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  1. #1
    moush's Avatar
    moush is offline Senior Member
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    Exclamation Some news I heard about HGH???

    Hey bros I was talking to a guy who is now a doctor and he said that if you are genetically predetermined to get cancer and you use HGH, the HGH will cause the cancer to grow and get bigger faster. Is this true? Has anyone found any articles on this?

    I am still too young to use HGH but I am really interested in it for the future.

  2. #2
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    yes that is true. If you already have cancer, then the accelerated growth will affect cancerous cells as well as healthy cells. BTW how are you too young to do GH?

  3. #3
    Foxy Sphinx's Avatar
    Foxy Sphinx is offline Associate Member
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    Ive investigated this matter pretty intensively only to find out after speaking with several doctors as well as scientists involved in cancer research that 99% of cancerous cells dont respond to paracrine origin endocrine hormones (part of the DNA corruption). However there is a certain kind (and I forgot the name) that will respond to the endocrine hormones such as GH and IGF-1. Its rare, but technically it could happen if you have that particular form of cancer. I would reccomend everyone get the most common cancer checkups everytime they cycle anyways. Its just smart thinking, especially prostate cancer, if you've cycled with DHT derivatives or cycled test with no finasteride/dutasteride then I highly recommend you get a prostate checkup. Its not the most pleasant examination, but it could save ur life or at the least, prolong it if you've neglected far too long.

  4. #4
    Foxy Sphinx's Avatar
    Foxy Sphinx is offline Associate Member
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    Oh and btw, most aggresive cancers grow by cell DNA damage that results in massive autocrine production of GH/IGF-1 hormones, thus the cell grows on its own without the help of neural transcriptions. Hence becoming a radical free growing cell that proliferates and dominates everything.

  5. #5
    moush's Avatar
    moush is offline Senior Member
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    so how would i get a cancer checkup? do docs do cancer checkups during regular checkups? '

    hey angelxterminator I am only 22 yrs old....

  6. #6
    Foxy Sphinx's Avatar
    Foxy Sphinx is offline Associate Member
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    Id goto ur doctor and ask him to check for whatever common cancers doctors check for in somone 22 years old.

    Does ur family have any history of any paarticular cancers? Thatd be a place to start. If they do definetly speak with ur doctor abut checking for that kind of cancer.

    And to be honest, we all technically have cancer. Cancer is just a cell with corrupted/damaged DNA. Its wether this cell ever proliferates or not that determines if it becomes a problem or not. Each one of us prolly have 100,000 cancerous cells in us.

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