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Thread: GH-How much will be effective for me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    GH-How much will be effective for me?

    I have never taken GH and really dont know much about it. I want to know what is the least i can take for it to be pretty effective. I can use it with a AAS cycle if it will help.
    I am 6'0, 175.
    Access to Gensci Jinotropin 100iu kit 10x10iu

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    im not looking to lose weight since i am below 4% during season. I want to know what it takes to be effective for good muscle growth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq
    Quote Originally Posted by enid_sprinter
    im not looking to lose weight since i am below 4% during season. I want to know what it takes to be effective for good muscle growth.
    i'm very new to the gh thing, but have been reading 1 clinical trial after another, and have spoken to two licensed endocrinologists, and it directly depends on the person!

    A general guideline for muscle growth would be 4-6iu/day 5-6days a week for 6 months. Testosterone cycled with it towards the end of the gh cycle(last 3 months) would definately multiply your gains. Also insulin and/or cytomel in a low dose to aid in protein synthesis would give unbelievable gains IMO!

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