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Thread: Permanant gains?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sydney, Australia

    Permanant gains?

    Are the gains from HGH really permanant? I know with AS use you have to do proper PCT at the end of your cycle and keep the intensity high to maintain most of your size and strength but eventually you're going to lose that when you just don't have time to train all the time or an unexpected injury might occur. Is it different with HGH?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    That saying is an incorrect statement, no gains are permenant. All gains need to be maintained by diet and exercise.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by aussiejuicer
    Are the gains from HGH really permanant? I know with AS use you have to do proper PCT at the end of your cycle and keep the intensity high to maintain most of your size and strength but eventually you're going to lose that when you just don't have time to train all the time or an unexpected injury might occur. Is it different with HGH?
    I dont think anything is permanent... like if you quit working out for good and start eating 1000 calaries a day, ALL will be lost. The better question would be, can the gains be kept by maintaining reasonable exercise and body builder's diet?

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