Ok guys, this is technically week one of my slin run. My cycle right now is :
500 mg/wk - Test cyp
600mg/wk - eq
300 mg/wk - test prop
So far I tried 4,5,6 iu of slin PWO only, and only 4 days per week everything went cool, so I think this week I'll try 7,8,9 iu. My question is......say after an intense work-out(back or chest), I usually do my 30 min. cardio after that......but should I hit the slin after the workout itself then injest my carbs/protein/creatine/glutamine....then do my cardio? Or should I just hit the slin after the cardio session?
Also, I asked this question before: If Humalog peaks at about 1 hour after injection......shouldn't you injest your creatine/glutamine at that time instead of right after the shot? Is the high-glucose intake after the shot just to prevent going hypo......because i figured Humalog is really working hard at about the 1 hour mark so that's when most of the nutrients will be driven into the depleted muscles......but that's just what I was thinking I have nothing to back it up.
thanx boyz