Hi guys,
I did a full blood work up through the docs. Results came showing my test is low.
I'm 38, good diet, 23% body fat, gym 5 days a week. 20min HIIT cardio then heavy weights average total 1.5hrs per gym session.
Some of you may have seen my log of loosing lots of weight.
I was advised to have my test checked and it seems to be a bit low. I don't know the measurement names but I'm 8.9 and it should be 10± for my age.
He feeling of hitting a brick wall could be due to this.
Should I run a test only cycle? If so what? If no then what should I do to bring it up? My doc wants to send me to a specialist which is going to take 6 weeks. This means more tests first.
This will be my first real jab if I do it and I want to do it right with guidance.
Thank you.