Thread: 2 IGF-1 LR3 and Slin questions
06-24-2004, 03:26 PM #1
2 IGF-1 LR3 and Slin questions
Alright, I've read every single LR3 and slin thread here, so I don't think the questions are on here.
1. Is it best to run LR3 and slin together on a cycle or split them up so you are always on somethin "extra". Would the additional gains from combining the two outway the gains made seperatly?
2. Can you continually use the same dose of LR3 for 25 day cycles with a 25 day break and continue to grow? Do you have to keep upping the dose, or will your endegonous growth hormone in the off time create additional satelite cells and allow the IGF-1 LR3 to do the same job once again?
06-24-2004, 03:47 PM #2
Using LR3 and insulin together increase the "potency" of each other initially, because they each have some affinity for the other's receptors and therefore upregulate each other's receptors....hence using a lower dose of insulin when using it with LR3. However, after initial upregulation of receptors, it's most likely that downregulation of receptors occurs over extended use. So, alternating the two most likely leads to a decreased sensitivity of each compound over time....whereas using the two together in 25 day cycles (LR3 + slin for 25 days then nothing for 25 days) will give increased activity....followed by a period where receptor return to baseline and then will be upregulated again upon the start of a new cycle.....a much better alternative IMO.
The GH effect on satellite cells was just a theory, although pretty well-supported by research. I've used 40mcg/day of LR3 for a cycle....waited ~30 days and used 40mcg/day again with no noticeable decline in effects....50mcg/day didn't give noticeably better results for me either, but that's what I'm using now anyway. 50mcg/day is what I've used most often. Using doses much higher just brings about a case where gains:dose is just too low to justify adding more.
06-24-2004, 04:58 PM #3
Thanks bro, you always have the answers!
12-21-2005, 01:47 PM #4
Does anyone kow for sure what is the best way to cycle igf and lin in a gh cycle?
I think now people are saying alternate IGF and Slin...Einstein says it is better to do both at the same time?
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