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Thread: IGF & Calves

  1. #1
    Bigun's Avatar
    Bigun is offline Senior Member
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    United Kingdom

    IGF & Calves

    With the poor circulation associated with the calves, would it be possible that by injecting IM there, that more of the IGF would stay in those muscles and not circulate around the body?

  2. #2
    ripdtoshredz's Avatar
    ripdtoshredz is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2004
    Don't know, but I'm sure as hell injecting there. I'll let you know how it goes. Only on day 6 here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigun
    With the poor circulation associated with the calves, would it be possible that by injecting IM there, that more of the IGF would stay in those muscles and not circulate around the body?
    I see no problem with calf injections. As long as you aspirate , there really isn't much danger.

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