps on high doses, i do 27mgs eod and 200 iu hCG eod in between and its been perfect so far. i tale 0.25 mg AI twice a week, still working on balancing the E2, doing BW soon to see where its at.

  7. #7
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    thx for the replies guys!

    bass: 1. what length/gauge needle do u use?

    2. do u aspirate ?

  8. #8
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkeykong View Post
    I do half a ml which is 100mg twice a week with no problems at all.
    cool. i may try 80mg per inject. .4cc

  9. #9
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    Why the limit on 40 mgs/injection/subq? Always something new to learn!
    crisler did a radio show addressing subq injects and he says to inject no more than 40mg per inject

  10. #10
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    crisler did a radio show addressing subq injects and he says to inject no more than 40mg per inject
    Do you remember as the the reason why? I ask because this is the first time I have heard this.

  11. #11
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    some do 200 with no problem, but most seem to get lumps on high doses, i do 27mgs eod and 200 iu hCG eod in between and its been perfect so far. i tale 0.25 mg AI twice a week, still working on balancing the E2, doing BW soon to see where its at.
    If I did the math right that comes out to ~100 mgs/week of test and ~700 mgs/week of HCG . What kind of test levels does that give you?

    Edit: I just read on another post you are 800 total and have high free!
    Last edited by Brazensol; 07-15-2012 at 08:22 AM.

  12. #12
    BigBadWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grilla
    What gauge/length are you using?

    30g 5/16
    A big thanks to bass for that.

  13. #13
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    thx for the replies guys!

    bass: 1. what length/gauge needle do u use?

    2. do u aspirate?
    i always used 28 g. x 1/2" much faster to load than 30 or 31. no aspiration is needed since there are only hair line veins in the fat, it almost never bleeds after injection.

  14. #14
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    gonna have to get those 28g.. i use the tuberculin syringe and have no probs. easy to swap tips and they come in 1mL syringes. unlike the leur lock which i have only been able to find in 3mL..

  15. #15
    Allaaro is offline Associate Member
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    There is nothing wrong with going over 40 per sub-q injection.

    Everyone will have different points of how much they can process without lumps or problems. I've done 55 many times since that's a full insulin needle, no problems. We are talking about pharm grade test doesn't really matter if it is 40, 50, or 60+ as long as bloodwork comes back good and you aren't having problems.

    I'd go with 3 times per week with the AI, HCG and Test, all split up. Don't make things all too complicated and there is no reason to aspirate with sub-q....hell most docs don't even aspirate IM nowadays(which I disagree with). I like HCG stomach and test on lower body.

  16. #16
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    I am using insulin needles. Not sure of the gauge but not bigger than 29g. Don't feel a thing and does not take long to draw the test. into the syringe.

  17. #17
    ZenFitness is offline Associate Member
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    Not to thread hijack here, but I'm debating switching to injects when my pellets wear out. My main question is this - does multiple injections per week leave you bruised or looking like a pincushion?

  18. #18
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    I've only done 2 subq injections myself but so far there are no lumps, bruises, soreness or anything else for that matter. The only thing I have felt so far is a slight pressure against the skin before the needle slides in. I have not felt the needle actually penetrating the skin. It is virtually painless. My first shot at the doc's office was IM and once again it was virtually painless.

  19. #19
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    gonna have to get those 28g.. i use the tuberculin syringe and have no probs. easy to swap tips and they come in 1mL syringes. unlike the leur lock which i have only been able to find in 3mL..
    you can get 1ml syringes with luer lock, but they are price, like $50 for 100!

  20. #20
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    you can get 1ml syringes with luer lock, but they are price, like $50 for 100!
    yeh? where? (can i ask that?)

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