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Thread: does Jintropin need to be kept cold during mail transportation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    does Jintropin need to be kept cold during mail transportation

    i am placeing a large order of jintroping. i have recieved alot of controversy over this subject and i need a definate answer. does Jintropin need to stay at a certain temperature during travel. If the product is comming from china to western canada how long will it last if not kept refrigerated during transport?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    In a perfect world it would be kept on ice, however if i remember correctly on their web page it talks about the jintropin's being ok at room temperature for 30 days...i really don't think it would go bunk it just might degrade a little bit, after all everybody's kit has to come from China in the first place anyway, and most still get good results with it...however i am interested in this answer as well....XXL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    room temp for 7 days

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    This is the direct info

    16. SHELF LIFE
    The powder for injection is assigned a shelf life of 24 months when stored cold at +2 to +8°.
    Storage for one month can take place in room temperature.
    Reconstituted JINTROPIN with preservative may be stored cold at +2 to +8° for 2 weeks protected from light.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    This is the direct info

    16. SHELF LIFE
    The powder for injection is assigned a shelf life of 24 months when stored cold at +2 to +8°.
    Storage for one month can take place in room temperature.
    Reconstituted JINTROPIN with preservative may be stored cold at +2 to +8° for 2 weeks protected from light.

    where did you get that info from?on the box it comes in it says: stored at roomtempature for 7 days.but I have also heard someone saying 1 month before...
    my package did not come in ice like I was promised,and the delivery took about 6 days from it was recieved by UPS in china.hope it`s not gone bad under that time.
    I will start my fourth week on monday,did 2iu 5 on 2 off the first two weeks then jumped up to 3iu 5 on 2 off.I have not felt any numb hands yet,maybe I have got a little bloated around my eyes,I feel a little tired all the time but I sleep bad...anyway sides are welcomed so I know its working.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    This is the direct info

    16. SHELF LIFE
    The powder for injection is assigned a shelf life of 24 months when stored cold at +2 to +8°.
    Storage for one month can take place in room temperature.
    Reconstituted JINTROPIN with preservative may be stored cold at +2 to +8° for 2 weeks protected from light.

    where did you get that info from?on the box it comes in it says: stored at roomtempature for 7 days.but I have also heard someone saying 1 month before...
    my package did not come in ice like I was promised,and the delivery took about 6 days from it was recieved by UPS in china.hope it`s not gone bad under that time.
    I will start my fourth week on monday,did 2iu 5 on 2 off the first two weeks then jumped up to 3iu 5 on 2 off.I have not felt any numb hands yet,maybe I have got a little bloated around my eyes,I feel a little tired all the time but I sleep bad...anyway sides are welcomed so I know its working.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I´ve read anywhere it´s stable at 37°C for about a month as a powder,beside what´s said on the box,and I think it´s trie bcause mine was in the UPS truck and heated through at about 40° and worked well.

    I should order another kit just out of curiousity to see how it works when it´s shipped and outside temps are fine.-ouch,that´s expensive.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    If it's 30 days then shipping isn't a problem


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Since I live in AZ I emailed Gensci the makers of Jintropin and got this response...

    Jintropin is the only Growth hormone around in Asia that's made by a patent formualtion technology that makes it stable at 37C [that's 100degrees F] for more than a month. So you don't need to worry about the shipping issue. Shipping will takes about 4-7 days, no cool pack will last that long.

    I know, the documentation that comes with it says 7 days at room temp. My conclusion is 100 degrees at 7 days is no problem. And personally I believe the email over the paper that comes with it, so I'm not worried myself.

    There have been more than one thread here, including one I started, on the subject. Einstein is probably tired of saying it's not a problem til it's mixed.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    This is the direct info

    16. SHELF LIFE
    The powder for injection is assigned a shelf life of 24 months when stored cold at +2 to +8°.
    Storage for one month can take place in room temperature.
    Reconstituted JINTROPIN with preservative may be stored cold at +2 to +8° for 2 weeks protected from light.
    I'm looking at the insert from a jintropin 10iu kit right now.
    16. Shelf life
    Everything is the same as above except(Storage for seven days can take place in room temperature)

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    I'm looking at the insert from a jintropin 10iu kit right now.
    16. Shelf life
    Everything is the same as above except(Storage for seven days can take place in room temperature)
    I'm also sure it will last longer at room temp. It's just like saying the max weight for a elevator is 1000 pounds, when in fact the cable could hold ten times that amount of weight. Their just trying to make sure that your aware of the fact that your trying to refridgerate as soon as possible.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    gensci emailed me and said 30 days

  13. #13
    this is what is says on the box....30 days not refriged...(for shipping) once you get it it can stay out for 7 days.....after that it MUST BE REFRIGED...(Not MIXEd) refrig after mixing...dont use the water that comes with the kit and mixed portion is good for 2-3days

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Yet Another "how long is it good for" Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    This is the direct info

    16. SHELF LIFE
    The powder for injection is assigned a shelf life of 24 months when stored cold at +2 to +8°.
    Storage for one month can take place in room temperature.
    Reconstituted JINTROPIN with preservative may be stored cold at +2 to +8° for 2 weeks protected from light.

    Regarding the above-referenced statement that the Jin is good reconstituted for 2 weeks "WHEN PRESERVED;" does this mean it is only good if used with bacteriostatic water and NOT when used only with the sterile water that comes with it???

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Does this depend on who makes the GH? I'm using Serostim by Serono. This is what it says on their box:


    Before reconstitution: Vials of Serostim and diluent should be stored at room temperature (15-30C/59-86F). Expiration dates are stated on product labels.

    After reconsitution: Should be stored under refrigeration (2-8C/36-46F) for up to 14 days.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by beefydragon
    Does this depend on who makes the GH? I'm using Serostim by Serono. This is what it says on their box:


    Before reconstitution: Vials of Serostim and diluent should be stored at room temperature (15-30C/59-86F). Expiration dates are stated on product labels.

    After reconsitution: Should be stored under refrigeration (2-8C/36-46F) for up to 14 days.
    ...that's 14 days with bw, not the water it comes from.

  17. #17
    iv'e been taking jintropin now for 3 months,i was at 4 iu for the first two months and now 6 iu starting on the 3 rd month,no soar joints,no side effects,well except tired at times.ive been taking it 5 days on two days off. the powder has a white label and so does the sterile water on the ampule., is it sterile water that comes with the powder ?are you saying that mixing it with sterile water is not productive,should i use bw instead,will it work better.because ive had that from the beginning,i got it at the drug store because i heard its more time release.can someone answer this.

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