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Thread: low sex drive on TRT. how do i correct?

  1. #1
    Too-$mall's Avatar
    Too-$mall is offline Member
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    low sex drive on TRT. how do i correct?

    on TRT and need long term advice from those on TRT.

    can you break it down into a list of high priority needs? then lower priority needs and checks in the box?

    im thinking this is how we will start
    probably diagnosis of problem, solutions decisions, execution actions, and then troubleshooting arising issues.

    one thing i should mention, i don't have a doc monitoring me. im taking about 75mg every 2 days. not sure what my test levels are. so i'd imagine i either figure out how to get a doc paid for under insurance, or go get bloods and bring the results here...

    i need some detailed guidance broken down barney style

  2. #2
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
    anoxicblaze is offline Associate Member
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    Unfortunately you can't really be advised without blood test results. Your E2 levels could be a significant factor. On that amount of Testosterone a week your t-levels should be really high, which for me completely solved my sex drive and ED issues. But my E2 levels are perfect. Yours may be too high or too low. We don't know.

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  3. #3
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I just read a study that suggests Libido is more dependent on the e2 being in range and the proportion of free test to e2, to me this indicates that SHBG also plays a big role.
    -Your first step is Bloodwork.
    -I would definitely use a doctor. TRT isn't Diy. I use Defy Medical. Perhaps after a year or so, if you can source your meds, you could think about not having a doctor.

  4. #4
    Kenny357 is offline Junior Member
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    I went on trt about a year and a half ago for low libido. I could deal with the Dad bod and the muscle loss but when I started banging my then fiancé with a rope, I knew I had to do something. I stayed with a doctor till we got me tuned in then, well actually they dropped me because I travel for a living and am hard to monitor. I can tell if my e is off via acne and my dick. I don't take the AI always but I keep it on hand for when I need it. My suggestion is to do the doctor thing for at least a year.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    What Quester said, blood work. Take a look at discounted labs dot com or private md labs dot com. 75 mgs eod is to much for trt. Drop it down to 75 mgs twice per week. Even that in reality may be to high but even then only BW will solve this.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
    Sh0tsf1red is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Too-$mall View Post
    on TRT and need long term advice from those on TRT.

    can you break it down into a list of high priority needs? then lower priority needs and checks in the box?

    im thinking this is how we will start
    probably diagnosis of problem, solutions decisions, execution actions, and then troubleshooting arising issues.

    one thing i should mention, i don't have a doc monitoring me. im taking about 75mg every 2 days. not sure what my test levels are. so i'd imagine i either figure out how to get a doc paid for under insurance, or go get bloods and bring the results here...

    i need some detailed guidance broken down barney style
    If you didn't get diagnosed from a doctor you are not TRT, just influenced by bro science.

    Go to the doctor and get bloods often. Don't hide behind the TRT name if your just an AAS user

  7. #7
    Sh0tsf1red is offline Member
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    For the record, nothing wrong with AAS, I love them!

  8. #8
    anoxicblaze's Avatar
    anoxicblaze is offline Associate Member
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    Try getting diagnosed in the UK. Good luck with that. I'm DIY and it's the best decision I ever made. The alternative (not doing it) was not acceptable. I get blood tests regularly and compare and contrast then act accordingly to improve my results. I was doing that before TRT anyway. I have my critics. That's fine. It's my body and brain and I do what I see fit.

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    hollowedzeus likes this.

  9. #9
    Sh0tsf1red is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anoxicblaze View Post
    Try getting diagnosed in the UK. Good luck with that. I'm DIY and it's the best decision I ever made. The alternative (not doing it) was not acceptable. I get blood tests regularly and compare and contrast then act accordingly to improve my results. I was doing that before TRT anyway. I have my critics. That's fine. It's my body and brain and I do what I see fit.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Hey man at the end of the day it's whatever makes you feel better
    anoxicblaze likes this.

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