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Thread: Gensci Igtropin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Rotterdam NL

    Gensci Igtropin

    Hey bro's

    I have recieved my Igtropin kit.
    Has any one used Igtropin Igf,
    If so, what are the results.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I used some during my cycle and am currently using some PCT. My vascularity is the biggest thing I have noticed with veins popping out from my intercostals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Rotterdam NL
    Oke thx..
    I've got some other questions.

    When did you inject?
    How much mcg?
    After how many days you noticed some thing??


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I injected bilaterally both shots in the evening in the muscle group worked. I used 50mcg a day. It was difficult to notice the results then but now I do look out for increased vascularity so difficult to say in days bro.

  5. #5

    mee too

    I got some too, this is starting my third week on them....and i notice the same thing, with new veins. how do you guys go about reconstituting it? do you just use the water it comes with. do you iknow if that it bw or sterile water? it says its only good for 24 hours when reconstituted in that solution?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Rotterdam NL
    Quote Originally Posted by EJA1979
    I got some too, this is starting my third week on them....and i notice the same thing, with new veins. how do you guys go about reconstituting it? do you just use the water it comes with. do you iknow if that it bw or sterile water? it says its only good for 24 hours when reconstituted in that solution?

    It's BA water..When I mixed the ba water with the powder, I use 0,5ml and save 0,5ml thats still in the vial for the day after.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    keep us updated on Igtropin results guys

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    I´ve recieved my kit of IGtropin and I think it´s somehow less potent than the GroPep from Mr,but could be my imagination,´caus I started using it while suffering from a bad cold.

    But I have some doubts:
    The analysis sheet says it´s positive for IGF-1.

    They say in their information that you should use slin for prolongued IGF-1 effects,it seems to me also as if it was a copy nd paste of some LR3 and IGF 1 info floating around on the web.

    Again I think it´s not that strong,but maybe it´s because of my flue,or ´cause it´s the second cycle in 3months.

    edit:But it works!-5th day now on I see an obvious change in worked muscle´s size.-Did 2Iu of Jintropin as well last cycle.
    Last edited by NewBreed; 07-13-2004 at 01:41 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I`ve been using it in my PCT and it really does increase vascularity and veins are popping out. Just take a look on that picture, I finished my cycle more than 2 months ago.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	new3.JPG 
Views:	688 
Size:	44.8 KB 
ID:	36323  

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBreed

    I´ve recieved my kit of IGtropin and I think it´s somehow less potent than the GroPep from Mr,but could be my imagination,´caus I started using it while suffering from a bad cold.

    But I have some doubts:
    The analysis sheet says it´s positive for IGF-1.

    They say in their information that you should use slin for prolongued IGF-1 effects,it seems to me also as if it was a copy nd paste of some LR3 and IGF 1 info floating around on the web.

    Again I think it´s not that strong,but maybe it´s because of my flue,or ´cause it´s the second cycle in 3months.
    edit:But it works!-5th day now on I see an obvious change in worked muscle´s size.-Did 2Iu of Jintropin as well last cycle.
    DId you notice any problems with joints? Also I can barely feel my feets when I wake up in the morning, water retention and pain in the knees, too many sides in my opinion.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Igtropin vials.JPG 
Views:	735 
Size:	20.6 KB 
ID:	36324  

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I´ve started with too much 80 mcg and got a carpar tunnel syndrom I reduced it to 30mcg and am fine now.

    Mine is paper labled and not with ceramic labeled vials ,powder appears to be more porous then gh and yours in the picture also,but I think it works OK.

    vascularity increased rapidly and I look fuller,too.

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