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  1. #1
    Flguy88 is offline New Member
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    Out of Shape, High Blood Pressure, TRT I missing something


    I first would like to start by saying holy shit, My life has flipped upside down in a good/bad now I am very financially stable and able to do a lot of things (or better said, I can purchase and buy more things than when I was younger) due to my hard work ethic and willingness to succeed. But in the time I was pursuing a good career and a stable mean of income that would allow me to have the things I wanted I completely let my bodybuilding days go by and now I am a fat turd who has been diagnosed with HBP 147/90 @ age 28 almost 29.

    I came here when I was 22 and got great info and got great advice from vets who told me to wait till I was 25 to start AAs, I waited till I was 24 and did my first cycle of test E 500/ EW and proper 6 week PCT and what not, then fast forward a few years and I got married and now fat....and am where I am today.

    My doc ran some blood test and the results show I have low T 223L Reference Range is 250-827 ng/dl.
    The same day the doc tells me I have a slight blood pressure issue and started me on Lisi- nop -ril 5mg/day as well as puts me on test Cyp 200 MG a week for 20 weeks....this is where I am confused, first I never thought I would be needing TRT and second why would she recommend test and a HBP medicine at the same time, and noting for PCT or to control any sides from the test(I bloated like crazy my first cycle), again probably not many sides at that dose but still I wonder if there should be any other protocol.

    Reason for going to get the blood work was I have crazy lethargic days and feel like doing nothing on weekends but I put that off to the work I put in on the weekdays...My questions...what can I expect from does of test? My goal is to get back into shape as I have a full home gym (not, not a bowflex never been a fan but a 5 different weight machines) and get my 24 year old body back? Any one experience any elevated BP with 200 mg of test a week, I wanted to maybe use an expired vial of Test E I have laying around from my days and maybe ramp it up to 300mg a week to get some added benefit from the TRT?

    your thoughts...

  2. #2
    hammerheart's Avatar
    hammerheart is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I was experiencing high blood pressure before TRT, which provided me with great benefits in that area.

    However, something can wrong, especially at borderline doses, as these have the potential to drive E2 levels high, and that unfortunately will negatively impact your BP as well as enhancing fat storage and hinder well-being.

    Of course being out of shaped and stressed out are factors that add to the above.

    What would be useful to know is where your Total T and E2 (sensitive assay) are at. Get also general routine bloods done (CBC, lipids, glucose, liver, kidney).

    Are you already on AI (arimidex ) ?

    200mg of TC weekly will provide you plenty of benefits as long as E2 is kept in check; you don't need a cycle to get in shape.

    That BP is indeed high but nothing extraordinary. What are your stats (weight, height, %bf)?

  3. #3
    Flguy88 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    I was experiencing high blood pressure before TRT, which provided me with great benefits in that area.

    However, something can wrong, especially at borderline doses, as these have the potential to drive E2 levels high, and that unfortunately will negatively impact your BP as well as enhancing fat storage and hinder well-being.

    Of course being out of shaped and stressed out are factors that add to the above.

    What would be useful to know is where your Total T and E2 (sensitive assay) are at. Get also general routine bloods done (CBC, lipids, glucose, liver, kidney).

    Are you already on AI (arimidex ) ?

    200mg of TC weekly will provide you plenty of benefits as long as E2 is kept in check; you don't need a cycle to get in shape.

    That BP is indeed high but nothing extraordinary. What are your stats (weight, height, %bf)?
    Weight: 233.5
    Bf%: 30-35%

    Currently not taking anything for Estrogen..nor was it recomended by the Dr. Any idea if I should get some adex to use with the trt dose, and is one pin a week alright as oppossed to two...Dr. sent me 200mg vials to inject one a week for twenty weeks.

  4. #4
    hammerheart's Avatar
    hammerheart is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Noted... so when did you exactly start TRT?

    Your doc should have ordered some bloodwork to determine the cause of low T. These usually include thyroid panel, LH, FSH and PRL. Did you get any of these tested?

    Your %bf is high and unfortunately that is associated with increased aromatization (conversion of T to E2). This can quickly get problematic, and I'd talk to the doc about adding a bit of arimidex , to be taken the day after pin, though reducing dosage and going with biweekly pins would be more of a smart move; your choice.

    When did doc plan to pull next bloodwork?

  5. #5
    Flguy88 is offline New Member
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    Yes I got a full blood work done, everything else was perfect aside from low T. I haven't started TRT yet, I am trying to inform my self of other peoples knowledge and experiences before doing so.

  6. #6
    hammerheart's Avatar
    hammerheart is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If it doesn't bother you, please share it. Good thing that you are, so many sadly don't.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    Noted... so when did you exactly start TRT?

    Your doc should have ordered some bloodwork to determine the cause of low T. These usually include thyroid panel, LH, FSH and PRL. Did you get any of these tested?

    Your %bf is high and unfortunately that is associated with increased aromatization (conversion of T to E2). This can quickly get problematic, and I'd talk to the doc about adding a bit of arimidex, to be taken the day after pin, though reducing dosage and going with biweekly pins would be more of a smart move; your choice.

    Really on point as usual Biz.

    Op, do your best to post up your BW please. Far to many doc's miss simple things that can cause low T that may be correctable. Lack of understanding of your HPTA and thyroid are two of the main culprits here. Bizzarro is far better than most doc's in this area. 200 mgs per week is high end TRT which most will never need to start at. More test can equal more sides. Always better to start lower and ramp up based on BW. No mention of HCG or an AI is also very concerning.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
    Flguy88 is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE="bizzarro;7228931"]If it doesn't bother you, please share it. Good thing that you are, so many sadly

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Out of Shape, High Blood Pressure, TRT I missing something-forumrunner_20161031_164344.jpg   Out of Shape, High Blood Pressure, TRT I missing something-forumrunner_20161031_164332.jpg   Out of Shape, High Blood Pressure, TRT I missing something-forumrunner_20161031_164336.jpg   Out of Shape, High Blood Pressure, TRT I missing something-forumrunner_20161031_164340.jpg   Out of Shape, High Blood Pressure, TRT I missing something-forumrunner_20161031_164328.jpg  

    Out of Shape, High Blood Pressure, TRT I missing something-forumrunner_20161031_164322.jpg  

  9. #9
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    What's the game plan after 20 weeks? Makes no sense my freind, I would be very concerned on what happens then??? TRT is not a 20 week band aid, you may "get in shape" but truthfully (and I'm sure u don't want to hear this) but all you need is a good diet and excercise program and that very well may solve all your issues. No shortcuts.

  10. #10
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    At your current wright and 200 mgs per week, estrogen will almost certainly be problematic. HcG , should at a minimum be discussed as they are "your" balls, would be important if it were me. I have no problem with female Dr"s but not with this subject matter as they have proven time and time again, they do not understand male hormones.
    Years ago I saw a woman TRT Dr, she said my dosage needed to be increased because I wasn't waking up with "hard ons" every morning, never mind I was already on 200 mgs per week and my T tested at 1300.......

  11. #11
    hammerheart's Avatar
    hammerheart is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flguy88 View Post
    TSH is bit out of range, though the pics are barely readable, am I right that 3.91 is the value there? Lab range tops at 5 which is outdated. Imo is worth looking further into. Do you have familiarity for thyroid disease? Could be autoimmune in origin which is a whole another matter. Proper thyroid testing include TSH, FT4, FT3 and autoimmunity is checked via antibodies (abTPO, abTG).

    I don't see any FSH and LH. Good that you haven't started yet as these precious values are lost via suppression once exogenous Test is introduced. These are the signals that the hypothalamus-pituitary sends to the gonads to tell them to release T and maintain fertility. They are checked in order to discern testicular failure from issues in the above signaling. PRL (prolactin) can be checked at any time and it's important too as if elevated (ie. from prolactinomas, small, benign growths secreting PRL) it will suppress FSH/LH thus leading to low T.

    Another important matter to discuss the doc with is HCG . It's a wonder hormone released by the placenta, and useful in both women and men because it's close structurally to LH, and offer a valid substitution agent, useful for preventing testes atrophy, keep fertility, and aid in well-being. There are many other hormones released by the gonads, these are T precursors and have a role in overall homeostasis and how we function. Many of us report better mood and even enhanced libido from HCG use. TRT is spurious w/o HCG and should be considered a gold standard. Top level TRT docs too recommend it.

    As kel said, there are alarming signs that your doc might not be really knowledgeable about TRT, and we advise you to find a valid one - it's worth the time.

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