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Thread: humalog onset+injection depth

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq

    humalog onset+injection depth

    about to start usin slin now, i've read and read and read, and i think i'm educated enough for it now.

    i'm going to START by having 10g dex per iu of slin, just to be safe, then will work my way down once i get the hang of it. i'd rather over do it and put on pudge than go hypoglycemic!!!!

    anyway, i was wondering, i know you can inject slin IM, IV, and SC, but was wondering the onset differences between them for humalog? i know intra-muscular is quickly onsetting, but would you then need to use larger needles, or could i use my regular u-100slin pins? would that go deep enough into the muscle tissue? i ask because i know with AS you want it deep as possible...

    also what is the onset difference if you were to IV the slin instead of IM it? that would hit you pretty much instantly no? would that be dangerous, would it have any beneficial effects over the other injection techniques?

    thanks for the help bros, just want some last minute input before i start usin the stuff!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    no,you use the same pin for IM as you would for sub Q.i usually shoot it in my bis or quads,i believe the onset of IM is a min or two....SUB Q is around 15 min,i dont know about IV but i imagine it to be instant,hope this helps you out bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    sick....thanks a ton bro, goin 2 work out and take my first 4 iu's

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    over the hill
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    about to start usin slin now, i've read and read and read, and i think i'm educated enough for it now.

    i'm going to START by having 10g dex per iu of slin, just to be safe, then will work my way down once i get the hang of it. i'd rather over do it and put on pudge than go hypoglycemic!!!!

    anyway, i was wondering, i know you can inject slin IM, IV, and SC, but was wondering the onset differences between them for humalog? i know intra-muscular is quickly onsetting, but would you then need to use larger needles, or could i use my regular u-100slin pins? would that go deep enough into the muscle tissue? i ask because i know with AS you want it deep as possible...

    also what is the onset difference if you were to IV the slin instead of IM it? that would hit you pretty much instantly no? would that be dangerous, would it have any beneficial effects over the other injection techniques?

    thanks for the help bros, just want some last minute input before i start usin the stuff!
    IV no no.. it`s easy to get infection (in the gym) bro..
    IM it`s fine

  5. #5
    can u do IM with the slin pin?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by cyflex
    IV no no.. it`s easy to get infection (in the gym) bro..
    IM it`s fine
    the injection is not what i was worried about, and the possibilities of infection with any type of injection in an environment full of bacteria are about equal if you ask me! it all depends on your cleanliness, like that i always have the alcohol wipes on me, and the slin will be in a pre-filled sterile needle....

    i am quite ashamed of it, but i used to seriously abuse drugs such as heroin, and i mainlined them all the time. i know how to inject myself, and use to do it with dirty needles in the worst of places....

    btw, that is why i got into bodybuilding now. i've made some life altering decisions, and decided to focus my energy into my family's health facilities and into my own health

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by REM
    can u do IM with the slin pin?
    DEVLDOG just answered that ?

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