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Thread: How safe is IGF?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt

    Question How safe is IGF?

    I am really wanting to try it in my PCT. But I don’t want to mess my body up... so how safe is it? I don’t want to have bad sides down the road... I only do a cycle a year so for what do you think? 40mcg bilaterally into my lagging body parts... or should it be where I worked out that day? Im assuming that it speeds up recovery... so my theory is for instance to "overtrain" my calves and shoot primarily there including chest and quads. To bring on some growth... or should I just chill out and not get into a hurry?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    I am really wanting to try it in my PCT. But I don’t want to mess my body up... so how safe is it? I don’t want to have bad sides down the road... I only do a cycle a year so for what do you think? 40mcg bilaterally into my lagging body parts... or should it be where I worked out that day? Im assuming that it speeds up recovery... so my theory is for instance to "overtrain" my calves and shoot primarily there including chest and quads. To bring on some growth... or should I just chill out and not get into a hurry?
    IMO,it's rather safe.I'm on my second cycle right now.You're not going to get sides off it lke steroids,if that's what you're thinking.If your diet is spot on and you monitor your ketetones,you'll be fine.
    I shoot bilaterally on ther muscle group worked that day.Others don't do it that way at all,so it's somewhat a matter of prefference.
    As for pct,I know guys who have ran it,and yes it helped them retain muscle mass,and lose some bf.IMO,it's just a very expensive pct to me.I get very nice gains running it with anabolics,and IMO,that's the only way to go.

    Carb up nicely after WO,and before bed,and you won't run into many problems.lathargy seems to be the biggest issue,and if your diet is correct with proper carbs,you're all set.
    Last edited by Da Bull; 07-05-2004 at 12:43 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Ok I see. Im thinking of running it in PCT for the sole fact that my gains will be kept, and Ill probally get a little bigger... the fact is im only 20... so I dont want to really screw something up more than I have.... but I am happy with my choice as I wouldnt be working out right now at all. I will not add it to my cycle now... so should I use it in PCT or totally by itself down the road as in nov/ dec?

    I need to read up on Ketetones as I have no idea what that is

    ahh i see your edit, just cought it. yeah I know about the carb PWO stuff... I do pretty well with that anyway.
    Last edited by Mr. Sparkle; 07-05-2004 at 12:47 AM.

  4. #4
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    Ok I see. Im thinking of running it in PCT for the sole fact that my gains will be kept, and Ill probally get a little bigger... the fact is im only 20... so I dont want to really screw something up more than I have.... but I am happy with my choice as I wouldnt be working out right now at all. I will not add it to my cycle now... so should I use it in PCT or totally by itself down the road as in nov/ dec?

    I need to read up on Ketetones as I have no idea what that is

    ahh i see your edit, just cought it. yeah I know about the carb PWO stuff... I do pretty well with that anyway.
    Give it a whirl at pct...I know bros that ran it by itself just out of the blue and weren't real happy with the results...but I also feel they expected to much from it anyway.
    I woulrd research this more before jumping in tho...just so you jknow exactly what to expect and get your diet in order.
    Swellin put up a nice IGF journal when he ran it at pct.It's on BigDogbodybuilding....I think you're a member there,so go check it's in the IGf forum.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Well Im going to use some M1T this winter, I dont want to do a full blown cycle for a year. So I might try IGF when I do the M1T...
    thanks for the info DaBull
    Einstien and JB im looking your way for your thoughts

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Lovin Alba's butt

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sparkle
    I am really wanting to try it in my PCT. But I don’t want to mess my body up... so how safe is it? I don’t want to have bad sides down the road... I only do a cycle a year so for what do you think? 40mcg bilaterally into my lagging body parts... or should it be where I worked out that day? Im assuming that it speeds up recovery... so my theory is for instance to "overtrain" my calves and shoot primarily there including chest and quads. To bring on some growth... or should I just chill out and not get into a hurry?
    I am in research mode on this IGF1.... what is 40 mcg? Would that be like 4 IU in a slin pin? How much IGF1 should one do in a day? Not too anxious now... my next cycle I'd like to IGF1 with it...

  8. #8
    Mr. Sparkle I hope you read my response before you start your cycle. I am not sure if I understood your statement correctly. I would not advise taking m1t with igf-1 r3. M1t has a side effect of lowering blood sugar levels this combined with igf-1 r3 could result into some serious problems. I too was planning on doing the same thing and I got the same advice I am giving you. I can add to this as well. I just did a 20mg a day m1t cycle for 15 days combined with 4-ad. I stopped taking m1t tuesday and continued the 4-ad and "started my igf-1 r3 cycle" I am lucky to have found this site the second day I was into my igf-1 r3 cycle. I had done as much research as possible but the site I was doing my research did not mention much about hypo. Okay to my point for the first few days I think the m1t was still in my system because my igf-1 r3 sides were bad IE lethargy feeling strange, could not think straight. I have upped my carbs a bit and things are going better but I think the m1t had to be in my system and enhancing the sides.

    Good luck
    If you have any questions feel free to pm me


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Thanks for the heads up. And I am using it in my PCT and it will not include M1T. And if I ever use M1T I wont use IGF. My cycle was prop/tren and some var at the end. I cant wait for the IGF it starts on tuesday

    BTW where did you shoot your IGF? how were your results?

  10. #10
    I have only beening using igf-1 r3 for five days. I have been shooting in my pecs everyday except for today. Today was leg day so I thought I would inject them p/w. Besides the side effects I got the first couple of days mentioned above, I have experienced also some trouble sleeping at times, but I think that may be the 4-ad, great pumps, and I could almost swear today my veins seem darker. This could be just my imagination, I know its not magic.

    If anyone else is reading this post and wonder why I trained legs on sunday when I put in my other post I train legs on tuesday I am still following the same routine just not on the same day.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    thanks for the info bro!

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