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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Ok guys, this is technically week one of my slin run. My cycle right now is :
    500 mg/wk - Test cyp
    600mg/wk - eq
    300 mg/wk - test prop

    So far I tried 4,5,6 iu of slin PWO only, and only 4 days per week everything went cool, so I think this week I'll try 7,8,9 iu. My question is......say after an intense work-out(back or chest), I usually do my 30 min. cardio after that......but should I hit the slin after the workout itself then injest my carbs/protein/creatine/glutamine....then do my cardio? Or should I just hit the slin after the cardio session?

    Also, I asked this question before: If Humalog peaks at about 1 hour after injection......shouldn't you injest your creatine/glutamine at that time instead of right after the shot? Is the high-glucose intake after the shot just to prevent going hypo......because i figured Humalog is really working hard at about the 1 hour mark so that's when most of the nutrients will be driven into the depleted muscles......but that's just what I was thinking I have nothing to back it up.

    thanx boyz

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    bump...i would like to know this also...

    before or after cardio???????

    not doing any AM cardio just AM cardio is not an option...i will drop it in my bulker though...but im asking if i decide to use slin in my pct after my current run is over

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Cardio activity can throw off blood glucose levels, so I'd say to take the slin after cardio and weights in order to avoid a dip in BG levels during activity.

    Don't forget that cardio after weights is much less than ideal and should be done at a different time in order to prevent catabolism.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rambo
    Cardio activity can throw off blood glucose levels, so I'd say to take the slin after cardio and weights in order to avoid a dip in BG levels during activity.

    Don't forget that cardio after weights is much less than ideal and should be done at a different time in order to prevent catabolism. just doing 20 mins slow on a treadmill inclined after w/o...nothing big...just keeps me in better shape...

    ill cut it our for my bulker...but your slin/clen thread has me inspired to use it in my pct after this cycle...and i would still like to do some cradio..although...i may cut it out for the pct

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