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Thread: Off to the Docs

  1. #1
    Astra28 is offline New Member
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    Off to the Docs

    Hi, I'm 39 and from the UK. I have been experiencing symptoms of low T for as long as I can remember, particularly anxiety and only recently thought that it could be a testosterone issue.

    So what should I asking/requesting and what should I expect when visiting my GP regarding the results from a recent blood test I had done through a online medical facilitator.

    Lab results:

    Total T - 19.7 range - 8.64 - 29 nmol/L
    Free T - 0.185 range - 0.2 - 0.62 nmol/L
    SHBG - 97 range 18.3 - 54.1 nmol/L
    Oestradiol - 54 range 41 - 159pmol/L

    LH, FSH and thyroid function all come within range.

    I have been reading through the stickies trying to get a better understanding and to prepare for a meeting with the doctor.

  2. #2
    assguy22's Avatar
    assguy22 is offline Junior Member
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    Your sHBG value is almost three times higher than optimal. I don't think using testosterone exogenously will help, you'll have to treat that problem first. Youthfull55 is an expert on problems with sHBG lol I hope he reads your post.

  3. #3
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Yes, your SHBG is high, which explains why your Free T is so low and probably why you feel so bad. While there are effective treatments for high SHBG, it's difficult to get docs to prescribe them because they are very low dose anabolic steroids . Many docs don't even believe that SHBG is important, so it's an uphill battle.

    First, I have to ask if you are taking thyroid medications or if you are hyperthyroid. High thyroid hormones can push up SHBG.

    Assuming it's not a thyroid hormone issue, your choices are:

    1) Load up on Total T until the SHBG protein is saturated and enough spills over into Free T that you feel OK. This was my initial approach. It works but has its limitations. You can only push Total T so far before excessive red blood cell production and/or E become limiting factors.

    2) Go off the reservation and treat the high SHBG yourself. I would suggest very low dose Stanozolol . Start at 2.5mg 2X per day and retest after 6 weeks. HOWEVER, this approach requires that you also start TRT because all exogenous androgens will suppress endogenous production. Stanozolol (or Anavar for that matter) will not work as a monotherapy.

    Here's a link to another recent thread where I talk about treatment of high SHBG. Keep in mind that it's an older thread and that the doses of stanozolol or Anavar that I originally used are a bit high. My new recommendation is to start at 0.25mg 2X per day for Stanozolol or 5mg 2X per day for Anavar. Then retest after 6 weeks and go from there.
    Last edited by Youthful55guy; 09-24-2018 at 03:43 PM.
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  4. #4
    Astra28 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your replys.

    Y55, I have not got hyperthyroid or I am I on any medication for my thyroid, the only medication I'm on is an ssri for anxiety.

    I have an appointment with the doc in 2 weeks time which im hoping at least that I can get a blood test. If I don't make any progress with the doctor I'll look into going through a medical facilitator, im not comfortable going it alone just yet.

    The link your post is not working, I would be interested in reading it.

  5. #5
    assguy22's Avatar
    assguy22 is offline Junior Member
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    SSRI's are ideal for breaking down the hormonal balance.

    This information may be useful to you. heh

    SHBG ? A Modulator to be Modulated
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  6. #6
    Astra28 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the links, they have led me into looking deeper into the effect SSRI's have on our hormones.

  7. #7
    Ksmaith is offline New Member
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