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I think your missing my point. If anyone can find me one study that shows high levels of GH at a young age isn't dangerous, then I will be shell shocked! What I'm saying is this. sure, small doses of GH or Anavar under medical supervision might be beneficial depending on the condition. But, We aren't Dr.'s. So, again, it's our duty to help point young guys in the right direction. So, If anyone thinks that giving a young person 8iu's ED isn't harmful in the long run, they'd better back it up with some serious studies. Like you said, there might not even be studies showing that. So, again, I say the best advise you can give someone (who barely knows anything about GH) is to be extremely careful and don't go doing big doses of it. I also think the responsible thing to do is stear young guys away from it. Lets not even talk about the $$ issue. Here's the thing. Most guys who post or PM me, want a quick fix to lose weight. They think GH is a miracle drug that will get you there. I say, diet and cardio. Bust your ass. Save your $$$.
Also, when you say "GH isn't approved for you kids, how would we know?" Exactly. A normal kid thats still in the process of growing shouldn't be risking doing it. You know as well as I that there are many permanent sides to GH and it scares me to think what could happen to someone whos taking it at an early age because someone on the board say go ahead you'll be fine!!!