Just curious to see where our members are at on what dosage?
1) What is your TRT protocol?
2) Where does this protocol land your values at?
Thanks to those who reply....
Just curious to see where our members are at on what dosage?
1) What is your TRT protocol?
2) Where does this protocol land your values at?
Thanks to those who reply....
Want to post, but don't understand what you are asking on #2, sorry.
I think OP means where does your protocol outlined at #1 set your blood values as for TT TF E2 etc
1) What is your TRT protocol?
75mg two times a week test E
0.5mg anastrozole with every pin.
2) Where does this protocol land your values at?
Test 30.4 (9.9-27.8)
Free T 847 (170-670)
Estradiol <44 (<166)
Good thread, simple and gives others food for thought.
100 mg once week, anaz- .25 mg twice a week. Puts me at 750-850 e2 in the 20's
I pin every five days, 150mg of Test E. It's driving my T levels through the roof (>13.50 ng/dl, day 5). Gear must be overdosed...
E2 (non sensitive) is at 32. Exemestane 6.25 EOD.
I've been on trt for 3-4 years and have tried Ed, twice a week and once a week. Honestly I don't feel an ounce of difference. So that's why I'm sticking to once a week. My hcg I do twice a week.Originally Posted by Keep_It_Moving
Thats what i do, 1 time a week with 200mg and .75 anast., I tried the 2xweek and felt like crap. It really doesnt make sense but that is the way it is for me. It puts my level about 900 at 5 or 6 days after the shot. Free T is about 25-30. It seemed like I could never get my E2 right with the twice weekly test, now it stays between 20 and 25 on 1 x per week.
Last edited by joebailey1271; 05-31-2016 at 02:25 AM.
I'm trying to respond, the frickin system won't let me post the name of the commonly used drugs because i have fewer then 25 posts! So I have to do it in pieces to figure out what's causing the problem. By the time I get through this post, perhaps I'll be over 25 posts.
Sorry to complicate things, but I have to preface the discussion with the fact that not everyone uses 100% T-Cyp, so we really need to understand how much molecular testosterone we are injecting. FYI, T-Cyp is 68.2% T, T-Eth is 72.0% T, and T-Prop is 83.7% T. This is important because mg per mg, T-Prop>T-Eth>T-Cyp for delivering molecular testosterone. There are also differences in half-life. Bottom line is that mg per mg, T-Prop delivers a much bigger punch faster and for a shorter period of time than T-Eth or T-Cyp. Then comes T-Eth, then T-Cyp. Clear as mud?
OK, I give up. I've spent way too long trying to get some simple information posted and it keeps getting rejected as SPAM. I think the monitors really need to review their SPAM policy!
I'm at 13 posts now. i guess I'll have to make another 12 or so fluff posts before i can post anything of substance.
No one cares about the %T in different esters. The resulting curve of T elevation over function of time is all that matters. About the wordfilter, try rephrasing.
anyone else care to share?
90mg T-cyp and 250 iu HCG Monday morn and Thurs night, .25 Adex 24hrs later.
Total T-800
Free T- 24
E2 sens- 20
Has anyone here experienced an increase in general well-being when adding HCG.
Since I've been on TRT my mood significantly worsened. One of the hypotheses I've come up with is loss of either LH itself or T precursors synthesized in the testes, thus leading to decreased pregnenolone, progesterone and DHEA - all of which have "neurosteroid" activity by themselves and as precursors (think of allopregnanolone), thus negatively impacting mood.
Some months ago I went to an urologist and had a ultrasound scan down there. He said they look "hypoechoic" which means ongoing atrophy and heightened risk of cancer, so I should check'em once a year, according to him.
It seems reasonable to add HCG, so I must get a prescription. It's very cheap here, an amp of P*egnyl 5k would cost me less than $3.
Started 8 mos ago: 150 mg. test c 1x/wk. sub Q. & .5 mg Arimidex 2x/wk. No HCG. At 3 months and sorry, don't have exact/complete numbers for this BW:1000 total test, but with a standard E2 test, was considered below acceptable range.
Lately: .75mg test c 2x/wk. & .125 (yes, a half of a quartered Arimidex) & still no HCG: last blood work showed 910 total (250-1100), 214 free (35-155) and Estradiol (ultra sensitive)@ 22 (<29). Goal is eventually to drop the Adex.
Incidentally, at about the 6-7 month mark, semen levels dropped noticeably. Started HCG 3 weeks ago (starting my first blast), I have noticed improvement in volume already.
Actually, the % T in T esters makes a huge difference. If you inject 100 mg of T-Cyp you get 100 X 0.68 = 68 mg of Testosterone. If you inject the same amount of T-Prop, you get 100 X 0.84 = 84 mg of Testosterone. That's 47% more T on a mg per mg basis.
As you point out, the half life also makes a big difference, because the T-Cyp delivered T enters the system at about half the speed as the T-Prop delivered T.
Your math is off...Originally Posted by Youthful55guy
84 is 23.5% greater than 68.
Not 47%. Not sure why you get exactly double the amount... 47=23.5x2
Man, since TRT, my mood has never been better. I never cared to do the HCG because at 57, could care less about sperm production. I had some testicular atrophy, but it was the BIG drop in semen (almost nothing) that forced the addition. I'll watch for further change in moods, but none yet.
Absolutely Right! My math is off. Punched the numbers too quickly into the calculator 84- 68 = 16; 16/68 X 100 = 23.5%. I stand corrected, but the point remains. The two esters deliver different amounts of T on a mg basis in addition to delivering them over different time periods.
I'm still trying to figure out how to post my protocol. The system seems to reject it no matter how i reword it. Pretty frustrating to spend so much time typing in a sincere reply that I think would be of benefit to the conversation, only to have it continuously rejected as SPAM.
Last edited by Youthful55guy; 06-01-2016 at 08:47 AM.
Dude who cares. You can't compare different esters on a per-mg basis anyway.
Eh, I'm 26. TRT impacted both volume and semen hugely. I don't care about fertility, but mantaining function could be crucial if I should ever be forced off TRT.
Perhaps, HCG might aid well-being too.
Been on it to long to remember the change in "feeling" (if any) but I definitely noticed a difference in testicular size without it. I'd be very curious to see what, if any difference you may feel from implementing it.
Are you supplementing with Preg & DHEA to backfill pathways?
I was on TRT with two 50mg injections a week and three 250 iU doses of hCG a week for 3 - 4 years. After moving to Colorado, I saw an endo who convinced me to try getting off it. Stopped everything entirely and my levels came in just over my pre-TRT levels (mid 300s if I remember correctly). I personally thought hCG left me feeling much less "hollow" when I did it... I felt much more well rounded with it, if that makes sense.
As a side note, I was on TRT for anti-aging low T (not because I lost my nuts or the like). After getting off TRT, I (perhaps oddly) feel much better and my head is in a great place. I was a nervous wreck before TRT and I think it (along with Cialis for increased blood flow not just to the unit but through my whole body) helped quite a bit to straighten me out, so I certainly don't bash TRT![]()
I use pregnenolone and dhea , albeit sporadically. Still feel like something is missing and I'd be keen on seeing if hcg does increase ejac volume too.
I have experimented with many supplements including pregnenolone and DHEA, yes.
When I was on Nebido and felt moody, taking some DHEA in the morning resulted in slightly euphoria, with onset about ~4 hours after ingestion. It worked like magic, but it somehow stopped since last december, I dunno why.
Pregnenolone too gave mixed results, but the most impressing ones. Extremely relaxing (almost sedating), with a "hypnotic" feeling. Relieved anhedonia, some of the cognitive issues, but worsened others - I felt like being really dumb, which didn't surprise me. I've researched extensively about the matter so I know its metabolites have anti-cholinergic (cholinergic transmission is associated with sharpness) properties in the brain. Of course it will only affect really sensitive individuals like me and not everyone. I could go further into details about brain chemistry but it would be OT and rather speculative.
I've tried the combo DHEA-pregnenolone and the result was massive antidepressant effect. However, it also spiked BP and made me feel dizzy, which i don't like.
Overall, the effects lasted a few hours. I don't like the idea of continuous supplementing through the day, it seems rather unnatural and might do more harm than good. I'd rather try low-to-moderate doses of HCG, enough to emulate baseline LH activity, and see if that is of help. I don't want to see any doc now (it would be deleterious for my psychological wellbeing, long story) and I still have to dial in with TRT, so I do plan to get HCG later, perhaps after summer.
Anyway, adding an AI dampened the depressive response from TRT to some extent. It's an overall balance problem. Oestradiol can compensate the effects of progesterone in the brain, and is imbalance between the two that gives women the "blues" (OK I'm no woman but...).
And oh, I might also add I got another weird and really unusual side from TRT: paresthesias, ie. mild tingling feeling in the extremities. Something is definitely messing with proper nervous system function. Endo was of no help here too, just replied "it's strange". Ok...
Made a lot of experiments about this, of course all anedoctal evidence as I was the only test subject lol, but yes, if have sex immediately after taking 250ui of HCG the volume is much greater and "powerfull". So that means ejac around 30-40 minutes after HCG shot (yes Numbere I do last half hour, and more if wife lets me). Masturbation is not the same thing, so dont compare results through it, and of course all other major improvements on cum shot still apply, zinc, hydration, etc.
A few hours after HCG shot I dont feel this effect anymore.
EDIT: also for it to work I need to be off finasteride.
Mine is close to ZERO. However, I experienced an huge improvement during washout period from Nebido, though I was loosing hair all over my body (again). I guess FSH signal is still intact.
Consider alternative finasteride options. There many natural 5-AR inhibitors out there. The most powerful is GLA (gamma-linoleic acid), found in borrage oil. Then comes omega 3s (linseed, fish oil, etc).
You've done your research which is refreshing to see! Really interesting that you're so sensitive to the supplements, but in the long run I'd guess that it's a good thing. When it comes to HCG it sounds like a daily low dose regimen would suit you best. Like to hear how you make out with this.
Bizarro, thanx for the insight. I have unopened bottles of DHEA & Pregnenolone in my medicine cabinet, but waiting till off cycle to try - too many other things going on now, really want to see the effect of them alone.
I'd like to add, so far I've been very happy that my prolactin levels from my pituitary adenoma have remained stable. I am on caber though.
50mg sub q 2 times a week test c
hcg 300iu 2 times a week
Total T 748 (348-1197)
Free T 19 (6.8-21.5)
Estradiol 15 (8.0-35.0)
Also I went my first 2 years no hcg.. After adding hcg I felt fantastic!! It was for me the missing link for sure.
I take dhea as well but only 2 small does per day 10 mg each. I get a feeling of anxiety and being speedy for some reason taking any more of a dose.
Last edited by J DIESEL3; 06-02-2016 at 09:47 AM.
This is sure valuable thread, and I will be keeping my eye on this since its in a great interest of mine, great thanks to all people contributing to share their experiences! THANK YOU
I'm on 80mg/wk test c, been on since January this year and finally just started HCG 250iu 2x/wk
Testosterone Adult Male 777 ng/dL 300 - 1080 ng/dL REFERENCE INTERVAL: Testosterone, Adult Male
Access complete set of age- and/or gender-specific
reference intervals for this test in the ARUP Laboratory
Test Directory (aruplab.com).Testosterone Percentage Free 2.6 % 1.6 - 2.9 % Testosterone Free Calculation 202 pg/mL 47 - 244 pg/mL INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Testosterone, Free
Tanner Stage IV 35 - 169 pg/mL
Tanner Stage V 41 - 239 pg/mL
The concentration of Free Testosterone is derived from a
mathematical expression based on the constant for the
binding of testosterone to Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
Access complete set of age- and/or gender-specific
reference intervals for this test in the ARUP Laboratory
Test Directory (aruplab.com).Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 18 nmol/L 11 - 80 nmol/L REFERENCE INTERVAL: Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
Access complete set of age- and/or gender-specific
reference intervals for this test in the ARUP Laboratory
Test Directory (aruplab.com).Testosterone Bioavailable 563 ng/dL 131 - 682 ng/dL INTERPRETIVE INFORMATION: Testosterone, Bioavailable
Tanner Stage IV 40 - 485 ng/dL
Tanner Stage V 124 - 596 ng/dL
The concentrations of free and bioavailable testosterone
are derived from mathematical expressions based on
constants for the binding of testosterone to albumin and/or
sex hormone binding globulin.
Access complete set of age- and/or gender-specific
reference intervals for this test in the ARUP Laboratory
Test Directory (aruplab.com).
I'm also on 600mg/wk EQ. I'm hoping this and HCG won't throw off any test numbers. I need them to be similar to those above. What do you guys think? EQ may have an effect on shbg supposedly.
Last edited by Charlie6; 06-02-2016 at 08:29 PM.
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