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Thread: Blood Test Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Blood Test Results

    so I can't keep my di-k up for anything and got blood work done. I'm open for suggests anyone has. looks like e2 is sky high (i think my AI is bunk) but does anything else stick out that needs to be addressed? what about the low LH?Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Your test levels and E do look pretty high?

    How much test are you on?

    How much and what kind of ai? Is it rx?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    seriously?! yea man all the stuff in bold are things to be concerned about, while your testosterone levels are desirable they still need to be within range. what you need to do immediately is donate blood, if you get rejected due to high hemoglobin then get your doc to prescribe blood letting, you are at risk for heart attack or stroke, not trying to scare you but you need to know this is serious. also you need to get on AI immediately, that e2 is way too high bro, pretty soon you'll be producing milk! your cholesterol HDL is way too low, need to get on fish oil, raw nuts and such to help with that. also if you don't take care of that DHT you'll be going bold real fast! too many things to be concerned about. are you under a physician care? if so he should address all these out of range hormones. i couldn't see where your IGF-1 reading, it must have got cut off. LH and FSH will crash while on TRT, so nothing to be concerned about there, but the rest you need to take care of especially Hemoglobin and E2.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    also forgot to mention, ALT is a bit high, your liver is mildly stressed. do you smoke, drink, are you on oral pain killers?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I'm leaning towards you are not on medical TRT...

    That e2 would negatively effect most mens sexual function.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by berniec View Post
    so I can't keep my di-k up for anything. You can look at your E2 to be the culprit. Suggest you also look at getting a prolactin assay taken.

    I'm open for suggests anyone has. Get with a qualified physician ASAP. Read bass' post, the re-read again.

    looks like e2 is sky high (i think my AI is bunk) No mention of AI protocol or any other protocol, how are we supposed to help you determine this?
    but does anything else stick out that needs to be addressed? Nothing that hasn't been said.

    what about the low LH? That's better known as HPTA shutdown. No natty being produced as a result of taking exogenous test (and it sounds like a lot of it by the look of the labs)
    This a very mismanaged protocol if you're on TRT. Better grab hold of it!!

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