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Thread: igf-1 quick question. how is it packaged?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    igf-1 quick question. how is it packaged?

    hey how does igf-1 come packed? 10 100mcg vials? or 1 1mg vial? im a little confused.... i thought originally it came in 1 vial, unlike gh. but i saw a pic of a gensi kit, and it was more like the gh - 10 100mcg 1ml vials.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    Depends on whose you get. Gensci kit comes in 10-100mcg vials. MR comes in 1mg single vial already reconstituted in BA (unless you order 5mg vial).
    What he sadi plus if you get an Igtropin kit don't mix it with the water, use BA.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    yea i thought my source said it was a 1ml vial. **** so that means if i wanna run 20 mcg in the am, and 20mcg pwo, im really only injecting one 50th of a cc? thats one little mark on an insulin needle!! thats crazy!!!!! this leaves SO much room for human error. syringe to syringe will greatly differ, and the first 50th of a cc on an insulin isnt very accurate. they do not count the space in the needle, which could bump the dosage up to 25mcg, possibly even 40! would it be possible to move it over to a steril vial of something larger after reconstituting it, and add like, 5 ml of water? that way 20 mcg would equal .1 cc, which is a nice number.

    hrm... maybe i can fit 2.5 ml in this vial. that way....
    i have 6ui hgh vials.....
    if i put .6ml water in the gh....
    and add .2ml of the reconstituted igf-1 to the hgh vial (80mcg).....
    i could take .2ml twice daily... (now )

    to those of you who that made sense to, does that sound good or will they interact like paranas and goldfish?

    is 150 a good price for 1 mg?
    Last edited by marlin444; 09-01-2004 at 01:10 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by marlin444
    hey how does igf-1 come packed? 10 100mcg vials? or 1 1mg vial? im a little confused.... i thought originally it came in 1 vial, unlike gh. but i saw a pic of a gensi kit, and it was more like the gh - 10 100mcg 1ml vials.
    Maybe it will help
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Igtropin Box.JPG 
Views:	166 
Size:	22.6 KB 
ID:	40851  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    What he sadi plus if you get an Igtropin kit don't mix it with the water, use BA.
    just the opposite,,do not mix IGTROPIN with BA...alot of people report having problems getting it to dissolve fully..i use 88iu bw and 12iu of steril white well

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