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Thread: GH And Insulin Injection Spacing

  1. #1

    GH And Insulin Injection Spacing

    I am currently injecting insulin and GH at the same
    time post workout with good results. I have been told
    that I might have better results if I didn't take them at
    the same time. If this is true how should I space them?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    over the hill
    IMO it doesn`t metter bro..
    i use it like this: 6:00 am gh/slin at the same time
    and after gym:just slin (since humalog is a fast acting)
    when i`m back home : the gh
    for 6i.u/day i had a midday(2:00pm) shot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I would take insulin 45 minutes before your GH shot...XXL

  4. #4
    i am starting on a 6 month mass cylce 2i.u twice a day /humalog 2 x a day at 8 iu in the morning and 6 iu in the afternoon and/cytomel at 12.5 to 25mg.once a day.and 1000mg of test.etc....when is a good time to take my gh with humalog i train once a day at 5;00pm .do i take when i first wake up at around 8 and 9;am.and then one half hour later i take slin 8 iu. after breakfast right away or do i take2iu gh/slin 8iu. together immediately after breakfast.and at 5;pm i i take 2iu gh before workout and slin 6iu after workout or do i take both together after workout.oh i also read that its better to train at around 3; training at 5 pm too late.

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